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 Benefits of chukandar, beetroot, healthy recipes

  Last Updated : Dec 22,2021

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10 Health Benefits of Chukandar, Beetroot, Healthy Indian Beetroot Recipes

Popularly called as ‘Chukandar’ beet is the root of the beet plant. What’s the best part of the beet we all love? Believe it’s the sweet taste, deep red colour and the crunchiness. What else do you need in a vegetable? Nutrients right…. The lovely beets have that too…. Vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and above all negligible fat and loads of fiber. All these health credentials make beetroot one of the ‘superfood’.

10 Health Benefits of Beetroot

You can BEAT numerous diseases with BEET and stay fit. Listed below are a few of them…..

1. Beat Inflammation with Antioxidant Rich Beet: Chukandar has an important colour pigment called betalain, which not only gives beet its deep red colour but also has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties. This in simple terms means that beetroot is a good way to build your body’s defense against various diseases. Beetroot Carrot Peppers Salad for Work is a complete antioxidant treat.

Beetroot, Peppers, Carrot Healthy Salad for Work
Beetroot, Peppers, Carrot Healthy Salad for Work

2. Beat LDL Cholesterol with Nitrate Rich Beet: The Nitrates present in beet aid in detoxification and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. This avoid any blockage in the arteries. Try Beetroot Hummus and serve them with carrot and cucumber sticks, instead of fat laden readymade chips.

3. Beat Constipation with Fiber Rich Beet: The high fiber content of the beetroot, Chukandar acts as a bulk residue and improves body’s ability to digest food. It helps improve bowel movement and prevents constipation. A cup of chopped beet when added by way of salads or subzis is sure to fulfil your 1/5th requirement of day’s fiber need. You can even try just boiling beet, chopping it and consuming it with a mild sprinkle of salt as a high fiber snack in between your meals. Try a high fiber beetroot based snack like Flax Seeds Cracker with Beetroot Dip. 

Flax Seed Crackers with Beetroot Dip ( Healthy Snack)

4. Beat Fatigue and Stay Energetic with Nitrate Rich Beet: Drinking Beetroot Juice is said to increase the blood nitrate levels and decrease muscle usage of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the main source of energy to the body. Thus the athlete will have more energy left to train harder for long hours. You can also try combining a few veggies to make a healthy potion like Spinach Orange and Beetroot Juice. 

Iron Relish, Spinach Orange and Beetroot Juice

Iron Relish, Spinach Orange and Beetroot Juice

5. Beat Bone Breakdown with Magnesium Rich Beet: Beets are rich in Magnesium  (30.77% of RDA from a cup of chopped beet) which helps in the metabolism of calcium and potassium and formation of bones and teeth, thus avoiding fractures. Try Carrot and Beetroot Raita.

Carrot Beetroot Raita for Weight Loss

Carrot Beetroot Raita for Weight Loss

6. Beat High BP with Nitrate Rich Beet: The high Nitrate content of  Beetroots which get converted to Nitric Oxide result in the expansion the blood vessels and thereby lowering the blood pressure and ensuring proper oxygen flow to all parts of the body. If you often notice signs of high blood pressure, start your day with a glass of Mixed Vegetable Juice.

Mixed Vegetable Juice for Weight Loss, Beetroot Carrot Tomato Juice

Mixed Vegetable Juice for Weight Loss, Beetroot Carrot Tomato Juice

7. Beat Diabetes with Low Glycemic Load Beet: While Beets, Chukandar have a medium GI of 61, the Glycemic Load is only 5. Hence Beets will not raise blood sugar by a lot because the total carbs in it are low. Additionally, the high fiber content of beet will also assist in keeping a check on high blood sugar levels. Try combining beetroot with other veggies in the form of Beetroot Cucumber and Tomato Raita.

 Beetroot Cucumber and Tomato RaitaBeetroot Cucumber and Tomato Raita

8. Beat Anemia with Iron Rich Beet: If iron is lacking in the diet, iron reserves of the body are used. Once this supply is depleted the formation of hemoglobin is affected. This means the red blood cells cannot carry oxygen needed by the cells. When this happens, iron deficiency occurs and anaemia results. Beets are a fairly good source of Iron provided you consume a minimum of 1 cup of chopped or grated beet. They help you match your 10% of RDA. Make beet a part of your list of iron rich foods in the form of Beetroot and Sesame Roti.

 Beetroot and Sesame RotiBeetroot and Sesame Roti

9. Beat Cold, Flu and Cough with Vitamin C Rich Beet: The most important function of Vitamin C is its immune fighting effect. It forms an important defense against flu, cold and cough. The best way to get the most of vitamin C is to peel it and have it raw immediately or juice it in the form of Carrot Beetroot Parsley and Celery Juice. Chopping and storing it for long and cooking tends to reduce the vitamin C content. 

Carrot Beetroot Parsley and Celery JuiceCarrot Beetroot Parsley and Celery Juice

10. Beat Flab with Low Calorie Beet: With just 77 calories, 3 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat and 6.3 g of fiber from 1 cup of chopped beet, they are a definitely a meaningful addition to a weight loss diet.Virtually no fatmoderate amount of protein and high fiber together are important in achieving a healthy weight loss. Certainly it will add bulk and keep you satiated for long hours when had in the form of Beetroot and Dill Salad.

Beetroot and Dill SaladBeetroot and Dill Salad

Nutritive Information for Chopped Beetroot:

1 cup of chopped beetroot is about 180 grams
RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance.

Energy – 77 calories
Protein – 3 g
Carbohydrate – 15.8 g
Fat – 0.1 g
Fiber – 6.3 g

See full nutritional information of beetroot in beetroot glossary

benefits of chukandar, beetroot

beetroot, capsicum and carrot salad recipe | healthy paneer rocket leaves and alfalfa sprouts salad | folic acid, vitamin b1 rich Indian salad | with 35 amazing images. beetroot, capsicum and carrot salad is a one dish meal salad to carry to work. Learn to make folic acid, vitamin b1 rich Indian salad. A splash of colours and vibrant flavours, this healthy paneer rocket leaves and alfalfa sprouts salad is a real delight to munch on. Enjoyed as a lunch in the afternoon, it is sure to reboot your day and make you feel positively charged! The Beetroot, Peppers, Carrot Healthy Salad for Work is loaded with multi-textured ingredients with awesome health benefits like greens, veggies, paneer and more. A lemony, honey-tinged dressing boosts the flavour of the salad making it an exciting surprise for your palate. Vitamin A rich carrots are good for your eyes while beetroot is an excellent antioxidant . Red pumpkin is good for your heart, paneer provides the protein for your meal, rocket leaves give you iron, and olive oil is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. You can see that every ingredient that goes into this salad is beneficial for you, in a very very tasty way though! So, nothing stops you from giving it a try right away. Enjoy beetroot, capsicum and carrot salad recipe | healthy paneer rocket leaves and alfalfa sprouts salad | folic acid, vitamin b1 rich Indian salad | with step by step photos.
beetroot hummus recipe | Indian style beetroot hummus | healthy beetroot and chickpea dip | with 11 amazing images. In beetroot hummus recipe , we have combined chickpeas with beetroot, almonds, curd, garlic and other ingredients to make a dip that feels rich, has a vibrant colour and dynamic taste too. Kabuli chana, also known as chick peas, is the prime ingredient of any hummus. In this Indian style beetroot hummus, chick peas are soaked and cooked till done. Beetroot, garlic, almonds, curd and lemon juice are added to it as flavour enhancers. Curd and olive oil used in this homemade beetroot hummus is to ease the process of blending and give a smooth texture to the hummus. Curd will add on to your protein levels while the olive oil will lend omega-3 fats – the healthy fats known to protect your heart in healthy beetroot hummus. beetroot hummus is a quick dip which is sure to be enjoyed by people of all ages. Making simple beetroot hummus doesn’t take much effort. Imagine packing a nice, satiating beetroot and chickpea dip in your kids’ snack box. Along with something refreshing like cucumber or carrot sticks or lavash and pita bread, it would transform their break into a very jolly and relaxing time. The beetroot hummus is the perfect choice for kids, because it is colourful, healthy and filling too as it is loaded with chickpeas, almonds and beetroot. Apt ingredients like Garlic curds and lemon juice impart an exciting flavour and perfect texture to the hummus, which stays fresh in the tiffin box for around 5 hours. To save time, you can cook the chickpeas the previous night itself. If doing so, add a little more water when blending the chickpeas the next morning. Also pack some Chatpata Popcorn ( Tiffin Treats) in another tiffin for a perfect short break combo. You can also try other Lebanese delights like Lebanese Garlic Sauce and Whole Wheat Pita Bread. Enjoy beetroot hummus recipe | Indian style beetroot hummus | healthy beetroot and chickpea dip | with detailed step by step recipe photos and video below.
We have heard repeatedly that flaxseeds are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and are an essential food especially for vegetarians. But, many of us are at a loss of interesting ways to include it in our diet. While we do attempt to include it in mukhwas, raita, etc., here we present a very innovative way to consume this fibre, calcium and Omega-3 fatty acid rich seed in the form of crunchy herbed crackers. Serve it with the minty beetroot dip to enhance the flavour and health quotient.
spinach orange beet juice recipe | healthy beet orange juice | benefits of beet spinach orange juice | beet detox juice | with 9 amazing images. spinach orange beet juice recipe | healthy beet orange juice | benefits of beet spinach orange juice | beet detox juice is a nourishing concoction for any time of the day. Learn how to make healthy beet orange juice. To make spinach orange beet juice, add the spinach, orange segments, beetroot cubes and apple cubes a few at a time in the juicer. Add some crushed ice in 2 individual glasses and pour equal quantities of the juice over it. Serve immediately. iron being needed to make blood and deliver oxygen to the cells, its deficiency results in lethargy and slowed mental function. This beet spinach orange juice is apt to keep anaemia at bay as it has the goodness of spinach, beetroot, apple and orange. Spinach acts as iron builder whereas apples and beetroot impart little sweetness. Addition of oranges makes this healthy beet orange juice more nourishing. They have been added to benefit from their high vitamin C content, which in turn has a helping hand in enhancing the absorption of iron. The high nitrate content of beetroots is beneficial too. It gets converted to nitric oxide which result in the expansion the blood vessels and thereby helps in lowering the high blood pressure and ensuring proper oxygen flow to all parts of the body. Apple, on the other hand, add a dose of fibre . Thus there are many other benefits of beet spinach orange juice too! A glass of this beet detox juice early in the morning had on an empty stomach is great to cleanse your body. It also provides antioxidant which helps to fight the harmful free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation, thus maintaining the health of all organs of the body. From healthy individuals to obese and those with heart disease, all can relish this drink. A health tip for spinach orange beet juice. Enjoy this juice immediately on making to benefit the most from its nutrients. Enjoy spinach orange beet juice recipe | healthy beet orange juice | benefits of beet spinach orange juice | Indian beet detox juice | with step by step photos.
Carrot beetroot raita for weight loss | how to make easy carrot beetroot raita | healthy carrot beetroot raita | beetroot carrot raita | with 22 amazing images. Carrot Beetroot Raita for Weight Loss is a quick accompaniment which can be made in a jiffy at home. With very ingredients on its list, this raita wins every housewives hearts. Healthy Carrot Beetroot Raita is a quick fix recipe because you just need to grate carrot and beetroot and whisk curd and mix them with jeera powder and salt. No cooking involved at all. Adding carrot to this Beetroot Carrot Raita enhances the vitamin A content of the raita and the careful use of spices gives a distinctive Indian feel to it. It is also brimming with calcium, with due credits to the addition of low fat curd. Learn how to make easy carrot beetroot raita lending just 27 calories per serving, Include this raita as a part of a meal or relish it as an in-between snack. It’s a much more nourishing option than a bag of chips or a slice of cake. Welcome health and include this raita to achieve your weight loss target. Enjoy Carrot beetroot raita for weight loss | how to make easy carrot beetroot raita | healthy carrot beetroot raita | beetroot carrot raita | with step by step photos.
mixed vegetable juice for weight loss | healthy beetroot carrot tomato juice | vegetable detox juice | red detox juice | with 8 amazing images. Mixed Vegetable Juice for Weight Loss is a healthy concoction made with a mix of 7 vegetables. Learn how to make Healthy Beetroot Carrot Tomato Juice. To make Vegetable Detox Juice, you need to first buy fresh veggies and wash them. Chunky veggies like carrot and beetroot along with tomatoes are to be cut into cubes. While the greens like spinach, celery, parsley and coriander can be roughly chopped. Very finely chopped vegetables are not required in this Mixed Vegetable Juice for Weight Loss as we have to put them in a juicer to obtain juice. So add them a few at a time and collect the juice in a jar. This super 7 shot is guaranteed to chase away the blues and to put a glow back on your skin, thus preventing wrinkled skin and other diseases. Just one glass of Healthy Beetroot Carrot Tomato Juice everyday will give you rejuvenated feeling and high levels of immunity. Besides tasting delicious, this Red Detox Juice works good as a stress reliever for your body as it overflows with a mass of antioxidants like vitamin A, Vitamin C and vitamin E and folic acid. Antioxidants engulf the free radicals that enter our body and stop their deteriorating action on healthy cells and organs. Let the diabetics avoid having juices, as juices can hike up the blood sugar levels easily. But healthy individuals, senior citizens, pregnant women, kids and heart patients can enjoy sipping this Healthy Beetroot Carrot Tomato Juice. If serving to kids, then give them a straw. It will be an added attraction apart from the colour of this Red Detox Juice. Enjoy mixed vegetable juice for weight loss | healthy beetroot carrot tomato juice | vegetable detox juice | red detox juice | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
beetroot, cucumber and tomato raita recipe | healthy cucumber tomato beetroot raita | Indian style veggie raita | healthy vegetable raita | with 15 amazing images. Beetroot, cucumber and tomato raita is a nourishing accompaniment to any main meal. Healthy cucumber tomato beetroot raita is sure to satisfy your taste buds and hunger both. Learn how to make Indian style veggie raita. To make beetroot, cucumber and tomato raita combine all the 3 veggies along with the curd, salt and green chillies in a big bowl. To that add some roasted cumin seeds and asafoetida. Add some coconut and coriander for added flavour if you like. Mix well and the raita is ready for serving. Gather antioxidants like vitamin A , lycopene, betalain and Vitamin C from this healthy vegetable raita. These antioxidants will improve your resistance against diseases. Further it is also a rich source of protein, due to the use of curd. Thus this raita is a nourishing addition to cancer patient’s diet too. For kids to adults to senior citizens all can enjoy this healthy cucumber tomato beetroot raita. Senior citizens who have problems with chewing, can grate the beetroot and cucumber for ease of chewing. Diabetics, heart patients, hypertensives, PCOS , pregnant women, lactating mother too can look forward to this Indian style veggie raita as a satiating option to a bag of chips or a deep-fried samosa. Remember that later are made up of refined ingredients and loaded with fat – both of which open door to many diseases. Enjoy beetroot, cucumber and tomato raita recipe | healthy cucumber tomato beetroot raita | Indian style veggie raita | healthy vegetable raita | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
beetroot and sesame roti recipe | healthy beetroot and sesame thepla | beetroot paratha – healthy breakfast | with step by step photos. beetroot and sesame roti is a healthy breakfast which can be enjoyed by the whole family. Learn how to make til beetroot roti. A colourful roti tinged by the pink shades of beetroot and the savoury touch of til, with coriander powder and chilli powder for added flavour, the til beetroot roti is an ideal breakfast to pack in your kids’ lunch boxes as it is non-messy, tasty and healthy too! To make beetroot and sesame roti, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and knead into soft dough, using 1/4 cup water. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions and roll out each portion into a circle of 100 mm (4") diameter, using a little whole wheat flour for rolling. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and cook each roti, using 1/4 tsp of oil, till it turns golden brown in colour from both the sides. Serve beetroot and sesame roti hot. The compound betal present in beet is a powerful antioxidant which helps to fight inflammation and protect cell health. This in simple terms means that beetroot in beetroot and sesame roti is a good way to build your body’s defense against various diseases. The sesame seeds are a good source of iron. This key nutrient ensures a proper supply of oxygen to all parts of the body and prevents fatigue. You need iron to stay energetic throughout the day. Tips for beetroot and sesame roti. 1. Boil the beetroot in a pressure cooker than an open stove top cooking. It is easier and faster. 2. Remember to cool the roti well before packing. Enjoy beetroot and sesame roti recipe | healthy beetroot and sesame thepla | beetroot paratha – healthy breakfast | with step by step images and video below.
beetroot juice recipe | healthy Indian beetroot juice | calcium, Vitamin C and folic acid rich chukandar juice | with 13 amazing images. Learn to make beetroot juice recipe which is a healthy Indian beetroot juice for all to enjoy for a healthy breakfast. Bones form the framework your body rests on… and this calcium, Vitamin C and folic acid rich beetroot juice will make sure they remain healthy and strong forever! This beetroot juice is not only rich in calcium but also provides a treasure trove of other nutrients like vitamin C and folic acid. Carrots make the juice sweet that works well as a base when combined with juice of other fruits and vegetables. It is advised to drink fresh healthy Indian beetroot juice as it contains more easily assimilated calcium than milk. The high nitrate content of beetroots which get converted to nitric oxide result in the expansion the blood vessels and thereby lowering the blood pressure and ensuring proper oxygen flow to all parts of the body. So this is a perfect healthy Indian beetroot juice for those suffering from high blood pressure. Skip adding the kala namak in the recipe for those with high blood pressure. Chukandar has an important colour pigment called betalain, which not only gives beet its deep red colour but also has powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties. Tips for beetroot juice recipe. 1. Add 12 icecubes. This will chill the juice. 2. Carrots provide the necessary sweetness to the no sugar beetroot juice. 3. Carrots have the nutrient Beta Carotene which is a form of vitamin A, helps prevent deterioration of the eye as one gets older and prevents night blindness. Enjoy beetroot juice recipe | healthy Indian beetroot juice | calcium, Vitamin C and folic acid rich chukandar juice | with step by step photos.
 by Tarla Dalal
beetroot and dill salad recipe | Indian style beetroot dill salad | healthy chukandar and dill salad | with 16 amazing images. beetroot and dill salad recipe is an Indian style beetroot and dill salad. This is a tasty and quick beetroot and dill salad to make with simple ingredients like beetroot, dill, olive oil, and mustard dressing. In healthy chukandar and dill salad, Sweet beetroot and perky dill are a wonderful combination, both by virtue of their contrasting colours and their complementary flavours. With a simple yet tasteful dressing of mustard and olive oil, this combo transforms into an aesthetic beetroot and dill salad. To make beetroot and dill salad combine the beetroot, dill and mustard dressing in a bowl and toss gently. Refrigerate for 1 hour and serve chilled. Tips to make the beetroot and dill salad. 1. Peel off the boiled beetroots while they are still warm and discard the skin. You may end up with pink hands and pink stains so, make sure you use an apron and possibly gloves to prevent that. 2. Test the doneness of beetroots by piercing them with knife or fork, they should be tender and not raw. 3. For an added crunch, you can add some toasted walnuts or pine nuts to the beetroot and dill salad. Other ingredients like crumbled feta cheese for a salty flavor and cucumber for freshness and crunch can also be added if you like. See why this is a healthy chukandar and dill salad ? The Nitrates present in beet aid in detoxification and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. The high Nitrate content of Beetroots which get converted to Nitric Oxide result in the expansion the blood vessels and thereby lowering the high blood pressure and ensuring proper oxygen flow to all parts of the body. Replace vinegar with lemon juice in the recipe. Learn to make beetroot and dill salad recipe | Indian style beetroot dill salad | healthy chukandar and dill salad with step by step photos given below.
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