satay sticks

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Wooden Skewers


Satay stick is a thin metal or wood stick used to hold pieces of food together. They are used while grilling or roasting meats, and in other culinary applications. Metal skewers are typically stainless steel and will have a pointed tip on one end and a grip of some kind on the other end for ease of removing the food. When grilling, wooden satay sticks or skewers must be soaked to avoid burning. Wooden skewers are often made from bamboo; however, other woods may be used.

How to Select

Select clean and fine satay sticks which are not broken or damaged. Varieties are available in market which makes the choice much easier and convenient.

Culinary Uses

• Small, often decorative, satay sticks made of glass, metal, wood or bamboo known as "olive picks" are used for garnishes on cocktails and other alcoholic beverages.

• Many types of snack food are sold and served "on a stick" or satay stick, especially at outdoor markets, fairs, and sidewalk or roadside stands.

• Wooden satay sticks are largely used in Thai and Mexican cuisines to make varieties or satays.

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