Nutritional Facts of Momos Chutney, Calories in Momos Chutney

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 198 times

How many calories does one tablespoon of Momos Chutney have?

One tablespoon (20 grams) of Momos Chutney gives 19 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 9 calories, proteins account for 1 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 8 calories.  One Bajra Methi Garlic Naan provides about 1 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Momos Chutney recipe makes 12 tablespoons of chutney, 20 grams each.

19 calories for 1 tablespoon of Momos Chutney, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 2.3g, Protein 0.4g, Fat 0.9g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Momos Chutney.

See momos chutney recipe | momo sauce | momos red chutney |

Momos chutney, the perfect companion to those delicious steamed momos, is a flavorful and fiery condiment. Learn how to make momos chutney recipe | momo sauce | momos red chutney |

Momos red chutney is traditionally made with tomatoes, red chillies, garlic and herbs, it offers a burst of tangy, spicy goodness with every dip. Momos Sauce or Momos Chutney recipe which is sweet, sour, fiery and taste absolutely delicious with a plate of hot momos.

The bright red hue of this Momos Chutney depends on the variety of red chilies that you’re going to use. You can adjust the spice level by adding more or fewer chilies, but this chutney definitely adds a kick to the momos and take it to another level. Momos are packed with a lot of flavors but at the same time lack some heat so this combination is a match made in heaven.


This versatile momo sauce is not only great with momos but also makes a fantastic dip for any snack. You can also add this chutney in your Chinese noodles, to give some extra spiciness. 

pro tips to make momos chutney: 1. Adjust the heat to your preference. Use milder Kashmiri chilies and remove the seeds for a less fiery chutney. 2. For a richer depth of flavor, incorporate a teaspoon of soy sauce.3. Avoid adding water while grinding. The tomatoes and other ingredients will release enough moisture for a smooth consistency.

Is Momos Chutney healthy?

Yes, this is healthy, but conditons apply.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Tomatoes ( Cherry tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes ) : Tomatoes are extremely rich source of Lycopene. Tomatoes are a powerful antioxidant, super rich in Vitamin C, good for heart. Tomatoes are a Pregnant woman's friend and are rich in Folate or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Read about 13 amazing benefits of tomatoes.  

Garlic : Garlic has been proven to lower cholesterol. The active ingredient allicin present in garlic aids in lowering blood pressure. Garlic is also alleged to help regulate blood glucose levels for diabetics. Garlic is great for the heart and circulatory system. Garlic has an antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal function and can help in relieving common cold and other viral infections. To boost your immune system, have a garlic clove a day. Garlic is a top anti-viral food. The thiosulphate compound, Allicin, found in garlic acts as a strong antioxidant and protects our body from damage of free radicals.  Read here for complete benefits of garlic

Vinegar: Vinegar is acidic by nature due to the presence of acetic acid in it. This acetic acid is known to help in weight management and also aids in managing blood sugar levels in diabetics as it enables slow emptying in the stomach. Its acidic nature is also known to be beneficial in acting against bacteria in the digestive tract. However more research is needed in each of these fields to prove its health benefits. The negative effect of vinegar is that the acid in it can cause acid reflux and thus it can lead to or aggravate acidity.

What's the problem?

Sugar  (castor sugar ): Sugar used in the recipe is also called white poison. It is a simple carbohydrate with zero nutritional value. On intake, sugar will cause inflammation of the body which will last for many hours. It will spike your blood sugar level and shut down the fat burning process. This also causes high blood sugar levels in your body. The development of prediabetes comes from uncontrolled eating sugar and refined food products for many years and the classic symptom is if you have excess belly fat. This leads to diabetes and further onwards to heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, impotence and kidney damage. 

Cornflour ( Cornstarch) ProsCornflour is easy to digest because of the presence of insoluble fiber, thus benefits the gut. It’s gluten-free and can be consumed by those who cannot afford to have wheat. Cons. Cornflour is full of calories and carbs like refined sugar, thus a barrier to weight reduction. Those on weight loss diet must definitely not reach out for it. The high carbs makes it a No-No for a diabetic meal and restricted for heart patients. Read for more details is cornflour healthy


Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Momos Chutney  ?

Momos chutney, a spicy condiment typically served with dumplings, can be enjoyed by diabetics, heart patients, and overweight individuals with some modifications for a healthier approach. Here's why:

Potential Benefits:

  • Flavor Boost: Momos chutney adds a burst of flavor without adding significant calories.
  • Spice Options: Certain spices used, like ginger and garlic, can offer some health benefits.

Drawbacks to Consider:

  • Sugar Content: Some chutney recipes might be high in sugar, which can affect blood sugar levels for diabetics.
  • Sodium: Depending on the recipe, the chutney might be high in sodium due to added salt.
  • Fat Content: Recipes using oil or unhealthy fats can increase calorie content.

Tips for a Healthier Momos Chutney:

For All:

  • Natural Sweeteners: Instead of refined sugar, explore options like dates, raisins, or a small amount of honey for a touch of sweetness (use minimally for diabetics).
  • Reduce Oil: Use minimal oil for preparing the chutney. Consider dry roasting spices for added flavor without the fat.
  • Spice It Up: Spices like ginger, garlic, cumin, and coriander offer flavor and potential health benefits without significantly impacting blood sugar levels.

For Diabetics:

  • Portion Control: Enjoy the chutney in moderation.
  • Sugar Alternatives: Opt for sugar-free sweeteners or a very small amount of natural sweeteners like dates.

For Heart Patients:

  • Limit Fat: Avoid recipes using excessive oil or unhealthy fats.
  • Low-Sodium Approach: Look for recipes that are naturally low in sodium or use low-sodium ingredients. Explore using herbs for flavoring instead of salt.

For Overweight Individuals:

  • Portion Control: Enjoy the chutney in moderation as part of a balanced meal and be mindful of overall calorie intake.


With a few adjustments, Momos chutney can be a healthy and flavorful addition to your meal. Here are some additional tips:

  • Explore Recipe Variations: Look for online resources that offer healthier chutney recipes, focusing on reduced sugar, oil, and using low-sodium ingredients.
  • Fresh is Best: Use fresh ingredients like tomatoes, chilies, and herbs for the best flavor and nutrient content.
  • Make it at Home: Having control over the ingredients allows you to tailor the chutney to your specific dietary needs.

By following these tips, you can enjoy Momos chutney while keeping your health goals in mind. Remember, moderation is key!

Value per tablespoon% Daily Values
Energy19 cal1%
Protein0.4 g1%
Carbohydrates2.3 g1%
Fiber0.6 g2%
Fat0.9 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A101.1 mcg2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.2 mg2%
Vitamin C7.5 mg19%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)11.3 mcg6%
Calcium14.1 mg2%
Iron0.2 mg1%
Magnesium4.2 mg1%
Phosphorus9.2 mg2%
Sodium3.7 mg0%
Potassium49.5 mg1%
Zinc0 mg0%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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