Nutritional Facts of Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties, Calories in Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties

by Tarla Dalal
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How many calories does one Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties have?

One Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties (55 grams) gives 16 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 11 calories, proteins account for 4 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 0.9 calories.  One Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties provides about 1 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties recipe makes 8 patties, 55 grams each.

105 calories for 1 pattie of Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 10.1g, Protein 2.6g, Fat 6.1g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties.

See broken wheat and paneer patties |  dalia vegetable pattice | healthy bulgur wheat cottage cheese cutlet | with 25 amazing images.

Broken wheat and paneer patties are a nutritious and delicious Indian snack option that combines the health benefits of broken wheat (also known as bulgur or cracked wheat) with the protein-rich goodness of paneer (Indian cottage cheese). 

Making broken wheat and paneer patties
Cook bulgur wheat and cook for 10 minutes. Cool.
In a bowl add the broken wheat, carrots, onions, mushrooms, paneer, soya sauce, green chillies, whole wheat flour and salt.
Mix well with your hands. Divide the mixture into 8 equal parts and shape into patties. Cook the patties using a little oil on a non-stick tava, cooking on both sides till golden brown in colour. Serve broken wheat and paneer patties hot.

Is Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties​​ healthy ?

Yes, but conditons apply.

Let's understand the ingredients.

Dalia ( Broken Wheat, Bulgur Wheat) : High Fibre in dalia aids in managing Diabetes. The high fiber further assists in controlling the levels of cholesterol too, thus reducing the risk of strokes. Strong Bones are the backbone of our body. We are aware that with age our bone mineral density decreases and we need a good dose of calciumphosphorus and magnesium to maintain the health of our bones and dalia provides that. See here for detailed 8 amazing benefits of dalia.

Paneer + Low Fat PaneerPaneer contains high quality protein and calcium which aids in weight loss. Since paneer is low in carbs and high in protein it gets digested slowly and hence good for diabetesPotassium in paneer helps to reduce the effect of high sodium, by lowering blood pressure and contraction of blood vessels, resulting in improved heart health and reduced risk of heart attack. Low fat paneer is has all the same nutrients as full-fat paneer, but it is minus the fat. Great for weight loss and read the interesting article on benefits of paneer.

Onions (pyaz, kanda) :  Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defence against illness. Yes, it’s a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. The quercetin in Onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and good for heart diabetics. Read the benefits of onions

Mushrooms : One cup of Mushrooms contain only 18 calories and is safe to be consumed by those who have excess weight, heart disease and high blood pressure. Mushrooms has a Glycemic Index of 15 which is very low and is diabetic friendly. The B-vitamins Thiamine (B1)Riboflavin (B2)Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6) and Folic acid (B9) which are present in good amounts in mushrooms are involved in various metabolic reactions in the body. See the detailed 8 benefits of mushrooms.

Coconut Oil : Use coconut oil instead of processed seed oils like soyabean oil, canola, sunflower oil, corn oil and other omega-6 rich oils should be used in very low amounts.  Coconut oil is a medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s).  Unlike other fats, they go directly from the gut to the liver. From here, they are then used as a source of energy. As the calories in MCT’s are used straight away, they are less likely to be stored as fats in the body. MCT's have shown to improve your brain and memory function, they also give a boost to your energy levels and improve your endurance.  The MCT in Coconut oil reduces the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) while increasing the count of HDL cholesterol, maintaining normal blood pressure and good for diabetics. See detailed benefits of coconut oil

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Broken Wheat and Paneer Patties ?

Yes, but use low fat paneer and cut the amount of oil used.   Use coconut oil instead of processed seed oils like soyabean oil, canola, sunflower oil, corn oil and other omega-6 rich oils should be used in very low amounts. As always, restrict quantity.

Value per pattie% Daily Values
Energy105 cal5%
Protein2.6 g5%
Carbohydrates10.1 g3%
Fiber1.2 g5%
Fat6.1 g9%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A329.6 mcg7%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.6 mg5%
Vitamin C3.4 mg8%
Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)5.4 mcg3%
Calcium64.2 mg11%
Iron0.7 mg3%
Magnesium18 mg5%
Phosphorus122.7 mg20%
Sodium134.5 mg7%
Potassium65.6 mg1%
Zinc0.2 mg2%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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