lime peel

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Also Known As

Nimbu ka chilka, Nimbu Chaal.


Lime peel is the outer yellow or green colored skin removed from lime fruit with a sharp peel off the lime skin, you can use a peeler or even a sharp knife. First cut the two sides of the limeand then start peeling in round direction from one end to the other. You can also take the white portion of the lime, until the natural segments start showing.lime peel has a sour, tart smell which is very refreshing due to the volatile acids released while peeling lime.

Grated Lime peel can also be prepared at home by grating the lime peel using a cheese grater. Just rub the entire lime over the grater until the segments start showing. It is used in recipes, which require strong lime aroma and flavor.

How to Select

You can peel at household level easily. Choose the desired colored limes, green to yellow as per the choice. The limes must be firm and heavy, free of molds, cuts or bruises. Try getting dried lime peels in few selected food shops or those storing spices. Minced, powdered or dehydrated lime peels are also available. Manufacturers like S L G Agro, Guntur can be contacted online and lime peel can be ordered.

Culinary Uses

· Candied lime peel can be prepared by dipping the peels in corn and sudar syrup base after dipping in boiling water.

· Lime peels can be turned into casual titibits. Just sprinkle lot of salt and little sugar and allow to dry. It tastes yummy, specially liked by pregnant women.

· You can use peels as a zest while baking.

· The peels can be used as a garnish over drings as well as salads.

· You can try using it while brewing tea to give a fresh lime flavor.

· It can also be used while cooking of fish and meats.

· These also can be added to vinegrettes and salsas fo its tart sour flavor.

How to Store

Store the lime peels in freezer bags or air tight containers in deep freezer to avoid turning it hard due to loss of moisture. The dried or powdered ones can be packed in plastic air tight containers and stored in a cool dry place.

Health Benefits

· Lime peel has good medicinal properties. It can be processed to extract lime oil, which is said to have anti carcinogenic properties.

· The peel is used as a body scrub and as an ingredient in cleansing cosmetic products.

· It is an appetite stimulent as well as a digestive stimulent.

· It helps cure cough, cold and congestants.


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