cooking spray

Viewed: 16231 times

Also Known As

Cooking Oil spray, Oil spray, No Stick Cooking oil


Cooking spray is a spray made by combining an emulsifier and a propellant. Its purpose is to avoid the sticking of any food particles to the cookware or to each other.

You can also make it at home:

• Wash a plant mister or a spray bottle thoroughly.

• Add 2 tbsp. of canola oil or olive oil.

• Add ¾ cup of water. Close the lid.

• Now shake the bottle gently.

Always shake it before using.

How to Select

• There is wide variety of cooking sprays available in the market, including canola oil cooking spray, olive oil cooking spray, etc.

• You can select the one which is less caloric, and has a good shelf life.

• Olive oil cooking spray works the best as it is low in fat and can also be made quickly at home.

Culinary Uses

• Cooking sprays are used frequently in the kitchen.

• It has the ability to prevent sticking of food to pans and pots, making cooking easier and enjoyable.

• Whenever there is a sticky food ingredient, you can just spray a little cooking spray over it to avoid the ingredients sticking together.

• Your cheese grater can be sprayed with cooking oil spray to avoid any cheese sticking or lumping within the grater.

• While making cakes, the bottom of the pan can be sprayed with cooking spray instead of greasing it with butter, to allow the cake come off easily.

• Try spraying the measuring cups and spoons or spatula with cooking spray before using them to avoid measured ingredients from sticking to them. For e.g. honey or condensed milk generally stick to the cup or spoon. By spraying some cooking oil on the cup, we can make measuring less messy and also prevent wastage of foods.

• Moulds can be sprayed with it so that candies, gelatine, muffins, cupcakes, chocolates slide out very easily.

• It can also be sprayed on the knife before cutting sticky ingredients, e.g. ladies finger, hard boiled eggs, etc.

How to Store

• Just store it in its container itself in a cool dry place.

• Make sure that you shake the mixture before every use.

Health Benefits

• When you use a cooking spray, you can cut down on the oil used in preparing the recipe, thus cutting down the calories. This helps to a great extent in losing weight.

• Olive oil is commonly used in sprays. Since it is a mono unsaturated fatty acid, which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in our body, it is helpful to patients with hypercholesterolemia and heart disease.


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