Also Known as
Red apple, Lal seb
The Red Delicious is a cultivar of apple. It is the most widely grown apple in the world, red with darker red streaks, and five "points" on the bottom. It is probably the source of the iconic bright red apple in visual media.
How to Select
Purchase well-colored apples that are firm, with a fresh (not musty) fragrance. Skins should be smooth, with no bruises.
Culinary Uses
· Apples are a favorite fruit of many people for eating out of hand or in fresh salads. The fruit of many apple varieties are also excellent for making a wide variety of cooked products.
· Once cut, apples will discolour if left open to the air. To avoid discoloration, dip in an ascorbic juice (such as pineapple or lemon), sprinkle cut surfaces with lemon juice or cover with a cling film and keep refrigerated till use.
· Apples can be baked in an oven and served with custard or put into an apple pie or apple crumble. An apple is baked till it becomes soft. The core is removed and often stuffed with other fruits, brown sugar, raisins, or cinnamon.
· Apples are a natural way to sweeten cooked cereals, such as oatmeal, and they make wonderful desserts when baked in pies, cakes, muffins, and cobblers. Dried apple slices keep well and make a fine snack.
· Dried apple slices are also available which can be used as a snack or can be incorporated in various recipes.
· Apple juices, milkshake, ice cream and jam are favourite with most kids.
How to Store
Apples turn brown quickly especially when chopped finely or grated hence apply lemon juice. Store apples in a plastic bag in a cool, dark place of your refrigerator. Cold, humid storage ensures that apples maintain their crispness, juicy texture and full flavour.
Health Benefits
· "An apple a day keeps away" is enough to talk to about the fruit.
· Don't peel your apple. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel Antioxidants help to reduce damage to cells, which can trigger some diseases.
· Apples are beneficial in the treatment of both Constipation (raw apples) & Diarrhoea (cooked/stewed apples).
· Apples are also good for diabetics as the soluble fiber assists in regulating blood sugar, preventing a sudden increase or drop in serum sugar levels.
· Apples are of special value to heart patients, as they are rich in potassium and phosphorous but low in sodium. Also, effective for high blood Pressure because of its Diuretic effect.
· Apples have a mouth cleansing property which no other fruit possess.