low calorie apple crumble recipe | low calorie baked apple crisp | Indian st...
Who does not like to dig into kheer, the all-time favourite desi dessert! But, if that lovely trea...
The enzyme 'jamboline' present in black jamun is considered to be a boon for diabetics. That makes this rich and creamy Black Jamun Ice-cream that is ...
Satisfy your sweet tooth occasionally without compromising your health with this low fat version of an all time favourite Indian dessert. Walnuts and ...
Warm, smooth, stewed apricots, topped with low-fat chilled custard and garnished with heart-friendly walnuts, this mouth-watering dessert is one of th...
Eating a fresh fruit salad steeped in fruit juice can be wonderful dessert idea. Do not peel the apples to retain the soluble fibre (pectin) that lies...
Fibre-rich fresh fruits get an exotic twist in this tropical fruit bowl topped with low fat, low cholesterol vanilla cream. ...
So simple, yet so delicious!! Cookies made with healthy ingredients like soya flour and dates are simply irresistible. The soya helps to decrease bad ...
A healthier version of the all time favourite comfort food - custard. Made here with low fat milk and served with stewed pears. ...
date walnut balls recipe | khajur akhrot balls | 3 ingredient vegan date nut...