coffee decocotion

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Decoction refers to brewed coffee- that is usually later mixed with milk and sugar and relished. Decoction (the act of boiling coffee to extract the flavor) has been around for centuries, and may be the oldest extraction method. A desi/Indian filter is usually used to make decoction. This is a two compartment utensil - the top part has minute holes in them.

Finely ground coffee is measured (per individual taste) and is added to this compartment and then, boiling hot water is poured. The water infuses with coffee powder to produce the brown liquid gold. The bottom part of the utensil is the collector, which collects the coffee decoction. Pour the boiled hot milk upto ¾ level of your glass and pour the coffee decoction for the rest of the ¼. Add / Do not add Sugar as per your choice.The golden rule of coffee decoction making process is to use one slightly rounded tablespoon of ground coffee for every 6oz. of water. The ideal brewing temperature for coffee varies depending on the type of coffee you are making. For "regular coffee" the ideal brewing temperature is between 195&0176;F and 200&0176;F (just below boiling). Espresso is brewed under pressure, and at a slightly higher temperature.

How to select

Filter Coffee-Powder is available with or without chicory. For better results, it is suggested to buy the pure powder and separately purchase a packet of chicory. For daily use, the pure filter coffee is healthier and during party seasons where you have lot of guests waiting for your aromatic coffee, you could use 75% pure powder and 25% chicory powder to get a thicker decoction.

Culinary uses

· The coffee decoction is used in South Indian households as filter coffee

· For cold coffee, the same procedure could be followed and after a shake-shake with a shaker, or a gentle running with a hand-blender, the coffee could be refrigerated for about an hour

How to store

Enemies of storing coffee are air, light, heat and moisture. When youre using pre-packaged coffee pillow packs and filter packs, your coffee is kept fresh until youre ready to brew. They lock out the air, the light, and the moisture. All you need to do is store your coffee at room temperature. Store your whole bean coffees in a cool, dark, dry place. And preferably in an opaque, airtight container. Always store the coffee powder in an air-tight container after opening the packet.

Health benefits

· Coffee contains Caffeine, which stimulates the brain cells and gives us instant energy

· Overconsumption of coffee decoction may have harmful impacts like nervous weakness, headache, irritability, depression etc.


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