179 हरी मिर्च की पेस्ट क्या है ? ग्लॉसरी, इसका उपयोग, स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ, रेसिपी recipes

Table of Content
75 हरी मिर्च की पेस्ट रेसिपी | green chilli paste recipes in Hindi |
हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट रेसिपी | भारतीय हरी मिर्च की पेस्ट बनाने की विधि | घर पर हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट कैसे बनाएं और स्टोर करें | खाना पकाने के लिए हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट | green chilli paste in hindi |
- हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट बनाने के लिए, एक मिक्सर जार में २ कप मोटी कटी हुई हरी मिर्च और १/४ टी-स्पून नमक मिलाएं और एक मोटे पेस्ट में पीस लें।
- पेस्ट को एक एयर-टाइट कंटेनर में डालें और इसे १ सप्ताह तक रेफ्रिजरेटर में स्टोर करें।
- आवश्यकतानुसार प्रयोग करें।
हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट रेसिपी | भारतीय हरी मिर्च की पेस्ट बनाने की विधि | घर पर हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट कैसे बनाएं और स्टोर करें | खाना पकाने के लिए हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट | How To Make Green Chilli Paste
हरी मिर्च के पेस्ट का उपयोग करके भारतीय नाश्ता व्यंजन. Indian Breakfast recipes using green chilli paste in Hindi.
नाश्ते को थोड़ा दिलचस्प बनाने के लिए थोड़े मसाले की जरूरत होती है. यहां कुछ रेसिपी दी गई हैं जो आपको बताती हैं कि सुबह की व्यस्तता के समय जल्दी नाश्ता कैसे बनाया जाए।
पौष्टिक पराठा पूरे गेहूं के आटे, बेसन से बनाया जाता है जिसमें पालक, गाजर, दही और हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट मिलाया जाता है।
पौष्टिक पराठा रेसिपी | हेल्दी पराठा | स्वस्थ पौष्टिक पराठा | सब्जियों के साथ पौष्टिक पराठा | Paushtic Parathas
उपवास थालीपीठ एक मसालेदार और नमकीन पैनकेक है, जो पश्चिमी भारत में लोकप्रिय है और पोषण से भरपूर है।
उपवास थालीपीठ रेसिपी | महाराष्ट्रीयन उपवास थालीपीठ | राजगिरा फराली थालीपीठ | Upvaas Thalipeeth ( Faraal Recipe)
Green Peas and raw banana subzi is a simple preparation of raw bananas and green peas tossed together … More..
Recipe# 4022
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
spinach roti recipe | palak roti | iron rich palak roti | healthy whole wheat spinach roti | … More..
Recipe# 383
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The versatility of paneer never ceases to amaze me! cooking the paneer in this lip-smacking marinade imparts a … More..
Recipe# 4823
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A colourful and crunchy assortment of veggies is cooked with a tempering of whole spices, and then perked … More..
Recipe# 4333
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Can you picture the smile that blooms on your kids’ faces when they see their favourite fast food … More..
Recipe# 5092
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
instant palak dosa | palak rava dosa | spinach neer dosa | with 21 amazing images.instant palak dosa … More..
Recipe# 7783
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
khatta dhokla recipe | white dhokla | Gujarati khatta dhokla | traditional khatta dhokla farsan | with 25 … More..
Recipe# 2695
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Shahjahani khichdi recipe | Mughlai Shahjahani khichdi | whole green moong khichdi | moong ki khichdi | with … More..
Recipe# 4726
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
jowar til nimki recipe | Indian whole wheat and jowar nimki | healthy tava jowar Bengali nimki | … More..
Recipe# 6026
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
If there is one ingredient that is as indigenous as it is international, we would say that is … More..
Recipe# 5554
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
All-time favourite ghughras with an off-beat stuffing, this snack is sure to bowl you over with its flawless … More..
Recipe# 546
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Although it requires the preparation of two toppings and a spot of thoughtful arrangement, the Spinach and Bean … More..
Recipe# 5889
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Chunky vegetables drowned in an absolutely flavourful white korma starring aromatic spices and a nice onion cum poppy … More..
Recipe# 3537
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Creamy, crusty and soft- these golden fingers are so delicious that you simply will not be able to … More..
Recipe# 5394
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2197
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
When a spicy dish is served with a sweet one, it helps to highlight the best of both! … More..
Recipe# 7418
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
dahi chane ki sabzi recipe | Rajasthani dahi chane ki sabji | Jaisalmer ke chane | black chickpea … More..
Recipe# 3345
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Give your regular kadhi a nutrient boost by adding sprouts to it. A traditional tempering gives the Sprouts … More..
Recipe# 4304
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
As if It s not enough, that the traditional chole recipe is usually cooked with loads of oil, … More..
Recipe# 4214
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
corn dosa | instant corn dosa | no fermentation sweet corn dosa | with 16 amazing images corn … More..
Recipe# 5741
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Malabari curry, an aromatic south indian curry prepared with a silky finish touch of coconut milk! make sure … More..
Recipe# 5245
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
odia dalma recipe | healthy oriya dalma | odia lentils and vegetable curry | with 41 amazing images.Dalma … More..
Recipe# 7872
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
ghughra recipe | Jamnagari ghughra | vatana na ghughra | green peas ghughra | matar gujiya / karanji … More..
Recipe# 1768
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
chole samosa chaat recipe | Delhi roadside chole samosa chaat | samosa chaat with chole | with 30 … More..
Recipe# 6259
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
masale bhat recipe | Maharashtrian masala bhat | Indian style masala rice | with 50 amazing images.masale bhat … More..
Recipe# 406
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Maharashtrian mooli sabzi recipe | mulyachi bhaji | easy radish sabzi | healthy mooli ki sabji | with … More..
Recipe# 6605
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
jowar upma recipe | vegetable jowar upma | homemade jowar rava upma | jowar atta upma | with … More..
Recipe# 6113
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
broccoli and mushroom dip recipe | broccoli, cheese and mushroom dip | Indian broccoli and mushroom dip | … More..
Recipe# 4558
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
palak methi dhokla recipe | Gujarati palak methi dhokla | steamed snack | spinach dhokla | with 23 … More..
Recipe# 5202
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
lapsi khichdi recipe | Bengali style dalia vegetable khichuri | healthy masoor dal lapsi khichdi | with 38 … More..
Recipe# 3007
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
Green Peas and raw banana subzi is a simple preparation of raw bananas and green peas tossed together … More..
calories per serving
spinach roti recipe | palak roti | iron rich palak roti | healthy whole wheat spinach roti | … More..
calories per serving
The versatility of paneer never ceases to amaze me! cooking the paneer in this lip-smacking marinade imparts a … More..
calories per serving
A colourful and crunchy assortment of veggies is cooked with a tempering of whole spices, and then perked … More..
calories per serving
Can you picture the smile that blooms on your kids’ faces when they see their favourite fast food … More..
calories per serving
instant palak dosa | palak rava dosa | spinach neer dosa | with 21 amazing images.instant palak dosa … More..
calories per serving
khatta dhokla recipe | white dhokla | Gujarati khatta dhokla | traditional khatta dhokla farsan | with 25 … More..
calories per serving
Shahjahani khichdi recipe | Mughlai Shahjahani khichdi | whole green moong khichdi | moong ki khichdi | with … More..
calories per serving
jowar til nimki recipe | Indian whole wheat and jowar nimki | healthy tava jowar Bengali nimki | … More..
calories per serving
If there is one ingredient that is as indigenous as it is international, we would say that is … More..
calories per serving
All-time favourite ghughras with an off-beat stuffing, this snack is sure to bowl you over with its flawless … More..
calories per serving
Although it requires the preparation of two toppings and a spot of thoughtful arrangement, the Spinach and Bean … More..
calories per serving
Chunky vegetables drowned in an absolutely flavourful white korma starring aromatic spices and a nice onion cum poppy … More..
calories per serving
Creamy, crusty and soft- these golden fingers are so delicious that you simply will not be able to … More..
calories per serving
calories per serving
When a spicy dish is served with a sweet one, it helps to highlight the best of both! … More..
calories per serving
dahi chane ki sabzi recipe | Rajasthani dahi chane ki sabji | Jaisalmer ke chane | black chickpea … More..
calories per serving
Give your regular kadhi a nutrient boost by adding sprouts to it. A traditional tempering gives the Sprouts … More..
calories per serving
As if It s not enough, that the traditional chole recipe is usually cooked with loads of oil, … More..
calories per serving
corn dosa | instant corn dosa | no fermentation sweet corn dosa | with 16 amazing images corn … More..
calories per serving
Malabari curry, an aromatic south indian curry prepared with a silky finish touch of coconut milk! make sure … More..
calories per serving
odia dalma recipe | healthy oriya dalma | odia lentils and vegetable curry | with 41 amazing images.Dalma … More..
calories per serving
ghughra recipe | Jamnagari ghughra | vatana na ghughra | green peas ghughra | matar gujiya / karanji … More..
calories per serving
chole samosa chaat recipe | Delhi roadside chole samosa chaat | samosa chaat with chole | with 30 … More..
calories per serving
masale bhat recipe | Maharashtrian masala bhat | Indian style masala rice | with 50 amazing images.masale bhat … More..
calories per serving
Maharashtrian mooli sabzi recipe | mulyachi bhaji | easy radish sabzi | healthy mooli ki sabji | with … More..
calories per serving
jowar upma recipe | vegetable jowar upma | homemade jowar rava upma | jowar atta upma | with … More..
calories per serving
broccoli and mushroom dip recipe | broccoli, cheese and mushroom dip | Indian broccoli and mushroom dip | … More..
calories per serving
palak methi dhokla recipe | Gujarati palak methi dhokla | steamed snack | spinach dhokla | with 23 … More..
calories per serving
lapsi khichdi recipe | Bengali style dalia vegetable khichuri | healthy masoor dal lapsi khichdi | with 38 … More..

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- बच्चों के लिए नाश्ते की रेसिपी 312 recipes
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- बच्चों के लिए स्कूल के बाद का नाश्ता 350 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए सूखे नाश्ते की रेसिपी 36 recipes
- फिंगर फूड़स् 30 recipes
- बच्चों का वज़न बढ़ाने के व्यंजन 24 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए रॅप्स् और रोल्स् 9 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए वेज पास्ता 14 recipes
- दिमाग तेज़ करने वाले व्यंजन 32 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
- माँ का दूध छुडाने के समय ६ से ७ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 12 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए पिज्जा 18 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए लोह युक्त आहार 23 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए फाइबर युक्त आहार 25 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए नूडल्स् 6 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए ऊर्जा युक्त आहार 38 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए कॅल्शियम युक्त आहार 51 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए रोगश्रमता बढ़ाने के व्यंजन 18 recipes
- बेबी फूड रेसिपी, 6 से 18 महीने तक के लिए 24 recipes
- बच्चों का वजन कम करने के व्यंजन 31 recipes
- दाँत आने के समय बच्चों का आहार 7 recipes
- 8 से 9 महीने के भारतीय बेबी के लिए अनाज और दालें 5 recipes
- 7 महीनों में खाद्य पदार्थों के सेवन करना 7 recipes
- टीनएजर के लिए 154 recipes
- स्टार्टस् रेसिपी, नाश्ते रेसिपी 1013 recipes
- ब्रेकफास्ट रेसिपी | सुबह का नाश्ता | 483 recipes
- मेन कोर्स वेज रेसिपी 878 recipes
- भारतीय सलाद वेज रेसिपी 130 recipes
- भारतीय मिठाई | अंडा रहित भारतीय मिठाई 329 recipes
- भारतीय सूप की रेसिपी | वेज सूप रेसिपीज | 128 recipes
- भारतीय पेय रेसिपी 191 recipes
- डिनर रेसिपी 613 recipes
- Indian Dinner1 0 recipes
- भारतीय लंच रेसिपी 541 recipes
- खाने के साथ परोसे जाने वाले रेसिपी 223 recipes
- यात्रा के लिए भारतीय 292 recipes
- बार्बेक्यू 13 recipes
- भारतीय फ्रोजन फूड्स वेज फ्रीज़र 67 recipes
- पूरे गेहूँ की रेसिपी 31 recipes
- मनपसंद भारतीय रेसिपी | कम्फर्ट फ़ूड 119 recipes
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- आसान भारतीय शाकाहारी रेसिपी 39 recipes
- नया तरीका से 4 recipes
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- अड्वैन्स्ड रेसपी 59 recipes
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- कढ़ाई 254 recipes
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- सिजलर ट्रे 3 recipes
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- प्रेशर कुकर 178 recipes
- तवा वेज 362 recipes
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- पॅन 113 recipes
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- गहरा पॅन 75 recipes
- नॉन - स्टीक कढ़ाई 119 recipes
- फ्रिज 68 recipes
- वफ़ल रेसिपी 2 recipes
- हाण्डी 9 recipes
- ज्यूसर और हॉपर 30 recipes
- इक्विपमेंट ग्रिलर 11 recipes
- टोस्टर 10 recipes
- गैस टोस्टर 3 recipes
- स्टीम रेसिपी, स्टीम्ड इंडियन वेजिटेरियन 30 recipes
- बिना पकाए हुई रेसिपी 108 recipes
- वेजीटेरियन बेक्ड इंडियन रेसिपी 108 recipes
- उबालकर कर पकाया हुई 45 recipes
- तली हुई रेसिपी 115 recipes
- तवा रेसिपी 124 recipes
- हल्का तलना वेज भारतीय 11 recipes
- माइक्रोवेव 20 recipes
- हल्के से तला हुआ रेसिपी 120 recipes
- प्रेशर कुक 66 recipes
- स्टर-फ्राय 19 recipes
- भुना हुआ रेसिपी 0 recipes