Nutritional Facts of Instant Rice Dhokla, Calories in Instant Rice Dhokla

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 1145 times

How many calories does one Instant Rice Dhokla have?

One  ( 80 grams ) Instant Rice Dhokla gives 110 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 73 calories, proteins account for 12 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 5 calories. One Instant Rice Dhokla  provides about 7.7 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

110 calories for 1 serving of Instant Rice Dhokla, Cholesterol 1.3 mg, Carbohydrates 18.1g, Protein 2.9g, Fat 2.8g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Instant Rice Dhokla.

See Instant Rice Dhokla recipe | leftover rice dhokla recipe | leftover rice snacks | with 27 amazing images.

Instant rice dhokla is the all-time favorite Gujarati snack made with rice flour, suji and mild spices, dhokla is the perfect dish to enjoy with your cup of tea. Learn how to make instant rice dhokla recipe | leftover rice dhokla recipe | leftover rice snacks |

Leftover rice dhokla is an easy and instant dhokla recipe that can be prepared within minutes without much hassle. It is made with leftover rice, rava, vegetable, and regular spices.

This leftover rice dhokla recipe is the best way to use leftover rice rice to make this delicious snacks with a little planning, breakfast or dinner can be made it quickly. Do try this!

Tips to make instant rice dhokla: 1. You can also add grated vegetables of your choice like carrot, dudhi. 2. You can also add curry leaves in the tempering. 3. Instead of fruit salt you can add baking soda.

Is Instant Rice Dhokla healthy?

Yes, this is partly healthy. Conditions apply.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

1. Curd + Low fat Curds, hung curds :  Curds help in digestion as it has very good bacteria. Probiotics in curds acts as a mild laxative but, in case of diarrhoea and dysentery, it is a boon, if curd is used with rice. Curd is one of the richest sources of proteincalcium and minerals. They help in weight reduction, good for your heart and build immunity. Being low in sodium, it is safe to be eaten by individuals with high blood pressure. The only difference between curds and low fat curds is the fat level. Note that one cup curds gives half cup hung curds. Read the benefits of curds to include in your daily diet. 

2. Coriander (kothmir, dhania) used in making green chutney : Coriander is a fresh herb often used as a flavour enhancer in Indian cooking. It is mainly used as a garnish. This is the best way to use it - no cooking. This preserves its vitamin C content which helps to build our immunity and bring that sparkle to the skin. The antioxidants vitamin Avitamin C and the quercetin present in coriander works towards strengthening our immune system. Coriander is a fairly good source of iron and folate – the 2 nutrient which help in the production and maintenance of red blood cells in our blood. Good for reducing cholesterol and good for diabetics. Read 9 benefits of coriander to understand details. 

Besan : Besan has more good fat than whole wheat flour and also higher protein content. Rich in complex carbohydrates and with a low glycemic index, besan is good for diabetics too. Besan is high in Folate or folic acid, which is important for rapid growth and multiplication of red blood cells and white blood cells (WBC) in the bone marrow. See 10 detailed benefits of besan and why it's good for you. 

What's the problem ?

Rava (semolina, sooji) :  What's good? Semolina is a fairly good source of Magnesium and phosphorus which is necessary to keep our nervous system healthy and working. But once again, it’s minus the fibre which is also one of the important nutrient to maintain healthy heart. So don’t opt for just the plain rava upma… instead toss in some sprouts or veggies and limit the amount of salt used and then add it occasionally to your meals. What's the issue? Fibre is one key nutrient for weight loss and semolina is devoid of it. Semolina is not suitable for diabetics. For details read is sooji healthy?

Rice : Here are the pros for rice. Rice is a great source of complex carbohydrates, which is an important source of energy for our body. Moreover it is gluten free. Rice is low in fibre and therefore a good option for people suffering from diarrhoea. But rice is a good source of protein and B vitamins. 

What's not good in rice. Foods like rice are high in Glycemic index are not suitable for weight loss, heart patients,  diabetics as they affect the blood sugar control levels. However if rice is combined with high protein or high fibre foods, the glycemic load can be balanced. Thus its combo is a better choice as we have done in the recipe of panch dhan khichdi and toovar dal khichdiSee details of is white rice and parboiled rice good for you?

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Instant Rice Dhokla?

No, this is not healthy. 

Reasons why not good for diabeticsm, heart and weight loss. 

  1. Fibre is one key nutrient for weight loss and semolina is devoid of it. Semolina is not suitable for diabetics.
  2. Foods like rice are high in Glycemic index are not suitable for weight loss, heart patients,  diabetics as they affect the blood sugar control levels. However if rice is combined with high protein or high fibre foods, the glycemic load can be balanced.

Can healthy individuals have Stuffed Rava Dhokla?

Yes, but portion control.

Here are some Healthy Indian snack options.

You can have mag ni dal na dhokla | We have got you a very healthy dhokla recipe that is Mag ni dal na dhokla. 'Mag ni dal" is a Gujarati word for Green moong dal. We have made dhokla with mag in dal which has a lot of nutritional values and makes our dhokla super healthy.  Moong dal or green moong dal is rich in Folate , Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells and is pregnancy friendly.

Or try moong dal dhokla recipe as one healthy recipe option. 

Mag Ni Dal Na Dhokla

Mag Ni Dal Na Dhokla

Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy110 cal6%
Protein2.9 g5%
Carbohydrates18.1 g6%
Fiber0.9 g4%
Fat2.8 g4%
Cholesterol1.3 mg0%
Vitamin A86.1 mcg2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.4 mg3%
Vitamin C1.1 mg3%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)15.9 mcg8%
Calcium25.7 mg4%
Iron0.5 mg2%
Magnesium19.2 mg5%
Phosphorus47.6 mg8%
Sodium7.6 mg0%
Potassium49.3 mg1%
Zinc0.3 mg3%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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