Nutritional Facts of Shingdane Chi Amti, Calories in Shingdane Chi Amti

by Tarla Dalal
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How many calories does one serving of Shingdane Chi Amti have?

One serving (100 grams) of Shingdane Chi Amti gives 144 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 15 calories, proteins account for 23 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 115 calories.  One serving of Shingdane Chi Amti provides about 7.2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Shingdane Chi Amti  recipe serves 6, with 100 grams per serving.

144 calories for 1 serving of Shingdane Chi Amti, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 3.8g, Protein 5.9g, Fat 12.8g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Shingdane Chi Amti.

See shengdanyachi amti recipe | Maharashtrian style danyachi amti | vrat peanut curry |

Shengdana Amti (Peanut Amti, Danyachi Amti) is a delicious curry made using peanuts as the base. Learn how to make shengdanyachi amti recipe | Maharashtrian style danyachi amti | vrat peanut curry |

Shengdana Amti (Shengdanyachi Amti, Danyachi Amti, Peanut Amti) is a Maharashtrian dish that simply means Peanut Curry, where Shengdana stands for peanuts and Amti stands for a curry. This is a very easy recipe that gets ready in no time.

This protein rich vrat peanut curry usually accompanies Bhagar. Groundnut powder is tempered with ghee and a couple of spices to make this simple Maharashtrian style danyachi amti. It is made especially for vrat (Hindi fasting) in Maharashtra.

As this dish is made of peanuts, it is high in protein. Not only protein, but it is also rich in fiber and aids in weight loss. Peanuts are also rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin E and lots of minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, magnesium, etc.

pro tips to make shendanyachi amti: 1. Coarsely crush the roasted peanuts for the great mouthfeel. 2. If you are serving it later, it tends to thicken then add little water and re-heat. 3. Serve it hot to enjoy its best flavour.

Is Shingdane Chi Amti healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. But restrictions apply to some and switch to brown rice.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Peanuts : Peanuts contain Vitamin B1, Thiamine which helps form ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which the body uses for energy. A handful of peanuts gives you 7.3 grams of Protein. Peanuts, Almonds and Walnuts are rich in Protein and healthy monounsaturated fats which won’t spike your blood sugar levels and good for a diabetic snack and healthy heart snack. Eating a handful of Peanuts a day is said to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) in your body which is good for heart health. Read 11 amazing benefits of peanuts

Ghee : Other than calories and fats, the only nutrients that ghee is rich in are the vitamins – all of which are fat-soluble. All the 3 vitamins (Vitamin AVitamin E and Vitamin K) are antioxidants which have a role in removing free radicals from the body and protecting our cell as well as help in maintaining skin health and glow. Ghee is an excellent, high-quality selection medium of cooking because of its high smoke point. As compared to most oils and butter, ghee can handle a smoke point of 230°C, 450°F, thus its less prone to oxidant and destruction of nutrients. Yes, ghee does contain cholesterol, but some amount of cholesterol is needed by the body. Cholesterol has some functions to play too. It is necessary for hormone production, brain function, cell health and lubricating the joints. It is, in reality, a high quality fat for the body and brain. Ghee is loaded with fats but that’s medium chain fatty acids (MCT) which aid in weight loss. Ghee is healthy for daibetics in small amounts. Learn to easily make your ghee at home which is free of preservatives. See benefits of ghee

Coriander (kothmir, dhania) : Coriander is a fresh herb often used as a flavour enhancer in Indian cooking. It is mainly used as a garnish. This is the best way to use it - no cooking. This preserves its vitamin C content which helps to build our immunity and bring that sparkle to the skin. The antioxidants vitamin Avitamin C and the quercetin present in coriander works towards strengthening our immune system. Coriander is a fairly good source of iron and folate – the 2 nutrients which help in the production and maintenance of red blood cells in our blood. Good for reducing cholesterol and good for diabetics. Read 9 benefits of coriander to understand details. 

What's the problem ?

Jaggery (Gur) : When compared to sugar, which provides only empty calories, jaggery is considered to be a superior natural sweetener. Sugar is definitely one of the causes of many chronic diseases, but jaggery too needs to be consumed in moderate amounts. What you would consume is just about a tbsp (18 g) or a tsp (6 g). While those with heart diseases and weight loss can have a dessert made with this quantity of jaggery occasionally as an option to refined sugar, diabetics need to avoid this sweetener too as it can spike blood sugar levels instantly. Read is jaggery healthy for complete details.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Shingdane Chi Amti?

Yes. Peanuts contain Vitamin B1, Thiamine which helps form ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which the body uses for energy. A handful of peanuts gives you 7.3 grams of Protein. Peanuts, Almonds and Walnuts are rich in Protein and healthy monounsaturated fats which won’t spike your blood sugar levels and good for a diabetic snack and healthy heart snack.

Ghee is, in reality, a high quality fat for the body and brain. Ghee is loaded with fats but that’s medium chain fatty acids (MCT) which aid in weight loss. Ghee is healthy for daibetics in small amounts.

Can healthy individuals have Shingdane Chi Amti?


Shingdane Chi Amti is rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest). 

  1. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9): Folic acid is an essential vitamin required throughout pregnancy. Folic acid rich Indian foods (kabuli chana, chana dal, yellow moong dal, urad dal, tooval dal, til ) 27% of RDA.
  2. Vitamin B3, Niacin Rich Recipes : Vitamin B3 helps in brain functioning and mental health. Also healthy skin formation.  23% of RDA.
  3. Phosphorus Phosphorus works closely with calcium to build bones. 14% of RDA.
  4. Vitamin E rich foods, recipes  : Vitamin E balances cholesterol levels, repairs damaged skin and keeps hair shiny. 13% of RDA.


Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy144 cal7%
Protein5.9 g11%
Carbohydrates3.8 g1%
Fiber2 g8%
Fat12.8 g19%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A24.8 mcg1%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)2.8 mg23%
Vitamin C0.9 mg2%
Vitamin E1.9 mg13%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)54.6 mcg27%
Calcium21.2 mg4%
Iron1.1 mg5%
Magnesium40.3 mg12%
Phosphorus86 mg14%
Sodium4.1 mg0%
Potassium159.8 mg3%
Zinc0.8 mg8%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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