curly red lettuce

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What is curly red lettuce?

One of the kinds of lettuce, this mild, tender curly red lettuce is named as it has ruffled red edges. They are tender lettuce with a sweet flavor. These are also known as loose-leaf lettuce. Red leaf lettuces have soft leaves that are pliable and a crunchy stem. Ruffled edges make them perfect for adding visual interest to salads and sandwiches. This curly loose-leaf lettuce or red lettuce has fringed and crinkled leaves that are tinged deep red at their ends, with a fairly tender, yet crisp texture. The depth of colour varies with each variety. This variety of lettuce does not form a compact head. The leaves on a head of loose leaf lettuce arrange themselves around a central stalk and are generally large and curly. To use a whole head, you can twist the base of the lettuce to separate the leaves. You’ll find red leaf lettuce across the world. It is most common in North America and in Europe and Asia.

How to select curly red lettuce

In the market, look for heads with firm leaves and no signs of discoloration, slime, or spotting. They should be displayed in a chilled section in the refrigerator case to prevent them from wilting and becoming bitter.

Culinary Uses of curly red lettuce

• Drizzle curly red lettuce with olive oil and lemon juice and serve as a salad.

• Curly red lettuce makes a beautifully crisp, fresh and tasty base for salads.

• This curly and wavy lettuce adds body, flavour and decorative appeal to any salad.

• The dressing used while using red lettuce should be mild with soft herbs.

• Sandwiches can be made that much more special with a few delicately layered red and green lettuce leafs.

How to store curly red lettuce

Store unwashed lettuce in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag. They should be placed in the refrigerator crisper where they will keep for 1 to 3 days, but the sooner they are eaten, the better they will taste.

Health benefits of curly red lettuce


• Curly red lettuce contains the antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and quercetin, which is believed to help cleanse the body from toxins, prevent the damage caused by free-radicals and reduce the risk of heart disease.

• Low in saturated fat and cholesterol (practically none) its a good source of iron, vitamin B6, K, A, and C.

• It helps prevent constipation due to its high fibre content.

• As it has iron and phosphorus, it adds nutritional value to the meal.

chopped curly red lettuce

Lettuce should be washed very well since the leaves and stems tend to collect sand and soil. When washing these lettuces, separate the leaves at the bottom of the stalk, rinse to remove any dirt and dry gently between two paper towels or in a salad spinner. Tear leaves into pieces of the desired size. Put the washed leaves on a chopping board and chop them in small 1-2 inch sized pieces.

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