Low Carb Indian Dinner Recipes | Indian Vegetarian Low Carb dinner recipes |
Dinner is the last meal of the day. Though it’s one of the main meals of the day, it should definitely comprise of less calories and carbs than lunch. This is because when you have lunch, through the day there is enough time for digestion process to get accomplished completely. For the same reason, it is advised to have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed. This gives your body to digest the food.
Broccoli Aur Paneer ki Subzi
It is best to cut down on carbohydrates at night, so you will find these low carb Indian dinner recipes to be very useful.
We make use of low-carb veggies, cooked in exciting ways ranging from grilled veggies and stir-fries to soups and dips. Try appetizing recipes like Avocado Dip and Grilled Bellpepper Carrot and Mushrooms.
Grilled Bellpepper, Carrot and Mushrooms, Healthy Accompaniment
What combinations of Indian low carb foods for dinner?
We have simplified this for you. First of all find an Indian bread to start your meal with. That would be Jowar based so try our jowar roti recipe. Pair that Jowar Roti with a raita such as Palak Raita and some good Indian paneer vegetable like Broccoli Aur Paneer ki Subzi and a protein rich dal like Moong Dal Sultani
Moong Dal Sultani
black bean dal recipe | healthy black bean dal | black bean dal with vegetables | bhatt ki dal | One serving of black bean dal is low in carbs 3% RDA, delivers 30% folic acid, of your Recommended Dietary Allowance ( RDA).
black bean dal recipe | healthy black bean dal | black bean dal with vegetables | bhatt ki dal
Indian low carb soup-salad combo for dinner
Soups and salads can certainly be nourishing if they are cooked with right ingredients in right proportion. Target fiber and adding less carbs in this meal combo. Make chunky soups to thick broths and accompany them with colourful salads made with a variety of dressings.
We have a few combos selected for you which are flavourful and at the same time low in carbs. Garlic Vegetable Soup and Lycopene Rich Tomato Salad is combo which has less than 10 g of carb in a meal. A hot bowl of Green Peas and Mint Soup along with vitamin C rich Lettuce Orange and Spinach Salad is yet another healthy combo which weight watchers can rely on.
low calorie pea soup recipe | zero oil green peas soup | healthy Indian matar soup
These low carb combos are sure to help you achieves your target of trimmed waist line.
On days that you want to only enjoy a big bowl of soup, try your hand at Capsicum and Bean Sprouts Stir-fry Soup. Colourful capsicum, crunchy bean sprouts and fresh coriander’s combo is just irresistible. Once tried, you are sure to make it again and reach out for second helping as well.
Low carb Indian Stir-fries for dinner
Stir-fries being made with only veggies are quite satiating because of the fiber they contain. They lend in very few calories and carbs but top up on antioxidants instead. These help to reduce inflammation in the body too. Broccoli, Spinach and Zucchini Stir-fry and Brussel Sprouts and Spring Onion Stir-fry are options which are sure to satisfy your palate and taste buds.
Brussels Sprouts and Spring Onion Stir-fry
A yet slightly protein rich option is French beans and chana dal stir-fry. This lends 2.8 g of protein, 2.5 g of fiber and only 70 calories along with 8.3 g of fiber per serving. Truly worth a try!
French Bean and Chana Dal Stir-fry
Mushrooms are still another healthy option, which everyone on low carb diet must turn to. Veg Stir-fried Mushrooms provide less than 5 g of carb…. Just perfect for a healthy dinner. They are very easy to make and just green chillies and garlic are enough to perk up the flavour.
stir fry vegetables recipe | healthy vegetable stir fry | quick vegetable garlic stir fry | This low calorie stir fry is typically made by stir-frying a mix of par boiled vegetables in a hot pan with a blend of spices and seasonings. The vegetables are cooked quickly over high heat, ensuring they retain their crispness and nutritional value. One serving of Stir Fry Indian Vegetables is low in carbs (5%, 10.9 grams), delivers 19% fiber, 24% vitamin A, 57% Phosphorus of your Recommended Dietary Allowance ( RDA).
Low carb grilled veggies for dinner
Veggies are the true friend of weight watchers. Steam, bake, grill or sauté, they are a bowl of health. Grilling veggies is an easier way of cooking them – not too many ingredients nor too many pots required. All you need is minimal amount of oil and herbs to pep up their taste. Prefer using olive oil in restricted quantity as it possess polyphenols – a type of antioxidant which protects body cells and maintains heart health as well.
Grilled Pumpkin, Grilled Baingan in Olive Oil and Sea Salt and Grilled Mushrooms are some flavourful ideas that we have presented in this category. Do give them a try!
Grilled Mushrooms, Healthy Accompaniment
High Protein Low Carb Indian Meals for Dinner
A high protein diet boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss. On the other hand, low carb diet helps to utilize the fat stores of the body. Thus this combo works perfect for weight watchers. Two interesting options that we have included in this category are Almond Bhakri and Dry Egg Masala.
Almond Bhakri is a wholesome substitute to Indian breads which are usually filled with carbs. Try making it and the aroma of this bhakri being cooked is good enough to tempt you. All you have to do is soak, peel and blend almonds and knead into a dough with little ghee and salt. Finally pat it with fingers on a rolling board and cook it on a tava. 3.2 g of carbs is what 1 bhakri offers. In reality, 1 to 2 Almond Bhakri are more than enough to satiate you at dinner time.
almond bhakri recipe | gluten free almond bhakri | almond flatbread | protein rich bhakri
Eggs are a very good source of protein, that’s known to all. What you need to remember while being on a low carb diet is avoid fried egg and at the same time not use oodles of oil to cook it. Try this recipe of Dry Egg Masala. Also do not get tempted to enjoy it with bread. Remember bread is made from maida – a refined ingredient which raises your blood sugar levels quickly and it has not many nutrients to offer.
Low Carb Drinks for Dinner
Drinks for a dinner can be the simple Chaas or a cup of herbal tea without sugar. Avoid the usage of sugar as that is high in carbs and has no calorie value. What sugar does it actually cause an inflammation to your body and that is really not good for you.
chaas recipe | plain Indian buttermilk recipe | plain chaas recipe
Try Tulsi Tea which is made from Tulsi or Basil and just has lemon juice added to it and is soothing at night. At all costs skip any aerated dink like Coke, Pepsi, Diet Coke as they are laden with sugar or artificial sweeteners which will push your insulin up and shut down your fat burning. So be sensible.
tulsi tea | Indian basil tea | tulsi tea for sore throat | tulsi tea for weight loss
What Carbs to avoid at night
Our list of Indian low carb foods can be found at
Low Carb Diet recipes
Low Carb Breakfast recipes
Low Carb Juices Smoothies Drinks recipes
Low Carb Lunch recipes
Low Carb Salads recipes
Low Carb Snacks recipes
Low Carb Soups recipes