lemon squash

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The juicy, citrusy flavour and texture of the squash when diluted with chilled water and ice cubes makes for a drink you can eat. This concentrate can be easily made at home. Extract the juice of lemons, blend it with sugar and water, strain and bottle. Its extremely easy to make lemon squash, one needs to be careful only about the hygiene and juiciness of lemons.

How to Select

• Lemon squash is readily available commercially.

• The organic variety of this syrup can be purchased online as well.

• If purchasing it commercially ensure that the seal is unbroken.

• Remember to read the manufacturing and expiry dates carefully to ensure maximum product freshness.

• You can also make it at home with lemons that are particularly juicy and big.

Culinary Uses

• Chilled water and ice cubes when added to lemon squash with a sprig of mint make for an extremely refreshing drink.

• When flavouring a cocktail or mocktail, use this syrup.

• This squash has versatile uses in the kitchen and can be used a topping on desserts, served with vanilla ice cream or crafting flavoured sorbets for children.

How to Store

• Until the seal is broken, store the unopened bottle in a cool, dry place at room temperature.

• After breaking the seal, refrigerate the product to extend its shelf life.

• Since syrups contains a high amount of sugar, it acts as a preservative and ensures that the product has a long shelf life.

• Unopened bottles remain for a year with the flavour and taste of lemon intact.

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