428 मक्ख़न क्या है ? ग्लॉसरी | इसका उपयोग | स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ | मक्ख़न वाली रेसिपी | recipes

Table of Content
198 मक्खन रेसिपी | मक्खन का उपयोग करके बनने वाली रेसिपी | butter recipes in hindi | recipes using butter in hindi |
मक्खन रेसिपी | मक्खन का उपयोग करके बनने वाली रेसिपी | butter recipes in hindi | recipes using butter in hindi |
मक्खन के फायदे
मक्खन (benefits of butter in hindi) : मक्खन में 80% वसा होता है और इसमें कई प्रकार के फैटी एसिड होते हैं। मक्खन में शॉर्ट श्रृंखला फैटी एसिड और मध्यम श्रृंखला फैटी एसिड होते हैं जो टूट जाते हैं और सीधे शरीर में अवशोषित होते हैं और सीधे यकृत में जाते हैं और मांसपेशियों द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले ईंधन में परिवर्तित हो जाते हैं। इस ऐन्टी इन्फ्लैमटॉरीप्रभाव के कारण, यह इर्रिटेबल बोवेल सिंड्रोम (IBS) के इलाज में सकारात्मक है। हाल के शोध से पता चलता है कि कम मात्रा में मक्खन हृदय स्वास्थ्य पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है। तो मधुमेह रोगियों को भी मक्खन की थोड़ी मात्रा की अनुमति है और वे अन्य प्रकार के वसा के साथ बैलन्स कर सकते हैं। एक टेस्पून मक्खन विटामिन ए की आपके दिन की आवश्यकता के 8% को पूरा करता है। यह विटामिन ए एक शक्तिशाली एंटीऑक्सिडेंट है जो त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य और प्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाने के लिए आवश्यक है। हमारा सुझाव है कि आप मक्खन - एक सुपर फूड के बारे में पढ़ें।
Deep-fried potato fingers, sautéed with crunchy veggies and tangy sauces makes a yummy filling for hot dog rolls.A … More..
Recipe# 6656
10 June, 2024
calories per serving
If you like your sandwich creamy and luscious, then you will fall head over heels in love with … More..
Recipe# 6660
22 July, 2024
calories per serving
Bored of having chole with bhature? Here is a yummy variation, in a handy, easy-to-serve snack-style format.A spicy … More..
Recipe# 6750
12 August, 2024
calories per serving
The fact that kids love these Nutella and Strawberry Mini Pancakes is a good excuse to make it … More..
Recipe# 6649
16 September, 2024
calories per serving
hot dog roll recipe | vegetarian Indian style hot dog buns | soft fluffy hot dog rolls | … More..
Recipe# 6839
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
eggless chocolate brownie muffins recipe | fudgy chocolate brownie muffins | Indian eggless brownie muffins | brownie muffins … More..
Recipe# 2528
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An open hot dog roll is exciting because just the sight of its contents is appetizing! that is … More..
Recipe# 824
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Layers of fresh spinach lasagne interlaced with a traditional aubergine ratatouille and creamy white sauce. More..
Recipe# 2454
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Chinese lifafa paratha recipe | Chinese stuffed lifafa | Chinese envelope paratha | with 41 amazing images.Lifafa means … More..
Recipe# 151
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 1917
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 1964
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
open vegetable and corn burger recipe | open burger veggie toast | with 23 amazing images. open burger … More..
Recipe# 2483
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A walnut cake spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger, served topped with chocolate sauce. More..
Recipe# 2536
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Kids go gaga over jam tarts as they enjoy the crisp tarts and the juicy, sweet filling of … More..
Recipe# 2506
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An innovative base made using the polenta. Polenta is a cornmeal porridge that is the traditional dish of … More..
Recipe# 2435
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Nothing short of a royal creation, this recipe features a ring of rice, laced with saffron and dill, … More..
Recipe# 2307
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An oriental delight that tickles your taste buds with soy sauce, tomato ketchup, ginger, sesame, and all the … More..
Recipe# 2385
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 1852
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2052
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2037
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The oregano-flavoured tomato sauce is the highlight of fettuccine with tomato sauce, not to forget the thoughtful combination … More..
Recipe# 2404
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
quick rice dosa recipe | instant rice dosa | no fermentation quick rice dosa | with 15 amazing … More..
Recipe# 2349
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2070
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2208
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
creamy mushrooms with lemon coriander rice recipe | herbed rice with creamy mushroom | butter garlic rice with … More..
Recipe# 153
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Melba Toast with a cheesy twist, which will make it even more enjoyable! Here, crispy thin, buttery bread … More..
Recipe# 1097
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Rich with the aroma and flavour of butter, the Spinach Mushroom Baked Rice is a delightful one-dish meal … More..
Recipe# 2418
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 1995
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 1934
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2285
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
Deep-fried potato fingers, sautéed with crunchy veggies and tangy sauces makes a yummy filling for hot dog rolls.A … More..
calories per serving
If you like your sandwich creamy and luscious, then you will fall head over heels in love with … More..
calories per serving
Bored of having chole with bhature? Here is a yummy variation, in a handy, easy-to-serve snack-style format.A spicy … More..
calories per serving
The fact that kids love these Nutella and Strawberry Mini Pancakes is a good excuse to make it … More..
calories per serving
hot dog roll recipe | vegetarian Indian style hot dog buns | soft fluffy hot dog rolls | … More..
calories per serving
eggless chocolate brownie muffins recipe | fudgy chocolate brownie muffins | Indian eggless brownie muffins | brownie muffins … More..
calories per serving
An open hot dog roll is exciting because just the sight of its contents is appetizing! that is … More..
calories per serving
Layers of fresh spinach lasagne interlaced with a traditional aubergine ratatouille and creamy white sauce. More..
calories per serving
Chinese lifafa paratha recipe | Chinese stuffed lifafa | Chinese envelope paratha | with 41 amazing images.Lifafa means … More..
calories per serving
calories per serving
calories per serving
open vegetable and corn burger recipe | open burger veggie toast | with 23 amazing images. open burger … More..
calories per serving
A walnut cake spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger, served topped with chocolate sauce. More..
calories per serving
Kids go gaga over jam tarts as they enjoy the crisp tarts and the juicy, sweet filling of … More..
calories per serving
An innovative base made using the polenta. Polenta is a cornmeal porridge that is the traditional dish of … More..
calories per serving
Nothing short of a royal creation, this recipe features a ring of rice, laced with saffron and dill, … More..
calories per serving
An oriental delight that tickles your taste buds with soy sauce, tomato ketchup, ginger, sesame, and all the … More..
calories per serving
The oregano-flavoured tomato sauce is the highlight of fettuccine with tomato sauce, not to forget the thoughtful combination … More..
calories per serving
quick rice dosa recipe | instant rice dosa | no fermentation quick rice dosa | with 15 amazing … More..
calories per serving
calories per serving
creamy mushrooms with lemon coriander rice recipe | herbed rice with creamy mushroom | butter garlic rice with … More..
calories per serving
Melba Toast with a cheesy twist, which will make it even more enjoyable! Here, crispy thin, buttery bread … More..
calories per serving
Rich with the aroma and flavour of butter, the Spinach Mushroom Baked Rice is a delightful one-dish meal … More..
calories per serving

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- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
- माँ का दूध छुडाने के समय ६ से ७ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 12 recipes
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- मेन कोर्स वेज रेसिपी 878 recipes
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- भारतीय मिठाई | अंडा रहित भारतीय मिठाई 329 recipes
- भारतीय सूप की रेसिपी | वेज सूप रेसिपीज | 128 recipes
- भारतीय पेय रेसिपी 191 recipes
- डिनर रेसिपी 613 recipes
- Indian Dinner1 0 recipes
- भारतीय लंच रेसिपी 541 recipes
- खाने के साथ परोसे जाने वाले रेसिपी 223 recipes
- यात्रा के लिए भारतीय 292 recipes
- बार्बेक्यू 13 recipes
- भारतीय फ्रोजन फूड्स वेज फ्रीज़र 67 recipes
- पूरे गेहूँ की रेसिपी 31 recipes
- मनपसंद भारतीय रेसिपी | कम्फर्ट फ़ूड 119 recipes
- डिनर मेनू 27 recipes
- आसान भारतीय शाकाहारी रेसिपी 39 recipes
- नया तरीका से 4 recipes
- बिना पकाए हुई इंडियन रेसिपी 27 recipes
- अड्वैन्स्ड रेसपी 59 recipes
- अंडेवाला केक रेसिपी 2 recipes
- माइक्रोवेव रेसिपी | माइक्रोवेव व्यंजनों | भारतीय माइक्रोवेव ओवन शाकाहारी 44 recipes
- अवन 212 recipes
- स्टीमर 50 recipes
- कढ़ाई 254 recipes
- भारतीय बारबेक्यू रेसिपी | भारतीय बारबेक्यू शाकाहारी व्यंजन 10 recipes
- सिजलर ट्रे 3 recipes
- मिक्सर ग्राइंडर के व्यंजन | मिक्सर ग्राइंडर 313 recipes
- प्रेशर कुकर 178 recipes
- तवा वेज 362 recipes
- नॉन - स्टीक पॅन 652 recipes
- अप्पे मोल्ड रेसिपी 10 recipes
- पॅन 113 recipes
- भारतीय फ्रीजर व्यंजन | भारतीय फ्रीजर शाकाहारी व्यंजन 14 recipes
- गहरा पॅन 75 recipes
- नॉन - स्टीक कढ़ाई 119 recipes
- फ्रिज 68 recipes
- वफ़ल रेसिपी 2 recipes
- हाण्डी 9 recipes
- ज्यूसर और हॉपर 30 recipes
- इक्विपमेंट ग्रिलर 11 recipes
- टोस्टर 10 recipes
- गैस टोस्टर 3 recipes
- स्टीम रेसिपी, स्टीम्ड इंडियन वेजिटेरियन 30 recipes
- बिना पकाए हुई रेसिपी 108 recipes
- वेजीटेरियन बेक्ड इंडियन रेसिपी 108 recipes
- उबालकर कर पकाया हुई 45 recipes
- तली हुई रेसिपी 115 recipes
- तवा रेसिपी 124 recipes
- हल्का तलना वेज भारतीय 11 recipes
- माइक्रोवेव 20 recipes
- हल्के से तला हुआ रेसिपी 120 recipes
- प्रेशर कुक 66 recipes
- स्टर-फ्राय 19 recipes
- भुना हुआ रेसिपी 0 recipes