428 मक्ख़न क्या है ? ग्लॉसरी | इसका उपयोग | स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ | मक्ख़न वाली रेसिपी | recipes

Table of Content
198 मक्खन रेसिपी | मक्खन का उपयोग करके बनने वाली रेसिपी | butter recipes in hindi | recipes using butter in hindi |
मक्खन रेसिपी | मक्खन का उपयोग करके बनने वाली रेसिपी | butter recipes in hindi | recipes using butter in hindi |
मक्खन के फायदे
मक्खन (benefits of butter in hindi) : मक्खन में 80% वसा होता है और इसमें कई प्रकार के फैटी एसिड होते हैं। मक्खन में शॉर्ट श्रृंखला फैटी एसिड और मध्यम श्रृंखला फैटी एसिड होते हैं जो टूट जाते हैं और सीधे शरीर में अवशोषित होते हैं और सीधे यकृत में जाते हैं और मांसपेशियों द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले ईंधन में परिवर्तित हो जाते हैं। इस ऐन्टी इन्फ्लैमटॉरीप्रभाव के कारण, यह इर्रिटेबल बोवेल सिंड्रोम (IBS) के इलाज में सकारात्मक है। हाल के शोध से पता चलता है कि कम मात्रा में मक्खन हृदय स्वास्थ्य पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है। तो मधुमेह रोगियों को भी मक्खन की थोड़ी मात्रा की अनुमति है और वे अन्य प्रकार के वसा के साथ बैलन्स कर सकते हैं। एक टेस्पून मक्खन विटामिन ए की आपके दिन की आवश्यकता के 8% को पूरा करता है। यह विटामिन ए एक शक्तिशाली एंटीऑक्सिडेंट है जो त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य और प्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाने के लिए आवश्यक है। हमारा सुझाव है कि आप मक्खन - एक सुपर फूड के बारे में पढ़ें।
Deep-fried potato fingers, sautéed with crunchy veggies and tangy sauces makes a yummy filling for hot dog rolls.A … More..
Recipe# 6656
10 June, 2024
calories per serving
If you like your sandwich creamy and luscious, then you will fall head over heels in love with … More..
Recipe# 6660
22 July, 2024
calories per serving
Bored of having chole with bhature? Here is a yummy variation, in a handy, easy-to-serve snack-style format.A spicy … More..
Recipe# 6750
12 August, 2024
calories per serving
The fact that kids love these Nutella and Strawberry Mini Pancakes is a good excuse to make it … More..
Recipe# 6649
16 September, 2024
calories per serving
hot dog roll recipe | vegetarian Indian style hot dog buns | soft fluffy hot dog rolls | … More..
Recipe# 6839
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An interesting interplay of textures, such as those of bread, muesli and raisins, gives this Bread and Butter … More..
Recipe# 888
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Succulent baby potatoes coated with dill, parsley and cheese. The herb potatoes can be enjoyed as cocktail snack … More..
Recipe# 865
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Frozen Brownies Who does not enjoy piping hot brownies tantalizingly topped with ice-cream and chocolate sauce? Well, if … More..
Recipe# 3640
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
paneer potato and corn toast recipe | Indian paneer potato sandwich | cheese corn paneer toast | with … More..
Recipe# 2762
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Potato Gnocchi, a classic Italian preparation of potatoes, stands apart from potato fritters that are usually deep-fried. Instead, … More..
Recipe# 3146
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
paneer onion stuffed paratha recipe | pyaaz paneer ka paratha | stuffed paneer onion paratha | with 33 … More..
Recipe# 3673
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Spinach and cottage cheese stuffed in tubular pasta or cannelloni covered with oodles of cheese always finds its … More..
Recipe# 3133
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Vegetable risotto has colourful veggies in this dish makes them extremely appealing and also irresistible due to their … More..
Recipe# 927
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
healthy carrot cake recipe for toddlers recipe | healthy carrot cake for kids | carrot cake for babies … More..
Recipe# 3081
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Here is how to make Butterscotch Sauce from scratch, using the most basic ingredients. You will be amazed … More..
Recipe# 3404
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
marble cake recipe | eggless marble cake | veg marble cake | easy marble cake | with 22 … More..
Recipe# 2746
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This lemony dressing is just the right ingredient to transform any dessert into a tangy treat! Lemon Curd … More..
Recipe# 2820
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Fresh pineapple slices grilled with butter, cinnamon and brown sugar. Flambéeing them with rum or brandy makes a … More..
Recipe# 681
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The easy availability of some ingredients like samosa patti has made life so much simpler for us. It … More..
Recipe# 2942
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This wholesome porridge made of oats, apples and milk can be served as a dessert or breakfast after … More..
Recipe# 3045
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
potato onion soup recipe | onion and potato soup | simple onion and potato soup with vegetable stock … More..
Recipe# 2982
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
baked beans tacos recipe | Indian style tacos with baked beans | veg Mexican bean tacos | bean … More..
Recipe# 2791
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
jam pinwheels recipe | strawberry jam pinwheel sandwich kids snack | Indian sweet pinwheels | how to make … More..
Recipe# 2804
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Luxury – there is no better word to describe the potato paneer bake. Layers of mashed potato, green … More..
Recipe# 2721
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A treat for mushroom lovers! Cheese, olives and garlic filled mushrooms makes an easy to assemble dish that … More..
Recipe# 665
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Be it on a pizza or on a sandwich, pineapple and cottage cheese always make a great combination. … More..
Recipe# 931
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Thick crusty pizza bread topped with a delicious mix of vegetable textures, surprising flavours and colourful appearance. This … More..
Recipe# 3116
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Baked Potatoes is truly a universal favourite, much loved by people across the world. It can be enjoyed … More..
Recipe# 853
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
vegetable au gratin recipe | Indian style veg au gratin | roasted vegetable au gratin | with 17 … More..
Recipe# 3448
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
kaju puri | kaju badam puri | Indian mithai – kaju puri | cashew cookie | with 37 … More..
Recipe# 2700
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
Deep-fried potato fingers, sautéed with crunchy veggies and tangy sauces makes a yummy filling for hot dog rolls.A … More..
calories per serving
If you like your sandwich creamy and luscious, then you will fall head over heels in love with … More..
calories per serving
Bored of having chole with bhature? Here is a yummy variation, in a handy, easy-to-serve snack-style format.A spicy … More..
calories per serving
The fact that kids love these Nutella and Strawberry Mini Pancakes is a good excuse to make it … More..
calories per serving
hot dog roll recipe | vegetarian Indian style hot dog buns | soft fluffy hot dog rolls | … More..
calories per serving
An interesting interplay of textures, such as those of bread, muesli and raisins, gives this Bread and Butter … More..
calories per serving
Succulent baby potatoes coated with dill, parsley and cheese. The herb potatoes can be enjoyed as cocktail snack … More..
calories per serving
Frozen Brownies Who does not enjoy piping hot brownies tantalizingly topped with ice-cream and chocolate sauce? Well, if … More..
calories per serving
paneer potato and corn toast recipe | Indian paneer potato sandwich | cheese corn paneer toast | with … More..
calories per serving
Potato Gnocchi, a classic Italian preparation of potatoes, stands apart from potato fritters that are usually deep-fried. Instead, … More..
calories per serving
paneer onion stuffed paratha recipe | pyaaz paneer ka paratha | stuffed paneer onion paratha | with 33 … More..
calories per serving
Spinach and cottage cheese stuffed in tubular pasta or cannelloni covered with oodles of cheese always finds its … More..
calories per serving
Vegetable risotto has colourful veggies in this dish makes them extremely appealing and also irresistible due to their … More..
calories per serving
healthy carrot cake recipe for toddlers recipe | healthy carrot cake for kids | carrot cake for babies … More..
calories per serving
Here is how to make Butterscotch Sauce from scratch, using the most basic ingredients. You will be amazed … More..
calories per serving
marble cake recipe | eggless marble cake | veg marble cake | easy marble cake | with 22 … More..
calories per serving
This lemony dressing is just the right ingredient to transform any dessert into a tangy treat! Lemon Curd … More..
calories per serving
Fresh pineapple slices grilled with butter, cinnamon and brown sugar. Flambéeing them with rum or brandy makes a … More..
calories per serving
The easy availability of some ingredients like samosa patti has made life so much simpler for us. It … More..
calories per serving
This wholesome porridge made of oats, apples and milk can be served as a dessert or breakfast after … More..
calories per serving
potato onion soup recipe | onion and potato soup | simple onion and potato soup with vegetable stock … More..
calories per serving
baked beans tacos recipe | Indian style tacos with baked beans | veg Mexican bean tacos | bean … More..
calories per serving
jam pinwheels recipe | strawberry jam pinwheel sandwich kids snack | Indian sweet pinwheels | how to make … More..
calories per serving
Luxury – there is no better word to describe the potato paneer bake. Layers of mashed potato, green … More..
calories per serving
A treat for mushroom lovers! Cheese, olives and garlic filled mushrooms makes an easy to assemble dish that … More..
calories per serving
Be it on a pizza or on a sandwich, pineapple and cottage cheese always make a great combination. … More..
calories per serving
Thick crusty pizza bread topped with a delicious mix of vegetable textures, surprising flavours and colourful appearance. This … More..
calories per serving
Baked Potatoes is truly a universal favourite, much loved by people across the world. It can be enjoyed … More..
calories per serving
vegetable au gratin recipe | Indian style veg au gratin | roasted vegetable au gratin | with 17 … More..
calories per serving
kaju puri | kaju badam puri | Indian mithai – kaju puri | cashew cookie | with 37 … More..

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- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
- माँ का दूध छुडाने के समय ६ से ७ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 12 recipes
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