13 ज़ूकिनी, जुकिनी, समर स्क्वैश क्या है? इसका उपयोग,स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ, रेसिपी, in Hindi recipes

Table of Content
16 ज़ूकिनी रेसिपी | जुकिनी के व्यंजन | जुकिनी रेसिपीओ का संग्रह | zucchini recipes in Hindi | recipes using zucchini in Hindi |
ज़ूकिनी रेसिपी | जुकिनी के व्यंजन | जुकिनी रेसिपीओ का संग्रह | zucchini Indian recipes in Hindi | Indian recipes using zucchini in Hindi |
खिचड़ी के लिए भारतीय ज़ूकिनी रेसिपी | Indian zucchini recipes for khichdi |
1. ज़ूकिनी बाजरा खिचड़ी : यह खिचड़ी, जिसमें बाजरा, ज़ूकिनी और रंग-बिरंगी शिमला मिर्च को अनोखे तरह से मिलाकर पकाया गया है, दिखने में और स्वाद में बेहतरीन लगती है! बाजरा बहुत ही क्षारीय खाद्य पदार्थ है, जो इसे तीक्षणता के अनुकुल बनाता है।
ज़ूकिनी बाजरा खिचड़ी
इस ज़ूकिनी बाजरा खिचड़ी में मसाले और तेल की मात्रा भी कम रखी गयी है, जो इसे पेट के लिए और भी लाभदायक बनाता है। सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि, करारी सब्ज़ीयाँ और हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट इस खिचड़ी को संतुलित स्वाद और मज़ेदार रुप प्रदान करते हैं, इसलिए इसे अपने आप परोसा जा सकता है या केवल दही या कढ़ी के साथ।
2. जौ की खिचड़ी की रेसिपी | बार्ली सब्जी खिचड़ी | स्वस्थ जौ की खिचड़ी | barley khichdi with zucchini recipe in hindi | with 20 amazing images.
जौ की खिचड़ी की रेसिपी | बार्ली सब्जी खिचड़ी | स्वस्थ जौ की खिचड़ी
क्या आपने कभी जौ की खिचड़ी बनाने के बारे में सोचा है? एक बार आज़माकर देखिए और फिर आप इसे अपनी कृती में जरूर ही दोहरते रहना चाहोंगे। जौ और बहुत सारी पौष्टिक सब्जियों के संयोजन से बनती यह खिचडी एक बहुत ही रंगीन और आकर्षक पकवान है।
ज़ूकिनी का उपयोग कर भारतीय पेनकेक्स
ज़ूकिनी कॅरट पॅनकेक : ज़ूकिनी और गाजर के मिश्रण से बने यह असामान्य, आकर्षक और रंगीन पॅनकेक आप सब को ज़रुर पसंद आएगें। इसे कॅचप या अपने पसंद की चटनी के साथ परोसें। छोटे-छोटे पॅनकेक बनाकर आप इसे पार्टी स्नॅक की तरह परोसें।
You would have tasted pasta in white sauces, red sauces and even green sauces, but have you ever … More..
Recipe# 6118
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This snack is a cheese-lover’s dream come true! Unpeeled zucchini fingers are coated excitingly with cheese and breadcrumbs, … More..
Recipe# 6524
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This is a unique muffin with a fabulous, exotic flavour! A batter of plain dough is enhanced with … More..
Recipe# 6428
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A salad is the most awesome lunch ever! It’s light, filling, nutritious, and so convenient to pack in … More..
Recipe# 7330
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Hungry kya? Try this instant snack instead of reaching out to junk foods. Grilled Zucchini and Carrots is … More..
Recipe# 7357
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
beetroot, capsicum and carrot salad recipe | healthy paneer rocket leaves and alfalfa sprouts salad | folic acid, … More..
Recipe# 7365
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
rocket leaves zucchini red pumpkin salad recipe | capsicum mushroom feta cheese Indian salad | vitamin b1, Vitamin … More..
Recipe# 7385
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Zucchini Rollups is an awesome cold starter, where the creaminess of feta cheese is interspersed with a burst … More..
Recipe# 7528
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Always thought of zucchini as a continental veggie? Well, this recipe is all set to change your perception.The … More..
Recipe# 7592
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Here’s a totally off-beat way of making pasta, which is guaranteed to give you a pleasant surprise! Not … More..
Recipe# 7604
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
bread lasagna recipe | vegetable bread lasagna | Indian style bread lasagna | cheesy bread lasagna | with … More..
Recipe# 7726
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An excitingly unique snack that’s both filling and tasty, the Quinoa Patty is one that is enjoyed by … More..
Recipe# 7008
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A perfect balance of textures and flavours makes the Zucchini and Bell Pepper Sandwich a delight to relish! … More..
Recipe# 1341
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
barley khichdi recipe | jau khichdi | barely vegetable khichdi | healthy barley khichdi | with 20 amazing … More..
Recipe# 6257
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Kids love Pasta and often fondly request moms to pack some in the lunch boxes. However, there is … More..
Recipe# 6163
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This is one of the most fabulous ways to consume sprouted moong. Teamed up with Vitamin C rich … More..
Recipe# 1351
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Zucchini features as an interesting finger food here, after being coated with a spicy batter and deep-fried to … More..
Recipe# 6032
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Zucchini combines with carrots to make an unusual, colourful, and attractive pancake that will tickle the taste buds. … More..
Recipe# 5939
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Zucchini is always a wonderful value-add to pizzas because it has a very unique texture that is crisp, … More..
Recipe# 5904
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This khichdi, which innovatively combines bajra, zucchini and colourful capsicum, looks and tastes good! Bajra is highly alkaline, … More..
Recipe# 5819
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
jowar vegetable khichdi recipe | jowar khichdi | healthy millets khichdi | jowar khichdi for weight loss |jowar … More..
Recipe# 5817
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Eggplant and zucchini go well together, whether in salads, curries or sandwiches. The toasted eggplant and zucchini sandwich … More..
Recipe# 5761
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
‘Minimal ingredients but maximum flavour’ – that is the mantra this recipe follows! By virtue of using everyday … More..
Recipe# 5703
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Make this cheesy creamy delicacy with kid's all time favourite "rice' and watch your child dwell into this … More..
Recipe# 971
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A quick meal which can be made in jiffy for your family and guests! More..
Recipe# 528
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 2055
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Spreads transform simple breads and toasts into lavish fare! This spread is a nice combo water-filled zucchini, and … More..
Recipe# 707
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Creamy potatoes, crunchy zucchini and tangy tomatoes combine really well to make a dense, delicious soup. And carbohydrate-rich … More..
Recipe# 5522
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Ratatouille is a famous vegetable delicacy from Italy, made using zucchini, brinjal and tomatoes. It is usually served … More..
Recipe# 5460
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Tangy fruit medley, very nutritious salad that works best for your tummy and body. Cleanse your system with … More..
Recipe# 5353
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
You would have tasted pasta in white sauces, red sauces and even green sauces, but have you ever … More..
calories per serving
This snack is a cheese-lover’s dream come true! Unpeeled zucchini fingers are coated excitingly with cheese and breadcrumbs, … More..
calories per serving
This is a unique muffin with a fabulous, exotic flavour! A batter of plain dough is enhanced with … More..
calories per serving
A salad is the most awesome lunch ever! It’s light, filling, nutritious, and so convenient to pack in … More..
calories per serving
Hungry kya? Try this instant snack instead of reaching out to junk foods. Grilled Zucchini and Carrots is … More..
calories per serving
beetroot, capsicum and carrot salad recipe | healthy paneer rocket leaves and alfalfa sprouts salad | folic acid, … More..
calories per serving
rocket leaves zucchini red pumpkin salad recipe | capsicum mushroom feta cheese Indian salad | vitamin b1, Vitamin … More..
calories per serving
Zucchini Rollups is an awesome cold starter, where the creaminess of feta cheese is interspersed with a burst … More..
calories per serving
Always thought of zucchini as a continental veggie? Well, this recipe is all set to change your perception.The … More..
calories per serving
Here’s a totally off-beat way of making pasta, which is guaranteed to give you a pleasant surprise! Not … More..
calories per serving
bread lasagna recipe | vegetable bread lasagna | Indian style bread lasagna | cheesy bread lasagna | with … More..
calories per serving
An excitingly unique snack that’s both filling and tasty, the Quinoa Patty is one that is enjoyed by … More..
calories per serving
A perfect balance of textures and flavours makes the Zucchini and Bell Pepper Sandwich a delight to relish! … More..
calories per serving
barley khichdi recipe | jau khichdi | barely vegetable khichdi | healthy barley khichdi | with 20 amazing … More..
calories per serving
Kids love Pasta and often fondly request moms to pack some in the lunch boxes. However, there is … More..
calories per serving
This is one of the most fabulous ways to consume sprouted moong. Teamed up with Vitamin C rich … More..
calories per serving
Zucchini features as an interesting finger food here, after being coated with a spicy batter and deep-fried to … More..
calories per serving
Zucchini combines with carrots to make an unusual, colourful, and attractive pancake that will tickle the taste buds. … More..
calories per serving
Zucchini is always a wonderful value-add to pizzas because it has a very unique texture that is crisp, … More..
calories per serving
This khichdi, which innovatively combines bajra, zucchini and colourful capsicum, looks and tastes good! Bajra is highly alkaline, … More..
calories per serving
jowar vegetable khichdi recipe | jowar khichdi | healthy millets khichdi | jowar khichdi for weight loss |jowar … More..
calories per serving
Eggplant and zucchini go well together, whether in salads, curries or sandwiches. The toasted eggplant and zucchini sandwich … More..
calories per serving
‘Minimal ingredients but maximum flavour’ – that is the mantra this recipe follows! By virtue of using everyday … More..
calories per serving
Make this cheesy creamy delicacy with kid's all time favourite "rice' and watch your child dwell into this … More..
calories per serving
A quick meal which can be made in jiffy for your family and guests! More..
calories per serving
Spreads transform simple breads and toasts into lavish fare! This spread is a nice combo water-filled zucchini, and … More..
calories per serving
Creamy potatoes, crunchy zucchini and tangy tomatoes combine really well to make a dense, delicious soup. And carbohydrate-rich … More..
calories per serving
Ratatouille is a famous vegetable delicacy from Italy, made using zucchini, brinjal and tomatoes. It is usually served … More..
calories per serving
Tangy fruit medley, very nutritious salad that works best for your tummy and body. Cleanse your system with … More..

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- माँ का दूध छुड़ाने के समय ८ से ९ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 19 recipes
- बच्चों का पौष्टिक आहार 99 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए नाश्ते की रेसिपी 312 recipes
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- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
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- बच्चों के लिए पिज्जा 18 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए लोह युक्त आहार 23 recipes
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- डिनर रेसिपी 613 recipes
- Indian Dinner1 0 recipes
- भारतीय लंच रेसिपी 541 recipes
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- यात्रा के लिए भारतीय 292 recipes
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- तवा रेसिपी 124 recipes
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- प्रेशर कुक 66 recipes
- स्टर-फ्राय 19 recipes
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