sugarcane juice

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What is sugarcane juice, ganne ka ras, ganna juice?

Face it - every once in a while people just have to have something sweet. So what do you reach for? Hopefully not for the white, refined sugar. So it seems like you have to deny your need for sweets or choose between the frying pan and the fire, right? Well, fortunately, there is another option. As long as you use it sparingly, dried cane juice is a natural source of sweetness that can be a part of a healthy diet.

Sugarcane juice is a popular refreshing drink. It is extracted by crushing the sugarcane between roller drums and served with or without added ice.

How to select sugarcane juice, ganne ka ras, ganna juice

Before consuming the juice, check on the hygienic conditions maintained by the juice parlor. Confirm on the glass and the equipments too. Ask for the desired juice with or without sugar, lemon, ginger and chaat masala. Cane juice is available throughout the year.

Culinary Uses of sugarcane juice, ganne ka ras, ganna juice

· Use evaporated cane juice in place of sugar when sweetening coffee or tea.

· Muddle fresh mint leaves, limes and cane juice and add this mixture to sparkling water to make a non-alcoholic version drink.

· Use cane juice in place of refined sugar for baking.

· Sprinkle cane juice on top of a sliced grapefruit and broil.

· Enjoy one of the favorite kids classics - cinnamon toast - with a healthy twist. Drizzle flaxseed oil onto whole wheat toast and then sprinkle with cinnamon and cane juice.

· It is a flavourful drink on its own and also popular with a twist of lemon and ginger and can be mixed with any other juice to produce cocktails.

How to store sugarcane juice, ganne ka ras, ganna juice

Sugarcane juice should be strictly consumed fresh only

Health benefits of sugarcane juice, ganne ka ras, ganna juice


· Often sugarcane juice is used as a remedy for jaundice in folk medicine.

· Sugarcane is a rich source of iron, potassium and calcium.

· Sugarcane juice is a high-energy drink that is natural, sweet and is a healthy alternative to refined sugar added drinks.

· It quickly replaces lost energy in the most arduous of circumstances.

· It is a flavourful drink on its own and also popular with a twist of lemon and can be mixed with any other juice to produce cocktails high in carbohydrate and vitamins.

· It is one of the best sources of energy. The sugar in cane juice provides the glucose, which is stored, as glycogen to be burned by muscles when required.

· Sugarcane juice delivers a boost of carbohydrate energy to the working muscles. This helps to maximize sporting performance and endurance.

· Sugarcane juice is naturally formulated with carbohydrate, which provides rapid energy for the working muscles. Carbohydrate provides 4 kcal (17 kJ) of energy per gram.

· Sugarcane juice is a great preventive and healing source for sore throat, cold and flu.

· It has a low glycemic index which keeps the body healthy.

· Due to its alkaline nature, it helps to fight cancer. Studies indicate that it has positive activity against prostate and breast cancer cells.

· It hydrates the body quickly when exposed to prolong heat and physical activity.

· They are excellent substitutes for aerated drinks and cola.

· It refreshes and energizes the body instantly as it is rich in carbohydrates.

· Sugarcane strengthens the stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes brain.

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