Sandwich Masala is a spice blend used throughout India and the rest of the Indian Subcontinent as a flavorant while preparing sandwiches( a bread preparation). This special blend of spice is used in a small quantity at the end of cooking or fried in the beginning of cooking of the filling for the sandwich to add a subtle spicy flavor. Please note, sandwich masala must be added in small quantities, or else it will overpower the dish. Many different kind of sandwich masala is found depending on the region and the personal taste. With sandwich masala,you can make your sandwiches even tastier. Just sprinkle a little bit on your sandwiches for extra tang. This masala is made with cumin, black salt, black pepper, fennel, cinnamon, clove, mango powder and other spices.It is used alone or with other seasonings. Available in customised qualities as well as packing, the sandwich Masala helps to recreate the flavours of whole spices in a sandwich without taking the trouble to roast and ground them individually.
How to select
Sandwich masala is readily available in local stores across Maharashtra under many brands, the most common being Bombay Magic sandwich Masala. While buying packaged sandwich masala, check the expiry date and feel for lumpiness( sign of moisture inside the packet.
Culinary Uses
" Sandwich masala is usually added to the fillings for sandwiches like Masala Toast, Butter and potato sandwich or even grilled chicken sandwiches .
" Adding sandwich masala to any filling of your choice, both vegetables and boiled chicken or eggs add to the flavour of the sandwich.
" it can be sprinkled over or added in the recipe like sandwich dhokla, sandwich pakoda or aloo peas masala sandwich.
" The masala can also be added to curries, vegetable dishes, soups, or stews toward the end of cooking or sprinkled over the surface just before serving.
How to store
While commercial sandwich masala preparations can be bought ready ground, as with all ground spice, they do not keep well and soon lose their aroma. Store the masala in an airtight container and keep it in a cool dark place.
Health benefits
" Since the masala powder is added only in small quantities, it does not have substantial health benefits. However the use of cloves, cinnamon and cumin seeds are known to improve digestive complaints and immune functions.