Nutritional Facts of White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pasta, Calories in White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pasta

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 303 times

How many calories does one serving of White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pasta have?

One serving of White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pasta gives 385 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 172 calories, proteins account for 53 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 162 calories. One serving of White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pastaprovides about 19.2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

385 calories for 1 serving of White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pasta, Cholesterol 48 mg, Carbohydrates 43.2g, Protein 13.4g, Fat 17.1g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in White Sauce Pasta, Indian Style White Sauce Pasta.

See white sauce pasta recipe | Indian style white sauce pasta | pasta in white sauce | with 30 amazing images.

White sauce is the main ingredient in making white sauce pasta. White sauce is one of the mother sauces which is made using butter, milk and flour. It has a creamy, silky and smooth texture and bonuses with soothing flavor, it is not just perfectly cooked and combined with fusilli but also with colourful and crunchy veggies in White Sauce Pasta.

Here we have an extremely creamy, cheesy and luscious recipe which will definitely give you a roller coaster ride of tastefulness that is white sauce pasta.  

Pasta in White Sauce is a quick recipe with colourful vegetables like capsicums, vibrant broccoli and crunchy baby corn which is is pretty to behold and tempting to bite into.

Is Indian Style White Sauce Pasta healthy?


Indian-style white sauce pasta can vary in healthiness depending on the recipe and ingredients used. Here's a breakdown of the factors to consider:

Potentially Less Healthy Aspects:

  • Cream and Butter: Traditional white sauces often rely on heavy cream, butter, or cheese for richness. These ingredients can be high in saturated fat and calories.
  • Refined Flour: If the recipe uses refined flour for the pasta, it might be lower in fiber and nutrients compared to whole-wheat pasta.

Potentially Healthy Aspects:

  • Vegetables: Many Indian-style white sauces incorporate vegetables like peas, carrots, or cauliflower. These add vitamins, fiber, and nutrients.
  • Spices: Indian cuisine is known for its healthy spices like turmeric, cumin, and coriander. These can add flavor and potentially have health benefits.

Tips for a Healthier Version:

  • Lighter Base: Use lower-fat alternatives like Greek yogurt, low-fat milk, or even cauliflower puree for a creamy base instead of heavy cream.
  • Whole Wheat Pasta: Opt for whole wheat pasta or other whole grain options for a more fiber-rich base.
  • Vegetable Boost: Add more vegetables to the sauce for increased fiber and nutrient content.
  • Portion Control: Enjoy the pasta in moderation as part of a balanced meal. Pair it with a side salad or roasted vegetables for a more complete and healthy plate.


Indian-style white sauce pasta can be a healthy option, but it depends on the recipe and your choices. By making smart substitutions and practicing portion control, you can enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Compare Recipes: Look for recipes that emphasize healthier ingredients like vegetables, whole grains, and lower-fat dairy alternatives.
  • Hidden Sugars: Be mindful of added sugars in the sauce recipe.
  • Explore Alternatives: Consider healthier pasta options like chickpea pasta or lentil pasta for added protein and fiber.

With a little planning and customization, you can create a delicious and healthy version of Indian-style white sauce pasta!

Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy385 cal19%
Protein13.4 g24%
Carbohydrates43.2 g14%
Fiber2 g8%
Fat17.1 g26%
Cholesterol48 mg12%
Vitamin A661.1 mcg14%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.2 mg20%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.2 mg18%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.4 mg3%
Vitamin C26.5 mg66%
Vitamin E0.3 mg2%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)20.9 mcg10%
Calcium350 mg58%
Iron0.9 mg4%
Magnesium35.4 mg10%
Phosphorus231.6 mg39%
Sodium177.2 mg9%
Potassium229.7 mg5%
Zinc0.6 mg6%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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