Also Known As
Cool Whip Topping, Non dairy Creamer, Non dairy whipped topping, whipped cream.
First introduced by Bird's Eye and then by Kraft Foods manufacturer, Cool Whip is a type of whipped topping or a whipped non-dairy substitute. It is made of water, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated coconut and palm kernel oil , sodium caseinate, natural and artificial flavour, xanthan and guar gums, polysorbate 60 , and beta carotene. It is propagated as a non dairy product, simply because there is no milk, cream or its product used in making it, but it does contain a milk derivative, casein.
How to Select
• Cool Whip is generally manufactured in the U.S and in Canada.
• The most easily available is the Jello Cool Whip, a product of Kraft foods.
• It is available in an aerosol cans or in plastic tubs of two variable sizes. Nitrous oxide is used as a propellant.
• It is distributed through grocery markets in a frozen state and may be refrigerated before serving.
• The available varieties of Cool Whip include Original, Extra Creamy, French Vanilla, Light, Reduced Fat, Fat Free, and Sugar-Free, made using Splenda. Flavour may also be added like chocolate or strawberry, which is seasonal.
• Since Cool Whip is hardly used in India, see to it that you buy fresh-looking packages.
• Dusty cans or torn labels can indicate old stock. Do not purchase dented or bulging cans.
Culinary Uses
• Being a topping, Cool Whip is mostly seen over the desserts. It can also be had as it is after chilling in the freezer.
• Easy banana pudding can be made using peanut butter. Just garnish the pudding with crispy wafers and a scoopful of chocolate Cool Whip to give it an appealing dessert look.
• Raspberry Cool Whip Jello makes a beautiful side dish or dessert for just about any party or a potluck. Serve it in a tall glass bowl to see the pretty layers through the sides. Garnish with fresh raspberries.
• It can be topped over a fruit pie with a jelly in the centre.
• Cool Whip can be scooped over a real chilled cappuccino or even over a cold coffee.
• Use the chocolate flavoured Cool Whip over chocolate milkshake.
How to Store
• Cool Whip, available in an aerosol can, is kept under a refrigeration temperature of 30 - 40' F for around 3 months, if unopened.
• Once opened, you can store it for 2-3 weeks, well lidded under refrigeration. You can also deep freeze it at 0' C and store it for 14 months. Once you thaw and use it, it may again be refreezed 3-4 times.
Health Benfits
• Cool Whip is an empty calorie food, i.e. high in calories with no nutrition.
• It is high in refined sugars and lead to increased glycemic index. Hence it not recommended for people with hyperglycemia and heart problems.
• Also people on weight loss or low carbohydrate diets are recommended to not consume it frequently.