Also Known as
Tuvar, Arhar, Pigeon pea, tovar, tur
Toovar is one of the most popular lentils in India, used in varied cuisines across the country.
Whole toovar lentils are yellow in colour with tan jackets, but they're usually sold skinned and split. They have a mild, nutty flavour, and are often cooked as a side dish or ground into flour.
How to Select
• Although toovar is usually sold skinned and split, whole toovar lentils are also available in some organic stores and larger super markets.
• They're sometimes sold with an oily coating, which you should rinse off before use.
• Check to see that there are no stones, insects or other forms of contamination.
• Check the package and use-by date before purchase.
Culinary Uses
• Whole toovar can be cooked, mashed and tempered to make tasty dal, which can be enhanced with onions, tomatoes, etc.
• Soaked or parboiled toovar can be combined with shredded veggies, lemon and vinaigrette to make a tasty salad.
• It goes well with soups, salads and rice dishes.
How to Store
• Sort the toovar to remove stones and dirt particles.
• Store in a dry, airtight container for up to a year.
• Adding bay leaves or dry red chillies to the container will help keep away weevils and other infestation.
Health Benefits
• It provides many of the nutrients your body needs, such as protein, fat and carbohydrates.
• It is especially rich in protein, the building block of good health.
• It also has a good amount of iron, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins.
• It is high in dietary fibre, low in saturated fat, and cholesterol free.
Soaked and cooked toovar