Benefits of Halim Seeds, Garden Cress Seeds ( Haleem)
When you talk of health and nourishment, garden cress seeds shouldn’t be ignored or underestimated. Usually roasted and most commonly used in salads and soups, these are commonly known as Halim in Hindi, Asalio in Gujarati and Ahliva in Marathi. See below on why you should eat halim seeds.
Top 5 Health Benefits of Halim Seeds ( Garden Cress Seeds)
Here’s how these tiny Halim seeds benefit us…
1. Halim Seeds Reduces Fatigue - Cures Anaemia : A tbsp. of these seeds offer 12 mg of iron, which is difficult to source it from any other ingredient from such a small quantity. 60 % of iron requirement is fulfilled by consuming a tbsp. A simple concoction of Halim Water once a day or at least 3 to 4 times for 1 to 2 months can help increase your hemoglobin levels and cure anemia to some extent. Add a tsp of lemon juice to this water as lemon juice abounds in vitamin C, which further enhances iron absorption. Try it out…
2. Halim Seeds Acts as Galactogogue - Increases Breast Milk Production : Being rich in iron and a galactagogue (a food which enhances breast milk production), it’s beneficial for lactating moms. It’s considered a post-partum food, which is served to nursing mothers usually in the form of ladoo. This recipe of Halim Ladoo is a must-try for new mums feeding their bundle of joy.
Halim Ladoo, Halim Laddu
3. Halim Seeds High in Protein – Excellent for Weight Loss : The Halim Water concoction mentioned above works as ‘wonder food’ for weight watchers too.
Try having it on an empty stomach early in the morning or in-between meals. Its high protein content helps to satiate you and build muscle mass too. That’s your ladder to achieving a trimmed waist line.
4. High in Fiber – Beneficial for Gastro Intestinal diseases : Garden cress seeds are a good cure to constipation. The fiber from the seeds when had with water helps to bind the stools and aids in its east movement through the digestive tract.
5. Contains Phytochemicals - Halim Regulates Menstrual Cycle : These seeds are considered to be rich in phytochemicals which are similar to estrogen, thus known to help in regulating menstrual cycle. However it is recommended, especially for young girls, to consult their gynecologist before consuming garden cress on a regular basis as other hormone related drugs may also have been prescribed.
A Word of Caution : True to the fact that garden cress seeds have many health benefits, do not go overboard with it. The recommended serving size would be 1 tbsp (12 gm) 2 to 3 times a week or as recommended by your doctor / dietitian. It contains some amount of goitrogens which prevent iodine absorption.
Nutritive Information for Garden Cress Seeds (Halim):
1 tbsp of garden cress seeds is about 12 grams
RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance.
Energy - 55 calories
Protein –3 g
Carbohydrate – 4 g
Fat – 2.9 g
Fiber – 0.9 g
0.07 mg of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) = 5.9 % of RDA ( (about 1.2 to 1.6 mg for men)
0.07 mg of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) = 5.2 % of RDA (about 1.4 to 1.9 mg for men)
1.7 mg of Vitamin B3 (Niacin) = 14.3 % of RDA (about 12 mg)
See full nutritional details of garden cress seeds in Garden Cress Seeds (Halim) glossary click here.