garlic salt

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Garlic salt is a flavoured salt used as food seasoning made of a mixture of dried ground garlic and table salt with an anti-caking agent. In its most basic form it is made by combining 3 parts salt and 1 part garlic powder.

How to Select

While buying from market, choose the salt which is crisp and not moist. Make sure to check for expiry date and the packet’s seal. It should not be mistaken with minced garlic, granulated garlic, or garlic powder, which are just ground dried garlic, also sold as spices.

Culinary Uses

• It enhances the flavour of foods like burgers, pizzas etc.

• They can also be added in marinates of chicken, fish or meat.

• They add a unique flavour to breads and loafs.

• They can also be used a dressing…just sprinkle on tomatoes and salads or on sautéed vegetables.

How to Store

Always store in air-tight container. When made at home, it can be preserved upto a month and when bought from market, it can be preserved upto its expiry date.

Health Benefits

• One benefit of garlic salt consumption is reduced serum cholesterol.

• Garlic consumption can decrease harmful LDLs, while raising the levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol.

• Consuming garlic in many forms, including garlic salt, can reduce blood pressure.


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