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 White Blood Cell Count (WBC), Low, High

  Last Updated : Nov 11,2024

White Blood Cell Count (WBC), Low, High

all about white blood cells.  why white blood cells count is high? why white blood cell count is low? foods that helps white blood cell count. White Blood Cells (WBC) are the immune cells of our body which are a part of blood. They are also known as ‘leukocytes’. Although they make up only 1% of the components of the blood, they have a very crucial role to play in our body. They are continuously at war with any bacteria or virus that enters our body, thus forming the first line of defense against any foreign invader that’s a threat to your health.

These WBC are made in the bone marrow and stored in the blood and lymphatic systems till they are needed  to fight any type of infection. Their ratio against red blood cell (RBC) is 1 : 600. Because WBC has a short life span so your body has to continuously produce them. A healthy diet is a key to making these WBC and staying fit and robust. You can try a simple recipe like Orange Tabbouleh.

 Orange Tabbouleh, Healthy Orange Tabbouleh

Orange Tabbouleh, Healthy Orange Tabbouleh

There are different kinds of WBC which range from those which recognize the foreign bodies to the ones which reach to the site and destroy and ingest them. The different types of WBC are : 

Neutrophils : More than half of the white blood cells are Neutrophils. They are those powerful WBC and one of the first immune cells to respond. They travel to the site of infection and go ahead and digest and kill the bacteria and virus.


Eosinophils : They are primarily accountable for destroying parasites, cancer cells and also are a part of allergic responses especially to pollen. 

Basophils : These form only 1% of the WBC. They play a role in alerting the body to infections by secreting chemicals like ‘histamines’ and controlling body’s responses to allergies, especially that of asthma. 

Lymphocytes : These are very important type of WBC which are responsible for making antibodies that help the body defend against different types of harmful bacteria, virus and other threats. 

Monocytes : They form 5% of the WBC in your blood. their most important function is to break down the bacteria as well as ingest and clean up the dead cells and thus are often termed as ‘vaccum cleaner’. They usually have a longer life span than other types of WBC.

What is the Normal WBC count?

Checking the number of white blood cells us usually a part of CBC (Complete Blood Cell) test. A normal white blood cell count for a healthy adult is usually between 4,000 and 10,000 cells/MCL.

When is WBC Count High?

An increase in white blood cells is known as leukocytosis. A higher WBC count than normal usually indicates an infection signaling that your body has been attacked by bacteria or virus. As a counter effect, the body multiplies the number of WBC so as to fight and destroy the invaders.

Few factors which contribute to a high WBC count are

• Infection

• Smoking

• Infections like tuberculosis

• Stress


• Allergies

• Tissue damage (eg. Burns)

• Tumors in the bone marrow

• Drugs such as corticosteroids

When is WBC Count Low?

When the number of white blood cells is too low it is termed as leukopenia. This condition indicates may indicate severe infections. A low WBC count is a signal that your body’s immune cells are being destroyed by the threats more faster than they are being made or the body is producing few of them. In simple words, it means that the bacteria or virus have increased or multiplied to a number which is now destroying your immune cells and your immune system has weakened.

Most common factor which contribute to low WBC count are:

• Severe Infection

•  Bone Marrow Damage

• Auto Immune Disorders

• Excessive exercise


Cancer & Radiation Therapy

• Liver and spleen diseases

• Some specific medicines like cancer treating drugs or antibiotics

Diagnosis of High / Low WBC count

Your doctor who preferable knows your medical history is the best person to diagnose high / low WBC levels. S(he) will recommend a treatment plan to you after determining the cause. It is very likely that you may need to repeat the blood test periodically to run a close check at the WBC levels. 

If your WBC count remains high / low, this indicates that your condition has worsened. Your doctor might change the treatment or the medication till your WBC count returns to normal or may suggest you to visit a specialist. A low WBC count in very severe diseased conditions is slightly difficult to bring back to normal. 

Can Diet Help in Improving WBC Count?

Well, to a certain extent yes. Healthy eating is always a ladder to a healthy YOU. First basic rule is to avoid all the junk, refined and canned products from your food list. Yes, you are right…. This list is quite immense. It includes bread, pasta, burger, chips, canned juices, sugary foods, cakes, mithais and so on…. 

So the next question is what to eat then? Turn to the colourful Nature’s basket of fruits, veggies, whole grains cereals and their flours, dals, pulses and sprouts. These are rich in :

• Protein : Protein is a key nutrient and the basis of every cell of our body. Similarly, WBC are also made up of protein. This key nutrient is required throughout the life, only the needs vary depending on the stage of life. Eggs are a complete protein. A soft boiled egg and healthy egg dosa for breakfast is an ideal way to make up for your protein needs.

Vegetarians can opt for whole cereals like buckwheat and quinoa to build their WBC count. Buckwheat is one such cereal which has all the 9 essential amino acids we need. (Note: Proteins are made of amino acids and out of 21 amino acids, 9 are not produced in our body and need to be sourced from food. These are essential amino acids). Try Buckwheat Pancakes and gain in 2.1 g of protein from each pancake.

 Buckwheat Pancakes, Kuttu Pancake Diabetic Snacks Buckwheat Pancakes, Kuttu Pancake Diabetic Snacks

Quinoa Paneer Carrot Pepper Lunch Salad is a double dose of protein from quinoa and cottage cheese both. It is highly satiating and comprises of all antioxidants too to help you build a healthy immune system. Also Quinoa Feta and Veg Salad is a double dose of protein from quinoa and feta cheese both.


 Quinoa Paneer Carrot Peppers Salad, for Lunch Or Dinner

 Quinoa Paneer Carrot Peppers Salad, for Lunch Or Dinner

Sprouts are another very good source of protein. The process of sprouting increases their nutrient count further. They are easy to incorporate in our daily cooking. Try the Sprouts and Palak Idli.

Sprouts and Palak Idli

Sprouts and Palak Idli

Also Read : 21 Source of Vegetarian Protein

Benefits of Sprouts

• Vitamin C : Vitamin C is the most crucial nutrient which helps to fight bacteria and virus that invade our body. Citrus fruits along with grapefruit, guava, berries and amla contain the highest amount of vitamin C.

Have them as it is in between meals or make them a part of your meal. We suggest Healthy Guava Snack. One serving of this snack is enough to make your day’s requirement of vitamin C.

Healthy Guava Snack

 Healthy Guava Snack

Alternatively juice them like done in the recipe of Amla Juice. This amla juice recipe is a one ingredient recipe. Making this amla juice for weight loss takes less than 5 minutes.

 Amla Juice, How To Make Amla Juice, Gooseberry Juice

 Amla Juice, How To Make Amla Juice, Gooseberry Juice

Yet looking something more interesting? Try combining colourful fruits to make Healthy Fruit Chaat. And what's more is that the fibre from the fruits will help to maintain a healthy gut too!

Fruit Chaat Indian Fruit Chaat Recipe

Fruit Chaat Indian Fruit Chaat Recipe

Other veggies like bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage etc. are also a good source of this key nutrient. Nutritious vegetable salad is a quick and simple way of consuming an appetizing starter.

Grilled Bell Pepper, Carrot and Mushrooms is a quick and simple way of consuming an appetizing starter.

 Grilled Bellpepper, Carrot and Mushrooms, Healthy Accompaniment

 Grilled Bellpepper, Carrot and Mushrooms, Healthy Accompaniment

Also Read: 12 Reasons to Eat More Citrus Fruits

• Folate (Vitamin B9): While folate deficiency can lead to anaemia, it is also a crucial vitamin needed to keep up WBC count. The major sources of folate include tomato, spinach, chawli leaves, moong, chana, peanut and a variety of dals.

Enhance your folate intake by way of Urad Dal with Spinach. This would enhance your protein and folate intake both.

 Urad Dal with Spinach, Healthy Urad Dal with Spinach

 Urad Dal with Spinach, Healthy Urad Dal with Spinach

As an early morning health potion, try Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammation Spinach Juice. An apt blend of ingredients like spinach and tomatoes gives it a nice taste and consistency, while at the same time these ingredients are bursting with nutrients that work against cancer and inflammation, two of today’s killer diseases.

Anti- Cancer and Anti- Inflammation Spinach JuiceAnti- Cancer and Anti- Inflammation Spinach Juice

Also Read: 44 Vitamin B9, Folate Recipes.

• Zinc: Zinc is a nutrient which itself acts an antioxidant and thus has a role to play in immunity. It further also helps build WBC and T cells which are the warrior cells of the body. As a vegetarian source of zinc, include a variety of nourishing seeds like pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds and some healthy nuts like walnuts and almonds.


4 to 5 almonds and walnuts are best munched on in between meals. Date and Walnut Balls is yet another simple way to make up for this nutrient. Thanks to sweet and sticky dates, this sweet requires no sugar, which means it is not too high on calories.

Date and Walnut BallsDate and Walnut Balls

Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which help to build a healthy immune system. They can be roasted and had as a mouth-freshener. These will help add glow to your skin, fight diseases and also prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Learn How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds.

 How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Also Read: Top 22 Sources of Zinc

• Other antioxidants : Antioxidants and substance which help remove the potentially harmful free radicals from the body and thus prevent or stop cell damage including the damage to white blood cells. One such antioxidant is Vitamin E. Almonds contain a lot of healthy fats, fibre, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. You can include them in your diet by kicking off maida based rotis and including Almond Bhakri.

Almond HonAlmond Honey Cinnamon Milk, Healthy Vegan Breakfast Recipeey Cinnamon Milk, Healthy Vegan Breakfast Recipe

Almond Bhakri

Other antioxidants include lycopene (eg. tomato), allium sulphur compound (eg. garlic), cryptoxanthins (eg. avocado), indoles (eg. cabbage) etc.

Include them in the form of Almond Avocado Toast and Garlic Vegetable Soup.

Almond and Avocado Toast, Toasted Almond Bread Topped with Avocados

Almond and Avocado Toast, Toasted Almond Bread Topped with Avocados

Chia Seeds Pudding with Mixed Fruits and Walnuts with soothing flavour or coconut milk, the pleasant sweetness of honey, the unique texture of chia seeds and the juicy crunch of fruits and nuts, this pudding is truly an exciting treat. Chia seeds is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which helps to protect white blood cells.

Coconut Chia Seeds Pudding with Mixed Fruits and Walnuts

Coconut Chia Seeds Pudding with Mixed Fruits and Walnuts

Also Read: 430 Antioxidant Rich Recipes.

All these nutrients together work to build the health and the number of WBC in the blood, thus strengthening your immune system. 

WBC Count and Exercise

If you check your WBC count immediately after exercise, your count might be actually high. But there is nothing to worry about it. In a way, this strengthens your immune system and allows your body to identify disease causing organisms more easily than normal circumstances. However after exercise, the count drops back to normal. But excessive athletic training (marathon, ultra athletes, triathletes) can result in a significant decrease in WBC count. However this isn’t really a cause of worry. Discuss it with your doctor and trainer and chalk out a balance between antioxidant you pop up and your exercise regime.

Recipe Suggestions to Boost WBC Count

1. Sprouts and Palak Idli

2. Coconut Chia Seeds Pudding with Mixed Fruits and Walnuts

3. Flax Seed Shakarpara

 Flax Seed Shakarpara, Diabetic Friendly

 Flax Seed Shakarpara, Diabetic Friendly

4. Flaxseeds Dry Chutney

 Flaxseeds Dry Chutney, South Indian Flax Seeds Podi

 Flaxseeds Dry Chutney, South Indian Flax Seeds Podi

5. Tomato Salsa

 Uncooked Salsa, Raw Tomato Salsa Tomato Salsa

6. Oats Methi Multiflour Khakhra

Oats Methi Multiflour Khakhra
Oats Methi Multiflour Khakhra

7. Orange Tabbouleh

8. Jowar Palak Appe

 Jowar Palak AppeJowar Palak Appe

9. Chana Dal Pancakes

Chana Dal Pancakes ( Gluten Free )

Chana Dal Pancakes ( Gluten Free )

10. Pineapple Cucumber Salad

 Pineapple Cucumber Salad ( Fibre Rich Salad)

 Pineapple Cucumber Salad ( Fibre Rich Salad)

11. Broccoli Soup

 Broccoli Soup ( Pregnancy Recipe)

 Broccoli Soup ( Pregnancy Recipe)

12. Orange, Grapefruit and Mint Salad

 Orange, Grapefruit and Mint Salad

 Orange, Grapefruit and Mint Salad

13. Carrot and Red Pepper Juice

 Carrot and Red Pepper Juice

 Carrot and Red Pepper Juice

14. Bajra, Whole Moong and Green Pea Khichdi

Bajra, Whole Moong and Green Pea KhichdiBajra, Whole Moong and Green Pea Khichdi

15. Anti- Cancer and Anti- Inflammation Spinach Juice

16. Nachni Paneer Pancake

 Nachni Paneer Pancake

 Nachni Paneer Pancake

17. Jowar Methi Roti

Jowar Methi Roti

Jowar Methi Roti

white blood cell count low high

 by Tarla Dalal
sprouts and palak idli recipe | sprouts spinach idli | moong palak idli | with 22 amazing images. sprouts spinach idli is very healthy, loaded with protein but low in calories. Learn how to make sprouts and palak idli recipe | sprouts spinach idli | moong palak idli | But for the fact that it is steamed in an idli mould, the sprouts and palak idli has nothing else in common with the traditional rice and urad idli, because it has an excitingly different taste and mouth-feel. sprouts and palak idli is very soft and spongy and addictively delicious. The batter of moong sprouts and spinach gains its appetizing aroma and taste from ingredients like sesame and green chillies. This batter does not have to be fermented. By adding a dash of fruit salt, we ensure that the idlis come out very soft and fluffy. Enjoy moong palak idli hot with chutney and sambhar for breakfast or supper, or cut it into bite-sized pieces and serve as a starter or evening snack with green chutney! Tips to make sprouts and palak idli: 1. After adding the fruit salt do not mix the batter vigorously. 2. Makes sure to grease the idli mould before making every batch. 3. Sprouts and palak idli tastes best when served hot with sambhar. Enjoy sprouts and palak idli recipe | sprouts spinach idli | moong palak idli | with detailed step by step photos.
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coconut chia seeds pudding with mixed fruits recipe | healthy Indian chia pudding | vegan chia pudding | high protein high fibre pudding | with 17 amazing images. This easy chia seed pudding recipe is a perfect healthy breakfast or snack! Learn how to make coconut chia seeds pudding with mixed fruits recipe | healthy Indian chia pudding | vegan chia pudding | high protein high fibre pudding | There are awesome, irresistibly tasty ways in which you can boost your endurance, and this coconut chia seeds pudding with mixed fruits and nuts is one example. This healthy Indian chia pudding tastes like dessert, but it's filled with fibre, protein, and healthy fats. With the soothing flavour of coconut milk, the pleasant sweetness of honey, the unique texture of chia seeds and the juicy crunch of fruits and nuts, this vegan chia pudding is truly an exciting treat. You can vary this recipe by topping it with any seasonal fruits, and nuts of your choice. Stored in the refrigerator in a covered container, this high protein high fibre pudding stays good for two days. It is perfect for endurance athletes as chia seeds are high in fat and low in carbs. This pudding is also a good source of alpha linoleic acid, which is an antioxidant essential for energy production in the body. It helps runners to maintain high energy levels. Tips to make coconut chia seeds pudding: 1. Instead of coconut milk, you can use normal milk or almond milk. 2. You can add any other seasonal fruits of your choice. 3. For sweetness instead of honey you can also add maple syrup. Enjoy coconut chia seeds pudding with mixed fruits recipe | healthy Indian chia pudding | vegan chia pudding | high protein high fibre pudding | with detailed step by step images.
flax seed shakarpara recipe | Indian flax seed crackers | alsi biscuit | healthy flax seed snack | with 34 amazing images. flax seed shakarpara is a healthy biscuit made from flax seeds and whole wheat flour. Learn to make Indian flax seed crackers. We have heard repeatedly that flaxseeds are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and are an essential food especially for vegetarians. Indian flax seed crackers make use of interesting ways to include alsi (flax seed) in our diet. While we do attempt to include it in mukhwas , raita, etc., here we present a very innovative way to consume this fibre, calcium and Omega-3 fatty acid rich seed in the form of crunchy flax seed shakarparas, which can be enjoyed as an evening snack. alsi biscuits are made from flax seeds, whole wheat flour, olive oil and spices. alsi biscuits are rich in Phosphorus, Vitamin B1, Magnesium, Fiber. We love having flax seed shakarparas as a healthy evening snack or healthy snack when hungry. Pro tips for Indian flax seed crackers. 1. Make sure the dough is stiff while kneading as mentioned in the recipe. 2. Roll dough thinly so baking is done soon and also it is cooked well. 3. flax seed shakarpara will stay fresh in an air-tight container for 7 days. 4. Prick dough lightly with a fork. Enjoy flax seed shakarpara recipe | Indian flax seed crackers | alsi biscuit | healthy flax seed snack | with step by step photos.
flaxseeds dry chutney recipe | Indian flax seed podi | alsi ki chutney | flaxseed chutney powder | with 10 amazing images. flaxseeds dry chutney recipe | Indian flax seed podi | alsi ki chutney | flaxseed chutney powder is a nourishing accompaniment to Indian meals. Learn how to make Indian flax seed podi. To make flaxseeds dry chutney, put the flaxseeds in a small non-stick pan and dry roast on a medium flame for 2 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Keep the roasted flax seeds aside. In the same pan, dry roast the Kashmiri red chillies for 2 minutes, while tossing occasionally. Keep the roasted chillies aside. In the same pan, dry roast the cumin seeds for 1 minute, while stirring occasionally. Combine all the ingredients along with salt in a mixer and blend till coarse without using any water. Store in an air-tight container and refrigerate. Use as required. Chutney powder, usually made with dals and red chillies, just got healthier in this all-new avtar. The traditional South Indian recipe has been tweaked to incorporate flax seeds instead of dals and presented in the form of Indian flax seed podi. Some cumin seeds have also been added to the formula to make it tastier! With loads of fibre and nutrients, this healthy version of flaxseed chutney powder is a wise addition to your diet. Weight watchers, diabetics, heart patients and all healthy individuals can include this dry chutney in their daily meals. They can enjoy this alsi ki chutney as an accompaniment for idlis and dosas like healthy oats dosa, or you can sprinkle some of it over snacks like uttapa to give a tongue-tickling flavour. Tips for flaxseeds dry chutney. 1. For uniform roasting, we recommend you roast the flaxseeds on a medium flame. 2. Prefer to pulse and grind while making powder so the seeds do not release oil. Enjoy flaxseeds dry chutney recipe | Indian flax seed podi | alsi ki chutney | flaxseed chutney powder | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
tomato salsa recipe | Indian style fresh tomato salsa | healthy salsa recipe with fresh tomatoes | with 16 amazing images. Here is a delicious tomato salsa recipe, which is absolutely suitable for diabetics. Learn how to make tomato salsa recipe | Indian style fresh tomato salsa | healthy salsa recipe with fresh tomatoes | This vibrant and healthy tomato salsa recipe is a perfect accompaniment to your favorite dishes. It's packed with fresh, wholesome ingredients that are low in calories and high in nutrients. It is rich in vitamin A and lycopene and has no oil or fat. This homemade salsa is a healthier alternative to store-bought options, which often contain added sugars and preservatives. By making your own salsa, you can control the ingredients and create a flavor profile that suits your taste preferences. Enjoy this homemade salsa with tortilla chips. Loads of veggies give it an awesome taste, exciting mouth-feel, and of course, a good dose of fibre too. Use this fabulous tomato salsa to make Burritos or serve it with Baked Tortilla Chips. pro tips to make tomato salsa recipe: 1. Opt for ripe, juicy tomatoes with vibrant color. Ripe tomatoes have the best flavor and sweetness. 2. A great salsa has a balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors. Adjust the amount of lime juice, salt, and chillies to your preference. 3. Pulse the ingredients in a food processor or blender for best flavours and serve immediately. Enjoy tomato salsa recipe | Indian style fresh tomato salsa | healthy salsa recipe with fresh tomatoes | with detailed step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
oats methi multiflour khakhra recipe | healthy oats methi khakhra | Indian oats garlic khakhra | oats khakhra for weight loss | with 33 amazing images. oats methi multiflour khakhra recipe | healthy oats methi khakhra | Indian oats garlic khakhra | oats khakhra for weight loss is a healthy jar snack. Learn how to make healthy oats methi khakhra. Khakhras are a crispy snack which give wonderful company to a cup of hot tea, silence your tummy whenever a sudden hunger pang strikes, and can be carried around in your handbag to snack on. These crisp and tasty Indian oats garlic khakhra are full of iron-rich ingredients like fenugreek, jowar and nachni, which not only contribute iron to the recipe, but also improve the flavour and texture of the khakhra remarkably. Oats brings to the table loads of fibre, which helps to keep your digestive tract healthy. So, whenever you find time, make a batch of these scrumptious khakhras and stock them in an airtight container. To make oats khakhra for weight loss try making them in a khakhra maker without the use of ghee for cooking. These healthy oats methi khakhra is a wise pick for patients and diabetics and heart patients too. The beta glucan in oats helps to manage blood sugar levels. Pregnant women and kids too can enjoy this nourishing snack with a cucumber dip as a more satiating snack. Tips for oats methi multiflour khakhra. 1. Store healthy oats methi khakhra in an airtight container for upto 21 days. 2. With the help of a khakhra press or folded muslin cloth, press the khakhra from all the sides and cook over a slow flame till it is crisp. 3. Serve healthy oats methi khakhra with a glass of chaas. See how to make chaas. Enjoy oats methi multiflour khakhra recipe | healthy oats methi khakhra | Indian oats garlic khakhra | oats khakhra for weight loss | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
jowar palak appe recipe | instant jowar appe | healthy palak appe | with 18 images. jowar palak appe is a healthy South Indian snack. Learn to make instant jowar appe. Irresistibly tempting, the Jowar Palak Appe is a real treat to the palate, while also being a nourishing snack for your body. Rich in iron, fibre and other nutrients, jowar palak appe is quite easy to make and super tasty with the spiky flavour of ginger and green chillies. instant jowar appe doesn't require any soaking, grinding or fermentation. You'll also like the fact that this appe requires very little oil to cook. Instead of spinach, you can add other veggies too. Plus, the batter can also be used to make yummy dosas. Serve instant jowar appe hot and fresh with chutney. Suggested Serving Size is 4 to 5 instant jowar appes. Enjoy jowar palak appe recipe | instant jowar appe | healthy palak appe | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
chana dal pancakes | healthy chana dal pancakes |chana dal pancakes for diabetics | with 26 amazing images Chana dal pancakes is made of soaked chana dal mixed with vitamin rich vegetables and protein rich curds to enhance its taste. Grated ginger and green chillies add the much-needed spice to the chana dal pancakes. Cook these split bengal gram pancakes over a slow flame as the chana dal is coarsely ground and will take a while to cook well. What makes chana dal pancakes healthy? Chana dal is a very beneficial pulse for diabetics as it helps in the utilisation of sugar effectively causing a slow rise in blood sugar levels because of its low glycemic index. There is a 1/2 cup of methi leaves used in chana dal pancakes and see why we love that. Fenugreek leaves help in improving glucose and insulin responses, hence good for diabetics. The levels of cholesterol also reduced with intakes of fenugreek leaves. These Indian chana dal pancakes are extremely filling and you could have that for a heavy breakfast or it would suffice for dinner. Serve chana dal pancakes with green chutney. Enjoy chana dal pancakes | healthy chana dal pancakes |chana dal pancakes for diabetics with detailed step by step photos below.
pineapple cucumber salad recipe | Indian pineapple cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes | healthy cucumber pineapple salad | with 24 amazing images. pineapple cucumber salad recipe | Indian pineapple cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes | healthy cucumber pineapple salad is a colourful treat for the eyes and a nutri boost for the body. Learn how to make Indian pineapple cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes. Pineapple and cucumbers tossed with coriander furnish a storehouse of fiber . Further the enzyme bromelain in pineapple exhibits antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. The cherry tomatoes, on the other hand, add vitamin A to promote vision. Rather than serving it as an occasional treat, make this Indian pineapple cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes a part of your daily meal and say goodbye to constipation! The dressing is another value addition to this pineapple cucumber salad. The honey imparts a delicate sweetness to this tangy salad, while the lemon juice adds a dose of vitamin C which helps to boost immunity and fight infections. It also has a role in collagen synthesis which makes it a skin friendly nutrient. This sweet and sour healthy cucumber pineapple salad can be enjoyed by weight watchers and heart patients. For diabetics, we recommend them to relish this salad minus the honey. Tips for pineapple cucumber salad. 1. You can add 1 tablespoon chopped parsley to the recipe. 2. Add 2 tablespoons roasted and chopped peanuts will give a good crunch to the salad. 3. Taste the dressing to see if you want more honey, lemon juice, salt or pepper. Enjoy pineapple cucumber salad recipe | Indian pineapple cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes | healthy cucumber pineapple salad | with step by step photos.
broccoli soup recipe | Indian broccoli soup without cream | healthy broccoli soup | with 19 amazing images. broccoli soup recipe | Indian broccoli soup without cream | healthy broccoli soup is a perfect recipe if you are looking for something to relish as a light meal with a bowl of salad. Learn how to make Indian broccoli soup without cream. To make broccoli soup, heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the onion and sauté on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minutes or till the onions turn translucent. Add the broccoli and 1½ cups of water and mix well. Cover with a lid and cook on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes, while stirring occasionally. Keep aside to cool slightly. Blend the mixture in a mixer to a smooth purée. Transfer the purée back into the same deep non-stick pan, add the milk, salt and pepper, mix well and bring to boil. Serve immediately. The Indian broccoli soup without cream is a really quick soup to make, and one which does not require you to hunt for umpteen ingredients. Despite the minimal amount of ingredients, it has a fantastic flavour mainly due to the teamwork of broccoli with onions, and a soothing texture due to the addition of milk. Broccoli is one of the best sources of antioxidants like vitamin A and folic acid, which makes it a wonder food during pregnancy. You will need plenty of folic acid not only during your first trimester, but also before you conceive, so you can recommend this broccoli soup to your friends who are planning for a child. Thanks to the addition of milk, this recipe is also rich in calcium and protein. Weight-watchers, heart patients and diabetics too can add this healthy broccoli soup to their list of nourishing foods. With not too many carbs to offer, it can help manage blood sugar levels. The antioxidants from broccoli is also a way to boost antioxidant intake which helps to strengthen heart. Tips to make broccoli soup. 1. While selecting broccoli, ensure it is bright green in colour. 2. You can also add finely chopped garlic along with the onions. Enjoy broccoli soup recipe | Indian broccoli soup without cream | healthy broccoli soup | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
Grapefruit is a wonderful ingredient, with its unique, inimitable taste and beautiful pinkish hue. The flavour of grapefruit is very rare as it combines tanginess, tartness and a mild sweetness, which is sure to tickle your taste buds! In this amazing salad, grapefruit comes together with orange and mint leaves, dressed in a lovely orange sauce. The peppy flavour of mint is a perfect match for the tanginess of this salad, and the result is awesome. Refrigerate the Orange, Grapefruit and Mint Salad for at least an hour before serving. If you like fruits in your salad check out our section of Fruit Based Salads that are made using fruits, or a combination of fruits with vegetables and pulses.
 by Tarla Dalal
carrot and red pepper juice recipe | Indian red bell pepper carrot juice | healthy tomato carrot red capsicum drink | with 21 amazing images. carrot and red pepper juice recipe | Indian red bell pepper carrot juice | healthy tomato carrot red capsicum drink is surely worth trying and promoting healthy eating pattern. Learn how to make Indian red bell pepper carrot juice. Drink your vegetables for a change! In addition to tasting great, this mélange of carrot, capsicum and tomatoes will work for your eyesight. The credit for this goes to the lycopene in tomatoes, capsaicin in capsicum and beta carotene in carrots. Moreover the vitamin C rich capsicum will also help build immunity and ease stress before you set out for the day. The Indian red bell pepper carrot juice is also perfect for a detox diet to cleanse your body. The antioxidants in these veggies helps to eliminate the toxins from the body. With only 17 calories to lend from a glass of drink, this healthy tomato carrot red capsicum drink is perfect for weight-watchers. We have made the juice in a Vitamix, which is a high quality blender, and so the juice needs no straining. This helps to retain most of the fiber in the veggies. Heart patients can benefit from this too. Get, set and go ahead for a deeper cleansing, while improving your body's metabolic rate. Tips for carrot and red pepper juice. 1. You can add some Tabasco sauce to make the Indian red bell pepper carrot juice a little spicy. 2. If you are using a regular mixer, then we suggest you blanch the carrots. Enjoy carrot and red pepper juice recipe | Indian red bell pepper carrot juice | healthy tomato carrot red capsicum drink | with step by step photos.
bajra whole moong and green pea khichdi recipe | whole moong bajra and green pea khichdi | healthy green pea bajra and whole moong khichdi | with 20 amazing images. Watching weight or on a diet or want to eat something supremely nutritious or healthy? We have got a perfect one pot meal recipe for you that is bajra whole monng and green pea khichdi. Think comfort food, and khichdi is the first option that comes to mind. Easy to make, a one pot dish dinner, and a one dish meal, the khichdi is the epitome of convenience. Breakfast, brunch, supper or dinner, if you want a simple meal in a hurry, look no further than the humble healthy green pea bajra and whole moong khichdi. The procedure for making bajra whole moong and green pea khichdi is very simple, all you need to do is soak moong dal and bajra for 5 hours. Bajra is a little difficult to digest and you can’t add the whole bajra directly in the khichdi as it takes longer time to cook. The outer husk which has a slight bitter taste needs to be removed so it is necessary to soak bajra before using. Further, once they are soaked drain them well. Next, to make moong dal, bajra and green pea khichdi, transfer the soaked bajra and moong dal in a pressure cooker, add green peas, enough water and pressure cook until 5 whistles. Furthermore, for the tempering take ghee in a deep kadai or a non stick pan, add cumin seeds, asafoetida, onions and tomatoes. Next to enhance the taste of our nutritious khichdi add ginger garlic and green chilli paste. Add Indian spices like turmeric powder and red chilli powder and cook well. Mash well with back of the spoon or a potato masher, add the cooked bajra, whole moong and green peas, add water to adjust the consistency cook well and our khichdi is ready!! You can serve bajra whole moong and green pea khichdi with kadhi or you can relish it with curd. Usually bajra khichdi is served with ghee and jaggery. I make this diabetic friendly khichdi for my father in law who is a diabetic and side by side also for whole family as this low calorie khichdi is also and a good way to eat healthy. I had learnt about this bajra whole moong and green pea khichdi from my mother, she would make it when I was conceiving. Perfect to have for pregnancy first trimester food or as a pregnancy friendly khichdi. I personally love the taste of this healthy green pea bajra and whole moong khichdi as it’s a melt in your mouth and supremely delicious. Enjoy bajra whole moong and green pea khichdi recipe | whole moong bajra and green pea khichdi | healthy green pea bajra and whole moong khichdi | with detailed step by step recipe photos and video.
anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice | healthy Indian palak tamatar juice | cancer fighting detox juice | with 15 amazing images. anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice is a detox juice everyone must have. Learn how to make healthy Indian palak tamatar juice. Some foods are so easy to make yet so beneficial, you feel like saying – oh, why didn’t I know about this earlier! Well, the anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice is a perfect example. An apt blend of ingredients like spinach and tomatoes in anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice gives it a nice taste and consistency, while at the same time these ingredients are bursting with nutrients that work against cancer and inflammation, two of today’s killer diseases. Because we do not strain the healthy Indian palak tamatar juice, make sure you blend it really well. Give the mixer a break in between to avoid overheating. Once done, chill the juice and serve to boost the taste. If you don’t want it cold, you can have it right away! anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folic Acid. With only 20 calories for a glass of anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice, this is a perfect detox juice to have for weight loss. You can also try other nice juices like the Muskmelon Watermelon and Wheat Grass Juice and Palak, Kale and Apple Juice. Pro tips for anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice. 1. See that you give a break while you are blending the juice or else the mixer will get hot, if it is not a high end mixer. 2. Folate or Vitamin B9 rich spinach helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells It also helps prevent DNA changes that might cause cancer. Sometimes, when you complain of fatigue, skin problems or palpitations, the doctor prescribes folic acid tablets. Simple solution is to up the Folate rich foods like Spinach. 3. When one thinks of Tomatoes, only Lycopene comes to mind. Lycopene in the blood may reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases and decrease cellular inflammation. 4. You can replace apple cider vinegar with lemon juice. Enjoy anti cancer anti inflammation spinach juice | healthy Indian palak tamatar juice | cancer fighting detox juice | with step by step photos.
nachni paneer pancake recipe | ragi paneer pancake | healthy Indian red millet pancake | with 28 amazing images. nachni paneer pancake recipe | ragi paneer pancake | healthy Indian red millet pancake is a nutritious breakfast for strong bones. Learn how to make ragi paneer pancake. To make nachni paneer pancake, combine all the ingredients with approx. 1 cup of water in a deep bowl and mix well. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and grease it with ¼ tsp of oil. Pour a ladleful of the batter on it and spread it in a circular motion to form 125 mm. (5”) diameter thick circle. Cook it, using ¼ tsp of oil, till golden brown spots appear on both the sides. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make 8 more pancakes. Serve immediately with green chutney. Calcium is a nutrient that is required by people of all age groups, for healthy growth and maintenance of bones and teeth. A millet that is not consumed frequently by most of us, nachni or ragi is one of the greatest sources of calcium. Ragi paneer pancake is a simple way to get a tasty calcium-boost from a surprise ingredient – nachni. When prepared into a unique and delicious nachni paneer pancake, along with other ingredients like calcium-rich paneer, aromatic sesame seeds, flavourful onions and protein-rich besan, it turns out into a really tasty and useful treat. Remember these are nice and thick and heavy pancakes which will take a little extra time to cook. Serve these healthy Indian red millet pancake immediately on preparation, along with peppy green chutney. Every single member of your family will enjoy – and benefit from this treat. Diabetics, heart patients and weight watchers can include these pancakes in their menu for breakfast or snack. Tips for nachni paneer pancake. 1. Serve ragi paneer chilla with homemade curds to complete a healthy Indian breakfast. 2. Serve ragi paneer chilla with green chutney. 3. Serve ragi paneer chilla with green achar. 4. If you don't like onions, then replace them with cabbage or capsicum. Enjoy nachni paneer pancake recipe | ragi paneer pancake | healthy Indian red millet pancake | with step by step photos.
jowar methi roti recipe | jowar methi paratha healthy breakfast | masala methi jowar roti | jowar methi roti for weight loss | with 17 amazing images. jowar methi paratha is a satiating breakfast fare with only 87 calories per roti. Learn how to make jowar methi roti for weight loss. The taste and nutrient value of jowar is seldom remembered, but after you try this recipe, it will stay in your memory forever! A perfect combination of jowar and methi, along with flavourful onions, coriander and green chillies, makes this sumptuous masala methi jowar roti a tasteful way to boost your haemoglobin levels. To make jowar methi roti, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and knead into a soft dough using enough warm water. Cover with a lid and keep aside for 10 minutes. Divide the dough into 6 equal portions and roll out each portion into a 125 mm. (5") diameter circle using a little jowar flour for rolling. You may feel this rolling is a little difficult but with time and practice you will surely get it. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and cook each roti, using ¼ tsp of oil, till it turns golden brown in colour from both the sides. Serve immediately. Further fenugreek leaves are well known since ages for managing blood sugar levels. It has been combined with jowar flour, which has a medium glycemic index, but the high fibre content in jowar compensates the overall effect. Thus this jowar methi paratha healthy breakfast is a wise choice for diabetics. Weight-watchers and heart patients too can benefit from the fibre content of jowar methi roti for weight loss. The addition of onion in this roti is also beneficial. The antioxidant quercetin in the onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. We recommend this healthy recipe to kids, senior citizens, pregnancy women and women with PCOS also. Tips for jowar methi roti. 1. To make rolling easier, you can roll it between 2 sheets of plastic. 2. As a substitute to fenugreek leaves, you can try adding spinach leaves or cauliflower leaves. Enjoy jowar methi roti recipe | jowar methi paratha healthy breakfast | masala methi jowar roti | jowar methi roti for weight loss | with step by step photos below.
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