Nutritional Facts of Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce, Calories in Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 10923 times

How many calories does one serving of  Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce have?

One  serving of  Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce gives 216 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 146 calories, proteins account for 42 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 28 calories.  One  serving of Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce provides about 10.8 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

216 calories for 1 serving of Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 36.5g, Protein 10.5g, Fat 3.1g.

See whole wheat pasta in low calorie white sauce recipe | whole wheat pasta for weight loss | Indian style whole wheat penne in white sauce is a healthier version of pasta full of cheese and no veggies. Learn how to make Indian style whole wheat penne in white sauce.

Satiating and delicious, the Indian style whole wheat penne in white sauce is an exciting meal in a bowl. Full of veggies and whole wheat pasta, this dish is a power-packed and fibre-filled treat that helps reduce bad cholesterol. The colourful veggies, apart from adding visual appeal and a lovely crunch to the dish, also pool in ample nutrients.

Antioxidant-rich capsicum, broccoli and carrots also prevent oxidative damage to the arteries. The best part is that all this goodness comes at a low calorie count compared to cheese and fat laden pasta. The white sauce in this luscious whole wheat pasta in low calorie white sauce is made using low-fat milk, with just a teaspoon of olive oil and wheat flour for thickening.

Is  Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce healthy?


Let's understand the ingredients.

Whole wheat pasta: Whole wheat pasta is slightly low in calories and carbs than refined pasta. What it has to offer is more fibre and some nutrients which many other pasta are devoid of. Thus whole wheat pasta made with loads of veggies minus the cheese is a wise choice for weight watchers and heart patients. Diabetics can also enjoy the pasta as mentioned above, but they need to restrict their portion size strictly. However, remember that whole grain pasta is not similar to whole grains. It is yet processed and will not have the same effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Hence we recommend the use of whole wheat pasta only occasionally.

Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil : Olive oil is a strong antioxidant and good for heart. Also its has anti inflammation properties. This is one of the healthiest oil you can opt for. It has around 77% of MUFA. Olive oil, especially the extra virgin olive oil, is unrefined oil in its natural state and free of chemicals. Moreover, olive oil also possess polyphenols – a type of antioxidant which protects body cells and maintains heart health as well. Popular in Mediterranean cooking, this oil works best for salad dressings or quick sautéing recipes. They cannot be used for prolonged cooking at high temperatures. Note that its a fat at the end of the day so don't consume too much. Read the super article of  which oil is the healthiest, avoid vegetable oil

Onions (pyaz, kanda) :  Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defence against illness. Yes, it’s a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. The quercetin in Onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and good for heart diabetics. Read the benefits of onions

Milk, Low Fat Milk, Milk powder : 1 cup of milk provides 70% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Calcium. Milk promotes strong bones. The Calcium in Milk helps to protect your teeth against gum disease and keeps your jaw bone strong and healthy. Milk is low in carbs and therefore does not raise blood glucose levels. However diabetics must consider including low fat milk as advised by their dietitian only so as to avoid any fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Protein is another key nutrient which milk is rich in - 8.6 g from a cup. So all those looking to build protein stores can add milk and its products like curd and paneer to their diet. One cup of Milk gives 10 grams of carbs.  Low fat milk has lower fat and the same benefits of milk

Capsicum (Bell Peppers, red, green and yellow capsicum) : Rich in vitamin Ccapsicum protect and maintain the lining of the heart. Low glycemic index (40) colourful capsicum are immune boosters. Colourful capsicums (red, green and yellow capsicum) are not only visually appealing but also good for your eyes too, as they contain antioxidant Lutein, which protects the eye from cataracts and degeneration of the eye. Capsicum is high in Folate or folic acid, which is important for rapid growth and multiplication of red blood cells and white blood cells in the bone marrow. See detailed benefits of capsicum

Broccoli : Broccoli is loaded with beta-carotene which converts to Vitamin A once it is inside the body. Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision. It is a good source of Vitamin C which boosts the immune system and fights off cancersheart disease and protects the body from free radical damage. Broccoli is a good source of folate and good for pregnant women. See here for 13 amazing benefits of broccoli.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have  Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce?

Yes. What we love is there are lots of vegetables which are rich in fibre to have along with whole wheat pasta.

Can healthy individuals have  Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce?


Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce are rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest). 

  1. Vitamin C :  Vitamin C is a great defence against coughs and colds. Have citrus fruits, lemons, vegetables ( capsicum, broccoli, cabbage). 165% of RDA.
  2. Calcium rich recipes : Calcium  is a mineral that makes bones stay strong. Required from kids to adults. 44% of RDA.
  3. Phosphorus Phosphorous works closely with calcium to build bones. 35% of RDA.
  4. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) : Vitamin B1 protects nerves, helps in carbohydrate metabolism, prevents heart diseases and helps produce red blood cells. 30% of RDA.
  5. Vitamin A rich recipes, Beta Carotene : Vitamin A is crucial for healthy vision, cell growth and healthy skin. Sources of vitamin A include yellow-orange fruits and vegetables like carrots, mango, papaya, peach, tomatoes, pumpkin etc. and other vegetables like spinach, kale, fenugreek leaves, broccoli, capsicum etc. 23% of RDA.


Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy216 cal11%
Protein10.5 g19%
Carbohydrates36.5 g12%
Fiber3.2 g13%
Fat3.1 g5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A1114.1 mcg23%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.3 mg30%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.7 mg6%
Vitamin C65.9 mg165%
Vitamin E0.6 mg4%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)16.8 mcg8%
Calcium263.5 mg44%
Iron1.1 mg5%
Magnesium48.2 mg14%
Phosphorus210 mg35%
Sodium87 mg5%
Potassium169.6 mg4%
Zinc0.4 mg4%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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