36 मसूर दाल क्या है ? ग्लॉसरी, इसका उपयोग, स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ, रेसिपी recipes

Table of Content
20 मसूर की दाल रेसिपीज | मसूर दाल का उपयोग करके बनने वाली रेसिपी | masoor dal recipes in Hindi | recipes using masoor dal in hindi |
मसूर की दाल रेसिपीज | मसूर दाल का उपयोग करके बनने वाली रेसिपी | masoor dal recipes in Hindi | recipes using masoor dal in hindi |
मसूर दाल के फायदे
मसूर दाल (स्प्लिट रेड मसूर, benefits of masoor dal, split red lentils in hindi), साबुत मसूर: 1 कप पकी हुई मसूर दाल 19 ग्राम प्रोटीन देती है। फॉस्फोरस से भरपूर होने के कारण यह कैल्शियम के साथ मिलकर हमारी हड्डियों के निर्माण में मददरुप है। साबुत मसूर या मसूर दाल फोलेट (विटामिन बी 9 या फोलिक एसिड) में समृद्ध है जो आपके शरीर में नई कोशिकाओं, विशेष रूप से लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं के उत्पादन में और उन्हें बनाए रखने में मदद करती है। मसूर की दाल मधुमेह और स्वस्थ हार्ट के लिए अच्छी भी है। मसूर दाल के 10 स्वास्थ्य लाभ विस्तृत में देखें।
A modified version of the traditional mulligatawny soup, this recipe features a medley of flavours that your taste-buds … More..
Recipe# 5430
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Be it a cold winter’s day or a sweltering summer’s one, there is nothing like a meal of … More..
Recipe# 7102
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
masoor dal tikki recipe | masoor dal vegetable tikki | healthy dal tikki with curd dip | with … More..
Recipe# 6134
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
sabji dewa musur dal recipe | Bengali style red lentil curry with vegetables | vegetable masoor dal | … More..
Recipe# 412
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
non fried daler bora recipe | Bengali masoor dal bhajiya | healthy masoor fritters | with 26 amazing … More..
Recipe# 7838
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
toor dal fry recipe | restaurant style toor dal fry | toor dal fry with rice | toor … More..
Recipe# 7636
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Four wholesome dals come together with a vast array of taste-giving ingredients to make the Char Dal ka … More..
Recipe# 6724
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
dal chenchki recipe | Bengali dal chenchki | healthy dal recipe | with 32 amazing images.A very interesting … More..
Recipe# 88
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Recipe# 6449
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
palak masoor dal for Babies and Toddlers | spinach masoor dal for babies | palak dal with masoor … More..
Recipe# 6289
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Hyderabadi Haleem is a one-dish meal , which has gained international acclaim.In Hyderabad, the dish is an indispensable … More..
Recipe# 6756
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
We are lucky to be living in a land of such diverse and dynamic cultures, and we should … More..
Recipe# 5499
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
microwave dal fry recipe | how to make dal in a microwave | dal tadka in microwave | … More..
Recipe# 5495
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
The masala used here is an aromatic mixture of spices, coconut and cashews. It sounds rich, and is … More..
Recipe# 5494
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Here is an authentic ‘punjab di dal’ that uses not only masoor dal, but another favourite ingredient of … More..
Recipe# 5493
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
vegetable panchmel khichdi recipe | mixed dal and vegetable khichdi | lentil vegetable khichdi | with 24 amazing … More..
Recipe# 5625
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
masoor dal soup recipe | masoor dal curry soup | healthy lentil soup | protein rich masoor dal … More..
Recipe# 5341
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Darbari dal, a quick fix dal that can be made when you are tired of making the same … More..
Recipe# 5258
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
masoor dal with spinach recipe | protein rich dal | dal palak | with 18 amazing images.masoor dal … More..
Recipe# 5187
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Suva masoor dal, a perfect combination with steaming rice, this low- cal spicy dal is perfect to get … More..
Recipe# 5070
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This irresistible Mixed Vegetable Dal is a chock-full of nutritious vegetables like kaddu, gavarfali and baingan along with … More..
Recipe# 5037
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
garlic lentil and tomato soup recipe | Indian lentil tomato soup | healthy lentil vegetable soup | with … More..
Recipe# 5027
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
South Indian tomato rasam recipe | thakkali rasam | easy tomato saaru | Udupi rasam | with 17 … More..
Recipe# 4971
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
mixed sprouts and chana dal tikki recipe | chana dal tikki | Indian sprouted beans cutlet | healthy … More..
Recipe# 4892
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An indian-style soup for the desi palate! together with slightly-buttered toasted bread, this is sure to comfort and … More..
Recipe# 1272
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Every region in india has its own specialty dal preparation. Similarly nearly every place in north india has … More..
Recipe# 4693
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A Lebanese khichadi flavoured with whole garam masalas. Rose water and milk add richness to the preparation. More..
Recipe# 4491
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Masoor dal is a storehouse of nutrients like protein, folic acid, iron and zinc. Protein is required for … More..
Recipe# 4437
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
chawli masoor dal recipe | healthy amaranth leaves dal with lentil | Indian chaulai dal | with 48 … More..
Recipe# 4386
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This recipe proves the fact that dal can be super tasty without being spicy. A mixture of three … More..
Recipe# 4335
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
calories per serving
A modified version of the traditional mulligatawny soup, this recipe features a medley of flavours that your taste-buds … More..
calories per serving
Be it a cold winter’s day or a sweltering summer’s one, there is nothing like a meal of … More..
calories per serving
masoor dal tikki recipe | masoor dal vegetable tikki | healthy dal tikki with curd dip | with … More..
calories per serving
sabji dewa musur dal recipe | Bengali style red lentil curry with vegetables | vegetable masoor dal | … More..
calories per serving
non fried daler bora recipe | Bengali masoor dal bhajiya | healthy masoor fritters | with 26 amazing … More..
calories per serving
toor dal fry recipe | restaurant style toor dal fry | toor dal fry with rice | toor … More..
calories per serving
Four wholesome dals come together with a vast array of taste-giving ingredients to make the Char Dal ka … More..
calories per serving
dal chenchki recipe | Bengali dal chenchki | healthy dal recipe | with 32 amazing images.A very interesting … More..
calories per serving
palak masoor dal for Babies and Toddlers | spinach masoor dal for babies | palak dal with masoor … More..
calories per serving
Hyderabadi Haleem is a one-dish meal , which has gained international acclaim.In Hyderabad, the dish is an indispensable … More..
calories per serving
We are lucky to be living in a land of such diverse and dynamic cultures, and we should … More..
calories per serving
microwave dal fry recipe | how to make dal in a microwave | dal tadka in microwave | … More..
calories per serving
The masala used here is an aromatic mixture of spices, coconut and cashews. It sounds rich, and is … More..
calories per serving
Here is an authentic ‘punjab di dal’ that uses not only masoor dal, but another favourite ingredient of … More..
calories per serving
vegetable panchmel khichdi recipe | mixed dal and vegetable khichdi | lentil vegetable khichdi | with 24 amazing … More..
calories per serving
masoor dal soup recipe | masoor dal curry soup | healthy lentil soup | protein rich masoor dal … More..
calories per serving
Darbari dal, a quick fix dal that can be made when you are tired of making the same … More..
calories per serving
masoor dal with spinach recipe | protein rich dal | dal palak | with 18 amazing images.masoor dal … More..
calories per serving
Suva masoor dal, a perfect combination with steaming rice, this low- cal spicy dal is perfect to get … More..
calories per serving
This irresistible Mixed Vegetable Dal is a chock-full of nutritious vegetables like kaddu, gavarfali and baingan along with … More..
calories per serving
garlic lentil and tomato soup recipe | Indian lentil tomato soup | healthy lentil vegetable soup | with … More..
calories per serving
South Indian tomato rasam recipe | thakkali rasam | easy tomato saaru | Udupi rasam | with 17 … More..
calories per serving
mixed sprouts and chana dal tikki recipe | chana dal tikki | Indian sprouted beans cutlet | healthy … More..
calories per serving
An indian-style soup for the desi palate! together with slightly-buttered toasted bread, this is sure to comfort and … More..
calories per serving
Every region in india has its own specialty dal preparation. Similarly nearly every place in north india has … More..
calories per serving
A Lebanese khichadi flavoured with whole garam masalas. Rose water and milk add richness to the preparation. More..
calories per serving
Masoor dal is a storehouse of nutrients like protein, folic acid, iron and zinc. Protein is required for … More..
calories per serving
chawli masoor dal recipe | healthy amaranth leaves dal with lentil | Indian chaulai dal | with 48 … More..
calories per serving
This recipe proves the fact that dal can be super tasty without being spicy. A mixture of three … More..

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- बच्चों के लिए प्रोटीन युक्त आहार 37 recipes
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- बच्चों का वजन कम करने के व्यंजन 31 recipes
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- 8 से 9 महीने के भारतीय बेबी के लिए अनाज और दालें 5 recipes
- 7 महीनों में खाद्य पदार्थों के सेवन करना 7 recipes
- टीनएजर के लिए 154 recipes
- स्टार्टस् रेसिपी, नाश्ते रेसिपी 1013 recipes
- ब्रेकफास्ट रेसिपी | सुबह का नाश्ता | 483 recipes
- मेन कोर्स वेज रेसिपी 878 recipes
- भारतीय सलाद वेज रेसिपी 130 recipes
- भारतीय मिठाई | अंडा रहित भारतीय मिठाई 329 recipes
- भारतीय सूप की रेसिपी | वेज सूप रेसिपीज | 128 recipes
- भारतीय पेय रेसिपी 191 recipes
- डिनर रेसिपी 613 recipes
- Indian Dinner1 0 recipes
- भारतीय लंच रेसिपी 541 recipes
- खाने के साथ परोसे जाने वाले रेसिपी 223 recipes
- यात्रा के लिए भारतीय 292 recipes
- बार्बेक्यू 13 recipes
- भारतीय फ्रोजन फूड्स वेज फ्रीज़र 67 recipes
- पूरे गेहूँ की रेसिपी 31 recipes
- मनपसंद भारतीय रेसिपी | कम्फर्ट फ़ूड 119 recipes
- डिनर मेनू 27 recipes
- आसान भारतीय शाकाहारी रेसिपी 39 recipes
- नया तरीका से 4 recipes
- बिना पकाए हुई इंडियन रेसिपी 27 recipes
- अड्वैन्स्ड रेसपी 59 recipes
- अंडेवाला केक रेसिपी 2 recipes
- माइक्रोवेव रेसिपी | माइक्रोवेव व्यंजनों | भारतीय माइक्रोवेव ओवन शाकाहारी 44 recipes
- अवन 212 recipes
- स्टीमर 50 recipes
- कढ़ाई 254 recipes
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- सिजलर ट्रे 3 recipes
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- प्रेशर कुकर 178 recipes
- तवा वेज 362 recipes
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- पॅन 113 recipes
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- नॉन - स्टीक कढ़ाई 119 recipes
- फ्रिज 68 recipes
- वफ़ल रेसिपी 2 recipes
- हाण्डी 9 recipes
- ज्यूसर और हॉपर 30 recipes
- इक्विपमेंट ग्रिलर 11 recipes
- टोस्टर 10 recipes
- गैस टोस्टर 3 recipes
- स्टीम रेसिपी, स्टीम्ड इंडियन वेजिटेरियन 30 recipes
- बिना पकाए हुई रेसिपी 108 recipes
- वेजीटेरियन बेक्ड इंडियन रेसिपी 108 recipes
- उबालकर कर पकाया हुई 45 recipes
- तली हुई रेसिपी 115 recipes
- तवा रेसिपी 124 recipes
- हल्का तलना वेज भारतीय 11 recipes
- माइक्रोवेव 20 recipes
- हल्के से तला हुआ रेसिपी 120 recipes
- प्रेशर कुक 66 recipes
- स्टर-फ्राय 19 recipes
- भुना हुआ रेसिपी 0 recipes