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The Gherkin is a fruit similar in form and nutritional value to a cucumber. They are usually picked when 4 to 8 cm (1 to 3 in) in length and pickled in jars or cans with vinegar (often flavored with herbs, particularly dill; hence, dill pickle) or brine to resemble a pickled cucumber. The gherkins are graded on the basis of count/kilo and are thoroughly washed. The washed gherkins are passed through a minute inspection to sort out crooked and bent fruits, remove flower, remove stalks, seperate damaged fruits and to seperate worm infected fruits.

After these initial steps, the gherkins are subjected to brining or vinegar / acetic acid process as per requirements. These are packed in food grade plastic barrels and are shipped to ensure timely delivery. Pickled gherkins are served to accompany other foods, often in sandwiches.

Whole gherkin

Whole gherkins are preserved in brine or vinegar and filled in bottles. They are then vacuum sealed in lug capping machine and are pasteurized and labeled accordingly.

Gherkin matchsticks

Gherkins can be cut like matchsticks as per recipe requirements. These are usually served with Oriental cuisines.

How to select

Gherkin is edible and may be pickled but must be picked when no longer than 4 cm (1.5 in) long, since it becomes bitter and spiny if allowed to grow larger. Check that the bottles and cans storing gherkins are completely air tight which protects the gherkin from moisture, heat as well as dust.

Culinary Uses

· Gherkins are usually enjoyed as a side dish or accompaniment with sandwiches, hot dogs and breads.

· Sweet gherkin pickles are made by soaking the gherkins in sugar syrup or honey. They can be enjoyed as desserts.

· Gherkins may be added to soups, salads and vegetable stir fry.

How to store

Store gherkins in plastic or glass bottles in the refrigerator.

Health benefits

· Low in Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol

· High in Vitamin K and Vitamin A but also high in Sodium

gherkin slices

gherkin slices

The gherkins are sliced in thin and thick slices using slicers or sharp knives and then pickled in different solutions with herbs.

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