Also Known As
Tart Apples, Pie Apples.
Cooking Apples are the apples used primarily for cooking purposes in preparing recipes, rather than just eating raw. Such apples are larger, with firm flesh and give sweet aroma once cooked. Apples may be cooked whole or baked to give a softer feel. Apples may also be processed to make sauces, pies and stuffed apples. Cooking apples may also be eaten fresh. These apples appear from July to September. Cooking apples are tarter then eating apples and their shelf life is better comparatively.
How to Select
They are available in a number of varieties such as Red delicious, Bramley, Crab apple, Golden apple, Grenedier, etc. The flavor ranges from tart to sweet taste depending on the variety. Also the texture might be soft, tender to crisp. Select such apple which is apt for the required recipe. For e.g.' Golden Delicious apples are sweet but tender and make excellent pies. Avoid buying those which show discoloration or brown spots over the skin. Go for the fresh appearing apples, which are firm and hard to feel.
Culinary Uses
Apple is considered a versatile fruit. It may eaten fresh in salads or may be cooked. Many recipes call for cooking Apples.
" The most common use of cooking apple is in making apple pie and apple sauce.
" Sausage Apple Pie can be made by combining ground sausage and apple pie filling in a pie and topping it with cheddar cheese.
" Cooking apples can be used to prepare many deserts such as
" frosted apple bars,
" applesauce loaf cake,
" apple butter cake,
" apple brownie,
" apple cream pie,
" apple upside down cake, etc.
" Apples can be fried and sautéed in butter topped with cinnamon sugar and can be relished as a snack during teatime.
" Cooking apple may be boiled and the pulp can be added in juices to impart sweetness.
" Cooking apples can also be used to add acidity to salads or snacks.
How to Store
Cooking apples stay longer than the others. Apples must be stored under refrigeration at relative humidity of 80-90%. They have the tendency to absorb odors, so mind the other food stuffs kept along with. Apples can be washed thoroughly and placed in perforated net bags, or zip lock bags and then refrigerated. They stay fresh for a week at least. If you want to store a cut apple, just mix in a little lime or orange juice to avoid browning reaction due to oxidation.
Storage has little or no effect on photochemical, but processing apples greatly affect its photochemical nature.
Health Benefits
Apple is one of the most eaten and enjoyed fruits, which shows great health benefits. It is rightly said "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away".
" Apples are rich in photochemical and researches prove that daily consumption of apple helps fight chronic diseases.
" Due to presence of flavonoids, apple helps fight Cancer, especially Lung Cancer.
" People consuming good amounts of cooking apple have lower chances of thrombotic stroke attacks and decreased cerebrovascular disease. It also improves cardiovascular function.
" Due to the presence of the compound quercitin, a major component in Apple peels, it helps to lower the sugar levels and manage type 2 diabetes mellitus.
" Apple is said to decrease bronchial hypersensitivity and improve pulmonary function, thus helps to treat Asthma.
" It also helps in preventing age related problems like loss of memory. Thus one can be more alert.