table cheese

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Any cheese that can multi task in its appearance as an accompaniment for appetisers, soups, salads, the main course and dessert, while pairing well with wine is referred to as a table cheese. From soft cheese like Feta and Fontina to semi-soft and hard cheeses like Gouda and Pecorino, there is a wide variety of table cheeses to suit every palate.

How to Select

• Depending on the cheese of your choice, they can be found in supermarkets and specialty stored sold as a solid block packed in brine, or as big chunks.

• Choose from a wide range of sizes, firmness, and textures.

• Ensure that the manufacturing and expiry details are read carefully before buying.

Culinary Uses

• Each table cheese varies from the other and can be had as is.

• Plan your menu in such a way that it accommodates the cheese of your choice from start to finish.

• Look for innovate recipes that are a blend of exotic flavours like a chilled watermelon with crumbled Feta cheese salad or baked potato, drizzled with olive oil, pepper, oregano and baked with crumbled table cheese topping.

• There are a great many uses for table cheese, be creative in the kitchen and innovate as you go along.

How to Store

• Exposing cheese to air causes it to dry out. This in turn hampers the original taste by making the cheese a little too sharp or sour.

• If you buy cheese stored in brine, continue using that for storage under refrigerated conditions.

• Always ensure that the product is sealed tightly and stored.

grated table cheese


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