taco seasoning mix

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Taco Seasoning Mix is a zesty blend of authentic Mexican seasonings, including onions & peppers, thats certain to turn ordinary food into a fiesta of flavor. Taco Seasoning has a hearty flavor thats not too spicy but warm enough to complement a variety of meats.

For South-of-the-Border flavor appeal, Taco Seasoning Mix is the seasoning of choice. It usually includes spices like red chillies, garlic powder, salt, cumin seeds, corn starch, cayenne pepper or paprika. Preparing tacos at home has become quite easy with the availability of this mix. Brown the meat in large skillet on medium-high heat. Drain fat. Stir in Seasoning Mix and water. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Spoon into warm taco shells. Serve with toppings, if desired.

How to select

While taco spice blend can be bought ready ground, as with all ground spice, they do not keep well and soon lose their aroma. Whole spices, which keep fresh much longer, can be ground when needed using a mortar and pestle or electric coffee grinder. While buying packaged taco seasoning, check the expiry date and feel for lumpiness( sign of moisture inside the packet.

Culinary Uses

" Use this blend in taco preparations.

" The taco seasoning mix can also be added to curries, vegetable dishes, soups, or stews toward the end of cooking or sprinkled over the surface just before serving.

How to store

While commercial taco seasoning preparations can be bought ready ground, as with all ground spice, they do not keep well and soon lose their aroma. Store the spice blend in an airtight container and keep it in a cool dark place.

Health benefits

" Since the spice blend is added only in small quantities, it does not have substantial health benefits. However the use of onion, cumin and garlic are known to improve digestive complaints and immune functions.


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