27 ब्राउन राइस, ब्राउन राईस, भूरे चावल क्या है ? ग्लॉसरी, इसका उपयोग, स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभ, रेसिपी recipes

Table of Content
ब्राउन राइस व्यंजनों का संग्रह | ब्राउन राइस का उपयोग कर भारतीय व्यंजन | recipes using brown rice in Hindi |
27 ब्राउन राईस रेसिपी | brown rice recipes in Hindi |
सबसे पहले हमें पता होना चाहिए कि ब्राउन राइस कैसे बनाते हैं
प्रेशर कुकर में ब्राउन राइस रेसिपी | ब्राउन राइस इन प्रेशर कुकर | प्रेशर कुकर ब्राउन चावल | Brown Rice ( Pressure Cooker Method)
भारतीय ब्राउन राइस रेसिपी हिंदी में | Indian brown rice recipes in Hindi |
1. टमाटर मेथी राइस | हेल्दी टोमैटो मेथी पुलाव | भारतीय टमाटर मेथी ब्राउन राइस | आयरन से भरपूर मेथी ब्राउन राइस सफेद चावल की तुलना में थोड़ा स्वास्थ्यवर्धक विकल्प है। जानिए हेल्दी टोमैटो मेथी पुलाव बनाने की विधि।
टमाटर मेथी राइस | टमाटर और मेथी के चावल | Tomato Methi Rice, Healthy Tomato Methi Pulao
खिचड़ी में ब्राउन राइस का प्रयोग हिंदी में | khichdi using brown rice in Hindi |
ब्राउन राइस खिचड़ी रेसिपी | हेल्दी ब्राउन राइस और मूंग दाल खिचड़ी | प्रेशर कुकर में ब्राउन राइस खिचड़ी | brown rice khichdi in hindi | with 17 amazing images.
ब्राउन राइस खिचड़ी रेसिपी | हेल्दी ब्राउन राइस और मूंग दाल खिचड़ी | प्रेशर कुकर में ब्राउन राइस खिचड | Brown Rice Khichdi, Healthy Lentil Brown Rice Khichadi
ब्राउन राइस का उपयोग करने वाले स्नैक्स हिंदी में | snacks using brown rice in Hindi |
ब्राउन राइस डोसा रेसिपी | क्रिस्पी ब्राउन राइस डोसा हेल्दी ब्रेकफास्ट | ब्राउन राइस डोसा के फायदे | सफेद राइस के साथ बने डोसा की तुलना में ब्राउन राइस और उड़द दाल डोसा थोड़ा स्वास्थ्यवर्धक है। ब्राउन राइस डोसा के फायदों के बारे में जानें। दाल और भूरे चावल का उपयोग इसे अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाले प्रोटीन का स्रोत बनाता है। ब्राउन राइस सफेद चावल की तुलना में एक स्वास्थ्यवर्धक है क्योंकि इसमें बहुत अधिक फाइबर होता है और इस तरह पॉलिश किए हुए सफेद चावल की तुलना में इसे अधिक पसंद किया जाता है।
ब्राउन राइस डोसा रेसिपी | स्वस्थ ब्राउन राइस डोसा | ब्राउन राइस डोसा के फायदे | ब्राउन राइस और उड़द दाल डोसा | Brown Rice Dosa, Healthy Dosa Recipe
soya chunks pulao recipe | soya chunks brown rice pulao | soya chunks vegetable pulao in a pressure … More..
Recipe# 3305
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
kabuli chana biryani recipe | chole biryani | veg chana biryani | healthy chole biryani | baked kabuli … More..
Recipe# 3750
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Bring rice and fibre-rich masoor together to create a low-cholesterol but infinitely tasty biryani. A special masala, and … More..
Recipe# 954
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
cabbage pulao recipe | spicy patta gobi pulao | healthy Indian cabbage rice | with 30 amazing images. … More..
Recipe# 3795
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
chick pea and mint rice recipe | healthy chana pulao | pudina chana pulao | instant pot chickpea … More..
Recipe# 3796
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Rice is usually a no-no for diabetics because it causes a quick rise in blood sugar levels. To … More..
Recipe# 4003
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Brinjal has a unique flavour that is enhanced by the masala used in this dish. Grind the masala … More..
Recipe# 4162
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
A medley of veggies add colour and flavour to this hot and spicy dish. Brown rice is a … More..
Recipe# 4163
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
palak chana pulao recipe | healthy chana palak brown rice | healthy vegetable brown rice | Indian spinach … More..
Recipe# 4164
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
paneer matar biryani recipe | brown rice veg biryani | healthy paneer brown rice biryani | green peas … More..
Recipe# 4166
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Jalfrazie is a combination of veggies flavoured with a sweet and sour gravy. The usp of this recipe … More..
Recipe# 4169
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
This dish is cooked in a traditional Indian deep iron pan called "handi". It is believed that cooking … More..
Recipe# 4171
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
As the name suggests, this dish brims with Tarkari (vegetables) and the nutrients that they contain. To add … More..
Recipe# 4172
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
An interesting way to serve brinjal and khichadi! Bharvan means stuffed, brinjal are stuffed with a spicy mixture … More..
Recipe# 4174
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Stylish, peppy khichdi! Layer the khichdi with a simple onion, curds and red paste gravy to make a … More..
Recipe# 4175
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
soya pulao recipe | soya vegetable rice | soya chunks pulao | soya pulao with brown rice | … More..
Recipe# 4307
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
Another dish with a combination of stuffed vegetables and khichdi, which are mixed together and pressure cooked till … More..
Recipe# 4176
06 December, 2024
calories per serving
masoor dal and vegetable khichdi recipe | tadkewali masoor dal khichdi | Bengali masoor dal khichuri | healthy … More..
Recipe# 3881
20 December, 2024
calories per serving
healthy kadhi recipe | low fat Gujarati kadhi | with 10 amazing images.Kadhi is one of the most … More..
Recipe# 7628
19 February, 2025
calories per serving
brown rice dosa recipe | crispy brown rice dosa healthy breakfast | brown rice dosa benefits | brown … More..
Recipe# 7176
24 February, 2025
calories per serving
brown rice khichdi recipe | healthy brown rice and moong dal khichdi | brown rice khichdi in pressure … More..
Recipe# 7175
24 February, 2025
calories per serving
rajma brown rice recipe | low salt rajma chawal | healthy rajma pulao | instant one pot Indian … More..
Recipe# 7114
24 February, 2025
calories per serving
On a busy day, a simple bowl of curd rice can come to your rescue by satiating your … More..
Recipe# 7103
24 February, 2025
calories per serving
Pulao is one of the most famous Indian rice dishes, all over the world.A pleasant medley of spices, … More..
Recipe# 7113
24 February, 2025
calories per serving
Neer Dosa is a special, indigenous recipe from Karnataka, which has a wonderful taste and unique texture despite … More..
Recipe# 7180
27 February, 2025
calories per serving
calories per serving
soya chunks pulao recipe | soya chunks brown rice pulao | soya chunks vegetable pulao in a pressure … More..
calories per serving
kabuli chana biryani recipe | chole biryani | veg chana biryani | healthy chole biryani | baked kabuli … More..
calories per serving
Bring rice and fibre-rich masoor together to create a low-cholesterol but infinitely tasty biryani. A special masala, and … More..
calories per serving
cabbage pulao recipe | spicy patta gobi pulao | healthy Indian cabbage rice | with 30 amazing images. … More..
calories per serving
chick pea and mint rice recipe | healthy chana pulao | pudina chana pulao | instant pot chickpea … More..
calories per serving
Rice is usually a no-no for diabetics because it causes a quick rise in blood sugar levels. To … More..
calories per serving
Brinjal has a unique flavour that is enhanced by the masala used in this dish. Grind the masala … More..
calories per serving
A medley of veggies add colour and flavour to this hot and spicy dish. Brown rice is a … More..
calories per serving
palak chana pulao recipe | healthy chana palak brown rice | healthy vegetable brown rice | Indian spinach … More..
calories per serving
paneer matar biryani recipe | brown rice veg biryani | healthy paneer brown rice biryani | green peas … More..
calories per serving
Jalfrazie is a combination of veggies flavoured with a sweet and sour gravy. The usp of this recipe … More..
calories per serving
This dish is cooked in a traditional Indian deep iron pan called "handi". It is believed that cooking … More..
calories per serving
As the name suggests, this dish brims with Tarkari (vegetables) and the nutrients that they contain. To add … More..
calories per serving
An interesting way to serve brinjal and khichadi! Bharvan means stuffed, brinjal are stuffed with a spicy mixture … More..
calories per serving
Stylish, peppy khichdi! Layer the khichdi with a simple onion, curds and red paste gravy to make a … More..
calories per serving
soya pulao recipe | soya vegetable rice | soya chunks pulao | soya pulao with brown rice | … More..
calories per serving
Another dish with a combination of stuffed vegetables and khichdi, which are mixed together and pressure cooked till … More..
calories per serving
masoor dal and vegetable khichdi recipe | tadkewali masoor dal khichdi | Bengali masoor dal khichuri | healthy … More..
calories per serving
healthy kadhi recipe | low fat Gujarati kadhi | with 10 amazing images.Kadhi is one of the most … More..
calories per serving
brown rice dosa recipe | crispy brown rice dosa healthy breakfast | brown rice dosa benefits | brown … More..
calories per serving
brown rice khichdi recipe | healthy brown rice and moong dal khichdi | brown rice khichdi in pressure … More..
calories per serving
rajma brown rice recipe | low salt rajma chawal | healthy rajma pulao | instant one pot Indian … More..
calories per serving
On a busy day, a simple bowl of curd rice can come to your rescue by satiating your … More..
calories per serving
Pulao is one of the most famous Indian rice dishes, all over the world.A pleasant medley of spices, … More..
calories per serving
Neer Dosa is a special, indigenous recipe from Karnataka, which has a wonderful taste and unique texture despite … More..

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