19 काले जैतून क्या है ? ग्लॉसरी, काले जैतून का उपयोग, स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ, रेसिपी recipes

Table of Content
7 काले जैतून रेसिपी | काले जैतून के व्यंजन | काले जैतून रेसिपीओ का संग्रह | black olives recipes in Hindi | Indian recipes using black olives |
7 काले जैतून रेसिपी | काले जैतून के व्यंजन | काले जैतून रेसिपीओ का संग्रह | black olives recipes in Hindi | Indian recipes using black olives |
ब्लैक जैतून भारतीय टोस्ट और सैंडविच में उपयोग किया जाता है | Black olives used in Indian toasts and sandwiches in hindi |
1. चीज़ पनीर पार्सले टोस्ट रेसिपी | १० मिनट में चीज़ पनीर टोस्ट | स्वादिष्ट चीज़ पनीर टोस्ट | cheesy paneer and parsley toast in hindi | with 10 amazing images.
चीज़ पनीर पार्सले टोस्ट रेसिपी | १० मिनट में चीज़ पनीर टोस्ट | स्वादिष्ट चीज़ पनीर टोस्ट
काम पर लंबे दिन था और कुछ फटाफट तैयार करना चाहते हैं? "चीज़ पनीर पार्सले टोस्ट" सही है। इस मनोरम चीज पनीर पार्सले टोस्ट में एक इटैलियन टच है, जिसमें इसके टॉपिंग ऑलिव गार्निश हैं। तैयारी भी काफी सरल है - आपको बस हर्बस के साथ पनीर मिश्रण तैयार करने की आवश्यकता है, इसे टोस्ट पर रखें, इसे ऑलिव के साथ शीर्ष करें और आनंद लें। ये अद्भुत ऐपेटाइज़र हैं और एक अद्भुत पार्टी स्नैक भी बनाते हैं।
2. पनीर टिक्का सैंडविच रेसिपी | 5 मिनट में पनीर टिक्का सैंडविच | पनीर टिक्का सब सैंडविच | ब्रेड रेसिपी | paneer tikka sub sandwich in hindi.
पनीर टिक्का सैंडविच रेसिपी | ५ मिनट में पनीर टिक्का सैंडविच | पनीर टिक्का सब सैंडविच | ब्रेड रेसिपी
3. सबवे सैंडविच रेसिपी | वेजी डिलाइट | होममेड वेज सबवे सैंडविच| वेज सब सैंडविच | veg sub sandwich in hindi | with amazing 27 amazing images.
सबवे सैंडविच रेसिपी | वेजी डिलाइट | होममेड वेज सबवे सैंडविच | वेज सब सैंडविच
काले जैतून का उपयोग करते हुए पराठे | Parathas using black olives in hindi |
1. पिज्जा पराठा रेसिपी | पिज्जा परांठा | पराठा पिज़्ज़ा | किड्स पराठा रेसिपी | pizza paratha in hindi | with 22 amazing images.
पिज्जा पराठा रेसिपी | पिज्जा परांठा | पराठा पिज़्ज़ा | किड्स पराठा रेसिपी
काले जैतून का उपयोग करते हुए पिज्जा | Pizzas using black olives in hindi |
टोमेटो चीज़ पिज़्ज़ा रेसिपी | टमाटर चीज़ पिज़्ज़ा | झटपट बनाये टमाटर चीज़ पिज़्ज़ा | बच्चों के लिए पिज़्ज़ा | tomato and cheese pizza in hindi.
टोमेटो चीज़ पिज़्ज़ा रेसिपी | टमाटर चीज़ पिज़्ज़ा | झटपट बनाये टमाटर चीज़ पिज़्ज़ा | बच्चों के लिए पिज़्ज़ा
Hummus is a wonderful accompaniment , which can be served with Lavash or as a dip with your … More..
Recipe# 7501
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
cheese loaded peri peri French fries recipe | peri peri fries with cheese sauce | Indian cheese peri … More..
Recipe# 7711
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Delicious cheese, olive and sun-dried tomato topped bread is perfect with pasta and would also double up as … More..
Recipe# 3104
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Crisply toasted bread slices with a creamy topping of mushrooms cooked with crunchy capsicum, spring onions, celery and … More..
Recipe# 2428
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A thick crust pizza cooked in a deep pie dish with lots of toppings. More..
Recipe# 2441
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
With an attractive mix of textures and flavours, the Spring Onion and Olive Thin Crust Pizza is a … More..
Recipe# 2444
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A quick and easy Pizza that you can put into the Oven minutes after you get back from … More..
Recipe# 2448
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A nutritious pasta with a spicy tomato sauce. More..
Recipe# 2457
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
pinwheel sandwich recipe | pin wheel sandwich | pinwheel sandwich for parties | jam pinwheel sandwich |pinwheel sandwich … More..
Recipe# 2663
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Dainty and dazzling with a beaming smile, these sandwiches are also a treat to the palate with a … More..
Recipe# 2806
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A quick pizza that is prepared without using an oven. Tortillas or left-over chapatis are topped with beans, … More..
Recipe# 2955
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
baked sun-dried tomato and cheese rolls | sun dried tomato cheese rolls | sun dried tomato and cheese … More..
Recipe# 2961
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Olives are almost always served in Italy, a custom that comes down from Roman times. Pickled olives have … More..
Recipe# 3100
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Crostini literally means ‘little crusts’ in Italian . These dainty-looking appetizers consist of crisped bread with interesting toppings, … More..
Recipe# 3101
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
These petite, bite-sized canapés, are ideal as starters at a cocktail party. Small though they seem, they are … More..
Recipe# 5013
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
pasta salad in vinaigrette recipe | Indian style tomato pasta salad in basil vinaigrette dressing | with amazing … More..
Recipe# 3109
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The ladies of the night in Naples are credited with inventing this dish. They liked it because it … More..
Recipe# 3138
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This delicious olive, cheese and tomato topped bread is perfect for parties, buffets and makes a welcome appetizer. … More..
Recipe# 860
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine how luscious would be a mixture of curd and grated … More..
Recipe# 899
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
I’ve given a nice mediterranean feel to the humble potato, by lining it with olive cream cheese sauce. … More..
Recipe# 4838
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Macaroni fits well into almost any baked dish. Heres a quick combo of macaroni and vegetables, which satiates … More..
Recipe# 1303
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
You can’t find a more exciting way to use leftover bread. Turn them into enticingly crisp bread croutons … More..
Recipe# 4505
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
healthy Indian style couscous salad recipe | couscous salad | Mediterranean couscous salad | with 20 amazing images. … More..
Recipe# 4276
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An innovative and healthy snack that is well worth the extra trouble! use whole wheat pizza bases and … More..
Recipe# 4268
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Veggies pizza is a tempting, mouthwatering and an eye appealing pizza recipe with selected vegetables as topping. Add … More..
Recipe# 4158
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
olive and tomato pasta recipe | Indian style tomato olive pasta | pasta with tomatoes and olives | … More..
Recipe# 4101
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Fresh, crisp lettuce, boiled channa, paneer cubes, tomatoes, boiled penne pasta, olives, and spring onions make a vibrant-looking … More..
Recipe# 3965
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
cheesy paneer parsley toast recipe | paneer parsley cheese open toast | paneer parsley toast | with amazing … More..
Recipe# 3734
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
In the Cottage Cheese and Dill Canapés, thick curd is used to bind together the filling, which is … More..
Recipe# 941
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Italian open toast sandwich recipe | Indian veg open cheese sandwich | cheesy tomato and herb sandwich | … More..
Recipe# 938
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
Hummus is a wonderful accompaniment , which can be served with Lavash or as a dip with your … More..
calories per serving
cheese loaded peri peri French fries recipe | peri peri fries with cheese sauce | Indian cheese peri … More..
calories per serving
Delicious cheese, olive and sun-dried tomato topped bread is perfect with pasta and would also double up as … More..
calories per serving
Crisply toasted bread slices with a creamy topping of mushrooms cooked with crunchy capsicum, spring onions, celery and … More..
calories per serving
A thick crust pizza cooked in a deep pie dish with lots of toppings. More..
calories per serving
With an attractive mix of textures and flavours, the Spring Onion and Olive Thin Crust Pizza is a … More..
calories per serving
A quick and easy Pizza that you can put into the Oven minutes after you get back from … More..
calories per serving
A nutritious pasta with a spicy tomato sauce. More..
calories per serving
pinwheel sandwich recipe | pin wheel sandwich | pinwheel sandwich for parties | jam pinwheel sandwich |pinwheel sandwich … More..
calories per serving
Dainty and dazzling with a beaming smile, these sandwiches are also a treat to the palate with a … More..
calories per serving
A quick pizza that is prepared without using an oven. Tortillas or left-over chapatis are topped with beans, … More..
calories per serving
baked sun-dried tomato and cheese rolls | sun dried tomato cheese rolls | sun dried tomato and cheese … More..
calories per serving
Olives are almost always served in Italy, a custom that comes down from Roman times. Pickled olives have … More..
calories per serving
Crostini literally means ‘little crusts’ in Italian . These dainty-looking appetizers consist of crisped bread with interesting toppings, … More..
calories per serving
These petite, bite-sized canapés, are ideal as starters at a cocktail party. Small though they seem, they are … More..
calories per serving
pasta salad in vinaigrette recipe | Indian style tomato pasta salad in basil vinaigrette dressing | with amazing … More..
calories per serving
The ladies of the night in Naples are credited with inventing this dish. They liked it because it … More..
calories per serving
This delicious olive, cheese and tomato topped bread is perfect for parties, buffets and makes a welcome appetizer. … More..
calories per serving
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine how luscious would be a mixture of curd and grated … More..
calories per serving
I’ve given a nice mediterranean feel to the humble potato, by lining it with olive cream cheese sauce. … More..
calories per serving
Macaroni fits well into almost any baked dish. Heres a quick combo of macaroni and vegetables, which satiates … More..
calories per serving
You can’t find a more exciting way to use leftover bread. Turn them into enticingly crisp bread croutons … More..
calories per serving
healthy Indian style couscous salad recipe | couscous salad | Mediterranean couscous salad | with 20 amazing images. … More..
calories per serving
An innovative and healthy snack that is well worth the extra trouble! use whole wheat pizza bases and … More..
calories per serving
Veggies pizza is a tempting, mouthwatering and an eye appealing pizza recipe with selected vegetables as topping. Add … More..
calories per serving
olive and tomato pasta recipe | Indian style tomato olive pasta | pasta with tomatoes and olives | … More..
calories per serving
Fresh, crisp lettuce, boiled channa, paneer cubes, tomatoes, boiled penne pasta, olives, and spring onions make a vibrant-looking … More..
calories per serving
cheesy paneer parsley toast recipe | paneer parsley cheese open toast | paneer parsley toast | with amazing … More..
calories per serving
In the Cottage Cheese and Dill Canapés, thick curd is used to bind together the filling, which is … More..
calories per serving
Italian open toast sandwich recipe | Indian veg open cheese sandwich | cheesy tomato and herb sandwich | … More..

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- अमेरिकन व्यंजन 18 recipes
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- बच्चों के लिए रेसिपी (1 से 3 साल के लिए) 19 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए मिठे व्यंजन 173 recipes
- बच्चों का आहार (10 से 12 महीने के लिए) भारतीय 14 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए झटपट वेज व्यंजन 40 recipes
- बच्चों का सुबह का नाश्ता 105 recipes
- माँ का दूध छुड़ाने के समय ८ से ९ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 19 recipes
- बच्चों का पौष्टिक आहार 99 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए नाश्ते की रेसिपी 312 recipes
- व्यंजन जो बच्चे पकाएँ 8 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए स्कूल के बाद का नाश्ता 350 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए सूखे नाश्ते की रेसिपी 36 recipes
- फिंगर फूड़स् 30 recipes
- बच्चों का वज़न बढ़ाने के व्यंजन 24 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए रॅप्स् और रोल्स् 9 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए वेज पास्ता 14 recipes
- दिमाग तेज़ करने वाले व्यंजन 32 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
- माँ का दूध छुडाने के समय ६ से ७ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 12 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए पिज्जा 18 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए लोह युक्त आहार 23 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए फाइबर युक्त आहार 25 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए नूडल्स् 6 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए ऊर्जा युक्त आहार 38 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए कॅल्शियम युक्त आहार 51 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए रोगश्रमता बढ़ाने के व्यंजन 18 recipes
- बेबी फूड रेसिपी, 6 से 18 महीने तक के लिए 24 recipes
- बच्चों का वजन कम करने के व्यंजन 31 recipes
- दाँत आने के समय बच्चों का आहार 7 recipes
- 8 से 9 महीने के भारतीय बेबी के लिए अनाज और दालें 5 recipes
- 7 महीनों में खाद्य पदार्थों के सेवन करना 7 recipes
- टीनएजर के लिए 154 recipes
- स्टार्टस् रेसिपी, नाश्ते रेसिपी 1013 recipes
- ब्रेकफास्ट रेसिपी | सुबह का नाश्ता | 483 recipes
- मेन कोर्स वेज रेसिपी 878 recipes
- भारतीय सलाद वेज रेसिपी 130 recipes
- भारतीय मिठाई | अंडा रहित भारतीय मिठाई 329 recipes
- भारतीय सूप की रेसिपी | वेज सूप रेसिपीज | 128 recipes
- भारतीय पेय रेसिपी 191 recipes
- डिनर रेसिपी 613 recipes
- Indian Dinner1 0 recipes
- भारतीय लंच रेसिपी 541 recipes
- खाने के साथ परोसे जाने वाले रेसिपी 223 recipes
- यात्रा के लिए भारतीय 292 recipes
- बार्बेक्यू 13 recipes
- भारतीय फ्रोजन फूड्स वेज फ्रीज़र 67 recipes
- पूरे गेहूँ की रेसिपी 31 recipes
- मनपसंद भारतीय रेसिपी | कम्फर्ट फ़ूड 119 recipes
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- आसान भारतीय शाकाहारी रेसिपी 39 recipes
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- बिना पकाए हुई इंडियन रेसिपी 27 recipes
- अड्वैन्स्ड रेसपी 59 recipes
- अंडेवाला केक रेसिपी 2 recipes
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- कढ़ाई 254 recipes
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- सिजलर ट्रे 3 recipes
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- प्रेशर कुकर 178 recipes
- तवा वेज 362 recipes
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- पॅन 113 recipes
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- फ्रिज 68 recipes
- वफ़ल रेसिपी 2 recipes
- हाण्डी 9 recipes
- ज्यूसर और हॉपर 30 recipes
- इक्विपमेंट ग्रिलर 11 recipes
- टोस्टर 10 recipes
- गैस टोस्टर 3 recipes
- स्टीम रेसिपी, स्टीम्ड इंडियन वेजिटेरियन 30 recipes
- बिना पकाए हुई रेसिपी 108 recipes
- वेजीटेरियन बेक्ड इंडियन रेसिपी 108 recipes
- उबालकर कर पकाया हुई 45 recipes
- तली हुई रेसिपी 115 recipes
- तवा रेसिपी 124 recipes
- हल्का तलना वेज भारतीय 11 recipes
- माइक्रोवेव 20 recipes
- हल्के से तला हुआ रेसिपी 120 recipes
- प्रेशर कुक 66 recipes
- स्टर-फ्राय 19 recipes
- भुना हुआ रेसिपी 0 recipes