Zero Oil Indian Recipes
baby corn palak recipe | healthy baby corn palak sabzi | Indian style baby c...
Stuffing them with spices and besan really enhances the flavour of brinjal in this dish! This subzi is easy and quick to make, as long as you have a...
The word 'Shahi' is immediately associated with rich, fat-laden and royal subzis. Here is a healthier version of the same, made with well-chosen ingre...
Gone are those days when you had to spend half a day in the kitchen preparing kofta curry! With this simple recipe, cooking becomes not only less tedi...
Yet another dish made with the versatile cauliflower. Since gobhi has a bland flavour, it can go well with any gravy and combination of spices.
Very popular with my grandchildren, this curry is best relished with steaming hot ...
The very word 'makhani' brings to our mind a rich gravy with lots of butter and cream! However, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that the same...
Though slightly time-consuming, this subzi is definitely worth the effort. Capsicum is a good source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights disease-...
Malwani gravy in its original cooking style requires lots of coconut and oil, making it obviously high on the calorie scale! For a healthier version o...
A traditional treat from the kitchens of Gujarati , the Tameta Muthia nu Shaak will amaze you with its fenugreek...