19 कैस्टर शक्कर क्या है, ग्लॉसरी, इसका उपयोग,स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ, रेसिपी, in hindi recipes

कैस्टर शक्कर रेसिपी, बेकिंग के लिए कैस्टर शुगर रेसिपी | recipes using castor sugar in hindi |
कैस्टर शुगर रेसिपी, बेकिंग के लिए कैस्टर शुगर रेसिपी। कैस्टर शुगर एक प्रकार की रिफाइंड चीनी है जो मुख्य रूप से कुकीज़ और केक जैसे बेकिंग कन्फेक्शनरी में उपयोग की जाती है।
एगलेस चॉकलेट चिप कुकीज | भारतीय स्टाइल वेजिटेरियन चॉकलेट चिप कुकीज़ | - Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies
कैस्टर शुगर का उपयोग कर डेसर्ट | desserts using castor sugar in hindi |
1. केले और चॉकलेट का लोफ : यह अंडा रहित अनोखा केले का लोफ अपने चॉकलेटी और फ्रूटी स्वाद से सब का मन आसानी से मोह लेगा। हमेशा की तरह, केला न केवल स्वाद में सुधार करता है, पर लोफ को नरम बनाने में भी मददरूप होता है।
केले और चॉकलेट का लोफ | अंडा रहित केले और चॉकलेट ब्रेड | - Eggless Chocolate Banana Bread Recipe
2. एगलेस चॉकलेट कुकीज : दुनिया भर में मिलती यह चॉकलेट कुकीज़ चॉकलेट चिप्स् मिलाकर ऐसी मुलायम और मज़ेदार बनती है कि मुँह में रखते ही पिघल जाएँगी।
चॉकलेट कुकीज रेसिपी | एगलेस चॉकलेट कुकीज | घर पर बनाए हुए चॉकलेट कुकीज | - Homemade Chocolate Cookies
3. चॉकलेट स्विस रोल : स्विस रोल के बारे में सोचते ही, हम तुरंत ही मक्स फलों के जाम से लद्दे हुए स्पंजी वैनिला केक रोल के बारे में सोचते हैं। यह चॉकलेट स्विस रोल एक अभिनव संस्करण है जिसमें स्वादिष्ट चॉकलेट केक रोल गाढ़े व्हीप्ड क्रीम से लद्दे हुए है।
चॉकलेट स्विस रोल - Chocolate Swiss Roll
Make these delicious sweet ping pongs while singing rhymes to your kids which would help in brain development. More..
Recipe# 969
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Biscotti is a special type of Italian almond biscuit that is baked twice to get a unique texture … More..
Recipe# 1366
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
chocolate brownie with eggs recipe | chocolate Easter fudge brownies | Indian style best chocolate brownies | with … More..
Recipe# 6383
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The Badam Cake is a mildly-sweet treat with the delectable crunch of almonds. Made with yeast, this cake … More..
Recipe# 6595
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A scone is a single-serving sized, mildly-sweet bread with a very pleasing mouth-feel. It is usually made of … More..
Recipe# 6755
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
eggless cheesecake brownie recipe | chocolate cheesecake brownie | Indian style cheesecake brownies | with 40 amazing images.Each … More..
Recipe# 86
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
whole wheat Chinese steamed buns recipe | healthy Chinese steamed buns | Mantou | Indian style Chinese steam … More..
Recipe# 7666
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
dry karela chutney recipe | Indian bitter gourd chutney powder | hagalakayi chutney podi | with 28 amazing … More..
Recipe# 7703
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
instant doughnuts | eggless cinnamon doughnuts | cinnamon sugar doughnuts | no yeast doughnuts | with 25 amazing … More..
Recipe# 7755
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
1 minute chocolate chip cookie recipe | 60 seconds microwave cookie | eggless microwave cookie | with 16 … More..
Recipe# 7757
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
instant poha premix recipe | ready to eat poha mix | poha premix | with 21 amazing images.instant … More..
Recipe# 7817
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The best thing about using apple in any dessert is that it appeals to everybody. It has a … More..
Recipe# 6585
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
double chocolate chip muffins recipe | chocolate chip muffins using eggs | Indian style double chocolate chip muffin … More..
Recipe# 6150
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
chocolate chip cookies recipe | Indian style chocolate chip cookies | choco chip cookies using eggs | with … More..
Recipe# 5756
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Well, this is the age of the diet-conscious, but that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on … More..
Recipe# 993
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
eggless semolina coconut cake recipe | coconut semolina cake | eggless basbousa | Indian suji coconut cake | … More..
Recipe# 6320
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An eye-catching rich, dark chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream makes a great party dessert . More..
Recipe# 590
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Crunchy, creamy, rich—there is no shortage of praise for this dessert! this is luscious party fare, with the … More..
Recipe# 755
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A great way to incorporate sprouts into your diet. This nutritious, protein and fibre-rich salad is also easy … More..
Recipe# 5536
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
fatless chocolate sponge cake with eggs recipe | no butter no oil fatless chocolate sponge | fat free … More..
Recipe# 5504
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A double-coloured delight that kids – and adults – are sure to go ga-ga over! Milky, buttery cookies … More..
Recipe# 5129
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Orange raisin muffins, the combination of fruits and the dry fruits is truly mind-blowing. The orange rind and … More..
Recipe# 5125
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
eggless pressure cooker chocolate cake recipe | Indian style pressure cooker chocolate cake | chocolate cake in a … More..
Recipe# 1319
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This is a quick and easy sweet lemon pickle that is ready within minutes as compared to the … More..
Recipe# 4197
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Go thai, with this stir-fried noodle recipe! the unusual peanut butter based sauce adds a classy touch to … More..
Recipe# 4102
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The custard fruit tarts are made with low fat butter, minimal sugar and fruits like oranges, apple and … More..
Recipe# 3802
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Biscotti are a special class of biscuits, which are baked twice. This gives them a unique texture, which … More..
Recipe# 896
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An interesting variant of the regular chocolate brownie, this mouth-watering Chocolate and Carrot Brownie has a rustic texture … More..
Recipe# 852
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A rich, gooey, sinful and truly indulgent dessert. Warm, fudgy walnut brownies served with rum marinated fruits, drizzled … More..
Recipe# 663
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This refreshing Iced Coffee Mocha combines the ever-popular flavours of coffee and cocoa in one delightful, milky glassful! … More..
Recipe# 3648
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
Make these delicious sweet ping pongs while singing rhymes to your kids which would help in brain development. More..
calories per serving
Biscotti is a special type of Italian almond biscuit that is baked twice to get a unique texture … More..
calories per serving
chocolate brownie with eggs recipe | chocolate Easter fudge brownies | Indian style best chocolate brownies | with … More..
calories per serving
The Badam Cake is a mildly-sweet treat with the delectable crunch of almonds. Made with yeast, this cake … More..
calories per serving
A scone is a single-serving sized, mildly-sweet bread with a very pleasing mouth-feel. It is usually made of … More..
calories per serving
eggless cheesecake brownie recipe | chocolate cheesecake brownie | Indian style cheesecake brownies | with 40 amazing images.Each … More..
calories per serving
whole wheat Chinese steamed buns recipe | healthy Chinese steamed buns | Mantou | Indian style Chinese steam … More..
calories per serving
dry karela chutney recipe | Indian bitter gourd chutney powder | hagalakayi chutney podi | with 28 amazing … More..
calories per serving
instant doughnuts | eggless cinnamon doughnuts | cinnamon sugar doughnuts | no yeast doughnuts | with 25 amazing … More..
calories per serving
1 minute chocolate chip cookie recipe | 60 seconds microwave cookie | eggless microwave cookie | with 16 … More..
calories per serving
instant poha premix recipe | ready to eat poha mix | poha premix | with 21 amazing images.instant … More..
calories per serving
The best thing about using apple in any dessert is that it appeals to everybody. It has a … More..
calories per serving
double chocolate chip muffins recipe | chocolate chip muffins using eggs | Indian style double chocolate chip muffin … More..
calories per serving
chocolate chip cookies recipe | Indian style chocolate chip cookies | choco chip cookies using eggs | with … More..
calories per serving
Well, this is the age of the diet-conscious, but that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on … More..
calories per serving
eggless semolina coconut cake recipe | coconut semolina cake | eggless basbousa | Indian suji coconut cake | … More..
calories per serving
An eye-catching rich, dark chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream makes a great party dessert . More..
calories per serving
Crunchy, creamy, rich—there is no shortage of praise for this dessert! this is luscious party fare, with the … More..
calories per serving
A great way to incorporate sprouts into your diet. This nutritious, protein and fibre-rich salad is also easy … More..
calories per serving
fatless chocolate sponge cake with eggs recipe | no butter no oil fatless chocolate sponge | fat free … More..
calories per serving
A double-coloured delight that kids – and adults – are sure to go ga-ga over! Milky, buttery cookies … More..
calories per serving
Orange raisin muffins, the combination of fruits and the dry fruits is truly mind-blowing. The orange rind and … More..
calories per serving
eggless pressure cooker chocolate cake recipe | Indian style pressure cooker chocolate cake | chocolate cake in a … More..
calories per serving
This is a quick and easy sweet lemon pickle that is ready within minutes as compared to the … More..
calories per serving
Go thai, with this stir-fried noodle recipe! the unusual peanut butter based sauce adds a classy touch to … More..
calories per serving
The custard fruit tarts are made with low fat butter, minimal sugar and fruits like oranges, apple and … More..
calories per serving
Biscotti are a special class of biscuits, which are baked twice. This gives them a unique texture, which … More..
calories per serving
An interesting variant of the regular chocolate brownie, this mouth-watering Chocolate and Carrot Brownie has a rustic texture … More..
calories per serving
A rich, gooey, sinful and truly indulgent dessert. Warm, fudgy walnut brownies served with rum marinated fruits, drizzled … More..
calories per serving
This refreshing Iced Coffee Mocha combines the ever-popular flavours of coffee and cocoa in one delightful, milky glassful! … More..

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- दिमाग तेज़ करने वाले व्यंजन 32 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
- माँ का दूध छुडाने के समय ६ से ७ महीने के बच्चों के लिए आहार 12 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए पिज्जा 18 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए लोह युक्त आहार 23 recipes
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- बच्चों के लिए नूडल्स् 6 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए ऊर्जा युक्त आहार 38 recipes
- बच्चों के लिए कॅल्शियम युक्त आहार 51 recipes
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- 7 महीनों में खाद्य पदार्थों के सेवन करना 7 recipes
- टीनएजर के लिए 154 recipes
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- डिनर रेसिपी 613 recipes
- Indian Dinner1 0 recipes
- भारतीय लंच रेसिपी 541 recipes
- खाने के साथ परोसे जाने वाले रेसिपी 223 recipes
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- तवा रेसिपी 124 recipes
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- प्रेशर कुक 66 recipes
- स्टर-फ्राय 19 recipes
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