Chopped iceberg lettuce
Lettuce should be washed very well since the leaves and stems tend to collect sand and soil. Hold the head of lettuce in both hands with the root end toward the counter. Smack it hard right on the root end and the core will come right out, leaving you with nice leaves. Put the washed leaves on a chopping board and chop them in small 1-2 inch sized pieces.
Shredded iceberg lettuce

The leaves can be shredded coarsely in a shredded or manually, using a sharp knife. Cut the greens in thin slices and then break up the pieces in shreds using fingers. Shredded lettuce is used as a garnish , in coleslaws or merely to reduce the cooking time.
· Drizzle iceberg lettuce with olive oil and lemon juice and serve as a salad.
· Iceberg lettuce makes a beautifully crisp, fresh and tasty base for salads.
· Serve steamed lettuce with black-eyed peas and brown rice for a Southern inspired meal.
· Use lightly steamed, cooled and chopped iceberg lettuce as a filling in your sushi vegetable rolls.
· Healthy sauté iceberg lettuce with tofu, garlic and crushed chili peppers for a meal that will definitely add spice to your life.
How to store iceberg lettuce, iceberg salad ke patte
Store unwashed lettuce in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag. They should be placed in the refrigerator crisper where they will keep for three to five days, but the sooner they are eaten, the better they will taste.
Health benefits of iceberg lettuce, iceberg salad ke patte
· Low in saturated fat and cholesterol (practically none) it's a good source of iron, vitamin B6, K, A, and C.
· Iceberg lettuce are an excellent source of folate and a very good source of vitamin B6 and antioxidants called both of which are needed to keep levels of homocysteine, a potentially dangerous molecule, low.
· Iceberg lettuce is high in dietary fiber, and contains traces of omega fatty acids, which is important for allover health. Folate is another benefit that iceberg lettuce provides, which helps fight heart disease.
· In addition, lettuce are a very good source of riboflavin, another important B vitamin for cardiovascular health since it is necessary for the proper functioning of B6.