49 ફાડા ઘઉં એટલે શું | ગ્લોસરી | તેના ઉપયોગ | આરોગ્ય લાભો | રેસીપી | recipes

4 ફાડા ઘઉંની રેસીપી | ફાડા ઘઉંના ઊપયોગથી બનતી રેસીપી | ફાડા ઘઉંની રેસીપીઓનો સંગ્રહ | broken wheat recipes in Gujarati | Indian recipes using dalia, broken wheat, bulgur wheat in Gujarati |
4 ફાડા ઘઉંની રેસીપી | ફાડા ઘઉંના ઊપયોગથી બનતી રેસીપી | ફાડા ઘઉંની રેસીપીઓનો સંગ્રહ | broken wheat recipes in Gujarati | Indian recipes using dalia, broken wheat, bulgur wheat in Gujarati |
ફાડા ઘઉં ના ઉપયોગ રસોઈ માં (uses of broken wheat, dalia, bulgur wheat in Indian cooking)
1. બ્રોકન વીટ ઉપમા | હેલ્દી ઉપમા | broken wheat upma in gujarati | 23 with amazing images.
બ્રોકન વીટ ઉપમાનું નામ જ સૂચવે છે કે ઉપમા આરોગ્યવર્ધક ઘઉંમાંથી બનેલો છે. જેમાં ફાડા ઘઉં બહુ જરૂરી ડાઇયિટરી ફાઇબર અને ઊર્જા આપે છે જ્યારે ગાજર અને લીલા વટાણા વિપુલ પ્રમાણમાં પૌષ્ટિક્તા બક્ષે છે, ખાસ કરીને વિટામિન એ. સામાન્ય રીતે નરમ રહેતા ઉપમા, તેમાં શાકભાજી ઉમેરવાથી કરકરા બને છે. તમે તમારી પસંદગી પ્રમાણે બીજા શાકો પણ ઉમેરી શકો છો જેથી તે વધુ રંગીન અને સ્વાદિષ્ટ બને.
2. ઘઉંના ફાડિયાના પૅનકેક એક મજેદાર નાસ્તાની વાનગી છે, કારણકે તે આપણને જરૂર પૂરતાં પ્રમાણમાં કૅલરી અને પ્રોટીન પૂરા પાડે છે. આપણા શરીરને કેલ્શિયમની પણ જીરૂરત રહે છે, જે આ વાનગીમાં ઉમેરવામાં આવેલા દહીં વડે મળી રહે છે. સુવાવડવાળી સ્ત્રીના બીજા ત્રિમાસીક ગાળામાં આ પૅનકેક અતિ આદર્શ વાનગી ગણી શકાય, કારણ કે આ પૅનકેકમાં સારી માત્રામાં ફાઇબર છે, ઉપરાંત તે તમારી પાચનક્રિયાની મુશ્કેલી સહેલાઇથી દૂર કરે છે.
ફાડા ઘઉંના ફાયદા, આરોગ્ય લાભો (benefits of broken wheat, dalia, bulgur wheat in Gujarati)
ફાડા ઘઉંમાં હાજર ઉચ્ચ ફાઇબર ડાયાબિટીસને નિયંત્રિત કરવામાં મદદ કરે છે. આ ઉચ્ચ ફાઇબર કોલેસ્ટ્રોલના સ્તરને નિયંત્રિત કરવામાં પણ મદદ કરે છે સાથે જ સ્ટ્રોકનું જોખમ પણ ઘટાડે છે. મજબૂત હાડકાં એ આપણા શરીરની કરોડરજ્જુ છે. આપણે જાણીએ છીએ કે આપણી બોન મિનરલ ડેન્સિટી (bone mineral density) ઉંમર સાથે ઘટતી જાય છે અને આપણા હાડકાંની તંદુરસ્તી જાળવવા માટે આપણને કેલ્શિયમ, ફોસ્ફરસ અને મેગ્નેશિયમ ભરપૂર માત્રામાં જરૂરી હોય છે, ને ફાડા ઘઉં તે જ પ્રદાન કરે છે. ફાડા ઘઉંના વિગતવાર ૮ અદ્ભુત ફાયદાઓ માટે અહીં વાંચો.
vitamin khichdi recipe | dalia vegetable khichdi | protein rich broken wheat sprouts khichdi | vitamin khichdi for … More..
Recipe# 5572
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
zero oil fada ni khichdi recipe | zero oil dalia khichdi | zero oil healthy moong dal lapsi … More..
Recipe# 4173
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
healthy adai recipe | diabetic adai | Indian style dalia adai without rice | Indian snack for diabetes … More..
Recipe# 4258
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
tabbouleh recipe | Lebanese tabbouleh | Indian style tabbouleh | healthy tabouli | with 31 amazing images. tabbouleh … More..
Recipe# 4479
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Health and taste in one package! Dont eliminate burgers as unhealthy... give this healthy version a chance. Made … More..
Recipe# 4632
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Serve desi dalia in an international style with vegetables and cheese, and your kids are sure to fall … More..
Recipe# 4657
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Stuffed Bulgur and Brinjal Bake is a really off-beat and totally exotic dish that is sure to be … More..
Recipe# 1312
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This easy-to-make, simple porridge prepared from broken wheat, oats and fruits is rich in fibre and b complex … More..
Recipe# 5019
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
dalia and vegetable salad recipe | Indian broken wheat vegetable salad | healthy dalia salad | pregnancy friendly … More..
Recipe# 5048
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
lapsi methi muthia recipe | dalia methi bajra muthia | broken wheat fenugreek leaves muthia | with amazing … More..
Recipe# 5230
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Broken wheat vegetable delight, the easiest and no frill recipe to make when you are home tired and … More..
Recipe# 5240
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
fada lapsi in pressure cooker recipe | pressure cooker lapsi | how to cook lapsi in pressure cooker … More..
Recipe# 5261
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
broken wheat salad recipe | kabuli chana dalia Indian salad | folic acid, vitamin B3, B1, protein rich … More..
Recipe# 5537
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
dalia vegetable idli recipe | nutritious vegetable idli | broken wheat idli | with 33 amazing images. vegetable … More..
Recipe# 4049
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Start your day with a burst of green! pressure cook a bunch of mint, coriander and dil leaves … More..
Recipe# 5949
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
hariyali mixed sprouts dalia pulao recipe | green masala broken wheat sprouts pulao | healthy sprouts dalia rice … More..
Recipe# 5976
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
black bean and bulgar wheat salad recipe | dalia salad with beans | healthy Indian black bean vegetable … More..
Recipe# 6041
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
When you are bored of having rice and pasta based dishes, reach out for a packet of couscous. … More..
Recipe# 6473
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Hyderabadi Haleem is a one-dish meal , which has gained international acclaim.In Hyderabad, the dish is an indispensable … More..
Recipe# 6756
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Next only to Idli and Dosa, Pongal is amongst the most popular breakfast recipes in South India.Usually made … More..
Recipe# 7094
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An exquisite and rare combination of broken wheat, green moong dal, fenugreek and garlic gives this South Indian … More..
Recipe# 7507
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Vegetables add a splash of colours and refreshing textures to what might otherwise be a boring khichdi.The Vegetable … More..
Recipe# 7598
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This yummy pulao is so tasty that you won’t feel the absence of rice in it! Made of … More..
Recipe# 7600
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
dalia vegetable appe recipe | healthy dalia appe | broken wheat vegetable appe | with 24 amazing images.dalia … More..
Recipe# 7874
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Mysore dalia dosa recipe | broken wheat urad dal dosa | healthy Mysore daliya dosa | with 42 … More..
Recipe# 7878
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
orange tabbouleh salad recipe | Lebanese orange tabbouleh salad | Indian style healthy orange sesame tabbouleh | with … More..
Recipe# 263
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
broken wheat, oats and apple porridge recipe | dalia oats apple porridge | healthy apple oats broken wheat … More..
Recipe# 2471
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
nutritious patties in whole wheat pita pockets recipe | paneer and broken wheat patties in whole wheat pita … More..
Recipe# 195
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
broken wheat and paneer patties | dalia vegetable pattice | healthy bulgur wheat cottage cheese cutlet | with … More..
Recipe# 8
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A traditional khichdi made easier using the microwave and tastier by adding crunchy veggies. A basket of assorted … More..
Recipe# 2844
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
vitamin khichdi recipe | dalia vegetable khichdi | protein rich broken wheat sprouts khichdi | vitamin khichdi for … More..
calories per serving
zero oil fada ni khichdi recipe | zero oil dalia khichdi | zero oil healthy moong dal lapsi … More..
calories per serving
healthy adai recipe | diabetic adai | Indian style dalia adai without rice | Indian snack for diabetes … More..
calories per serving
tabbouleh recipe | Lebanese tabbouleh | Indian style tabbouleh | healthy tabouli | with 31 amazing images. tabbouleh … More..
calories per serving
Health and taste in one package! Dont eliminate burgers as unhealthy... give this healthy version a chance. Made … More..
calories per serving
Serve desi dalia in an international style with vegetables and cheese, and your kids are sure to fall … More..
calories per serving
Stuffed Bulgur and Brinjal Bake is a really off-beat and totally exotic dish that is sure to be … More..
calories per serving
This easy-to-make, simple porridge prepared from broken wheat, oats and fruits is rich in fibre and b complex … More..
calories per serving
dalia and vegetable salad recipe | Indian broken wheat vegetable salad | healthy dalia salad | pregnancy friendly … More..
calories per serving
lapsi methi muthia recipe | dalia methi bajra muthia | broken wheat fenugreek leaves muthia | with amazing … More..
calories per serving
Broken wheat vegetable delight, the easiest and no frill recipe to make when you are home tired and … More..
calories per serving
fada lapsi in pressure cooker recipe | pressure cooker lapsi | how to cook lapsi in pressure cooker … More..
calories per serving
broken wheat salad recipe | kabuli chana dalia Indian salad | folic acid, vitamin B3, B1, protein rich … More..
calories per serving
dalia vegetable idli recipe | nutritious vegetable idli | broken wheat idli | with 33 amazing images. vegetable … More..
calories per serving
Start your day with a burst of green! pressure cook a bunch of mint, coriander and dil leaves … More..
calories per serving
hariyali mixed sprouts dalia pulao recipe | green masala broken wheat sprouts pulao | healthy sprouts dalia rice … More..
calories per serving
black bean and bulgar wheat salad recipe | dalia salad with beans | healthy Indian black bean vegetable … More..
calories per serving
When you are bored of having rice and pasta based dishes, reach out for a packet of couscous. … More..
calories per serving
Hyderabadi Haleem is a one-dish meal , which has gained international acclaim.In Hyderabad, the dish is an indispensable … More..
calories per serving
Next only to Idli and Dosa, Pongal is amongst the most popular breakfast recipes in South India.Usually made … More..
calories per serving
An exquisite and rare combination of broken wheat, green moong dal, fenugreek and garlic gives this South Indian … More..
calories per serving
Vegetables add a splash of colours and refreshing textures to what might otherwise be a boring khichdi.The Vegetable … More..
calories per serving
This yummy pulao is so tasty that you won’t feel the absence of rice in it! Made of … More..
calories per serving
dalia vegetable appe recipe | healthy dalia appe | broken wheat vegetable appe | with 24 amazing images.dalia … More..
calories per serving
Mysore dalia dosa recipe | broken wheat urad dal dosa | healthy Mysore daliya dosa | with 42 … More..
calories per serving
orange tabbouleh salad recipe | Lebanese orange tabbouleh salad | Indian style healthy orange sesame tabbouleh | with … More..
calories per serving
broken wheat, oats and apple porridge recipe | dalia oats apple porridge | healthy apple oats broken wheat … More..
calories per serving
nutritious patties in whole wheat pita pockets recipe | paneer and broken wheat patties in whole wheat pita … More..
calories per serving
broken wheat and paneer patties | dalia vegetable pattice | healthy bulgur wheat cottage cheese cutlet | with … More..
calories per serving
A traditional khichdi made easier using the microwave and tastier by adding crunchy veggies. A basket of assorted … More..

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